Broadway Star Joined: 6/25/20
The general consensus I'm seeing is that ITW doesn't need a full revival, but I hope they do a cast recording. I know it's somewhat rare for City Center productions. I wish we could've gotten one for Evita too.
Great cast, but DAMN... This show is done and redone more than Gypsy.
Ke3 said: "The general consensus I'm seeing is that ITW doesn't need a full revival, but Ihope they do a cast recording. I know it's somewhat rare for City Center productions. I wish we could've gotten one for Evita too."
is the most recent english cast recording the last broadway revival? that will have been 20 years ago when this production opens so that would be awesome to have a new recording
The last cast recording, yes. There’s the awful film soundtrack, though.
Jordan Catalano said: "The last cast recording, yes. There’s the awful film soundtrack, though."
just when i had put the movie out of my mind you had to remind me!
jlindsey865 said: "I know it’s early, but what are the chances of this transferring to a Broadway revival?"
It would be a huge gamble. Barielles and Park are who you need from a box office standpoint, and they're both in TV series' (one of which is shot internationally). But even with them, I don't view this as a money cast –– it's unknown how much box office clout Barielles has when she's not singing songs she wrote. ITW is oversaturated with the film and other recent NYC productions.
Is Park famous now from Emily in Paris? The show got a lot of visibility, but I don't get the sense that it has a passionate fan-base, and I'd be surprised if her character was a beloved fan-favorite. Having said that, I have a terrible barometer for the fame level of Broadway-actors-turned-tv-stars. TV is such a crowded market - sometimes being a regular on a TV show makes you an overnight star, and sometimes it's just a big stepping stone. And when you already know the actor from beforehand, it's difficult to tell which it is. Emily in Paris strikes me as just being a big stepping stone for Park, but again, it's hard to tell. If I'm right, I don't think she'd be a box office name just yet.
I would guess that Bareilles would still sell tickets on Broadway even outside of Waitress, especially since Into the Woods is a pretty accessible property that a lot of people know from seeing it done by their high schools, colleges, local theatres, etc.
Park is mildly notable –– moreso than Borle and Headley, but the Emily audience also isn't a great overlap with Broadway. Barielles would be the key to any box office success (and we still don't know how that would be after like 3 months)
Chorus Member Joined: 10/20/20
I'm so excited for this!! The only live production of Into the Woods I've seen was the 6 person Roundabout one and it was great. Also excited to bring my partner who loves the story but has never seen it live.
I’m praying for Ashley Park to become a certain notable/infamous Star Wars character who will surely make the jump to live action eventually… that would certainly boost her profile eventually if it happened.
Swing Joined: 10/2/14
Do you mean Aphra? I would love to see that.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/16/16
What are ticket prices normally like for Encores?
Broadway Star Joined: 10/11/11
People in this thread…
Every chance to see an incredible production of Into the Woods is a goddamn gift.
Retire Into the Woods? Clearly you don’t see the brilliance and importance of keeping Into the Woods as part of your life.
There is no such thing as too many Sondheim revivals.
Especially when this show will NEVER be dated
I hate this show, always have. But, I'll see it for this cast.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/9/21
rattleNwoolypenguin said: "People in this thread…
Every chance to see an incredible production of Into the Woods is a goddamn gift.
Retire Into the Woods? Clearly you don’t see the brilliance and importance of keeping Into the Woods as part of your life.
There is no such thing as too many Sondheim revivals.
Especially when this show will NEVER be dated"
Money_baby said: "Do you mean Aphra? I would love to see that."
Yes, Aphra! I have to admit though, I’m not sure Disney is ready to move its only “mature audiences only” character into the mainstream. Aphra is my favorite, but she’s also a chaotic-evil, horny, slutty, fascist-sympathizing sadomasochist who kills pets for personal gain. Not sure she’s exactly what they want for “the first out queer character in Star Wars mainstream.”
Swing Joined: 5/4/21
I’m loving the cast, although I was kind of surprised that Christian Borle isn’t playing one of the princes (considering his previous roles as - to quote him - ‘arrogant narcissists’)
But him as the Baker will be interesting to see!
Chorus Member Joined: 10/20/20
I got my tickets for May 15!!! Can't wait!!
Chorus Member Joined: 1/24/05
Is Ashley Park no longer a part of this? She is no longer listed on the NYCC website.
Ugh Think I have to fly in to see this. What a cast!
sarcadam88 said: "Is Ashley Park no longer a part of this? She is no longer listed on the NYCC website."
I don't believe she is apart of it anymore, they usually film Emily in Paris in the Spring time. But, JORDAN DONICA from My Fair Lady?!? Holy God how exciting!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/25/20
Too bad about Park. I miss seeing her onstage.
Darn, that sucks! I really like Ashley! Still SUPER excited about this! The rest of the cast is truly mind-blowing!
If Park is out, I truly hope they can get Betsy Wolfe. She was so so so so so good in the role at the Town Hall concert a few years ago - I’d love to see her do it again.
No discount code out for this, right?