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Scenes You'll Never Forget

#25Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 12:17am

"It takes a lot of deep personal struggle to relate. I remind myself of Elphaba/ Glinda so it was really memorable for me. With time, you'll gain life experience and learn to appreciate the genious of the song."

Rilly? Like, before high school or after?

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#26Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 12:26am

Namo- Age doesn't matter.

I relate to Wicked a lot because my boyfriend is black. I'm the only girl I know with a black boyfriend so both my and Elphaba are unique.

Anyway, my boyfriend is Elphaba too (because sadly, he's limited) and I am Galinda in the song. Because I know him I've been changed for good. When you live through this type of stuff you'll understand. Till then, you have to wait.

We are all kind of like the characters though. Everybody I know has annoying parents (like Elphie) and want to be perfect (like Glinda). So I don't see why you don't understand the song.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#27Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 12:33am

The only reason I will never forget For Good is because the lyrics are just bad.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "
Updated On: 6/19/11 at 12:33 AM

fashionguru_23 Profile Photo
#28Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 12:39am

The final moments of the 2007 London revival of Fiddler On The Roof.

Also, the last 20 minutes of the second act of Picnic.

"Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok. Have you guys heard about fidget spinners!?" ~Patti LuPone
Updated On: 6/20/11 at 12:39 AM

#29Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 12:47am


I can totally see how you can be confused and think the lyrics are bad. It's a musical about magic and friendship and then they talk about "boulders and streams and woods." It can be like where the _____ did that come from. You don't need that much life experience to get it if you analyze the texts. It's one of those really complicated songs you need to study to understand. It's not bad, I promise.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#30Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 12:52am

The final scene of Grey Gardens, with Big Edie calling to Edie as she stands at the gate.

Not While I'm Around and A Little Priest in the most recent Sweeney Todd revival.

The dressing room scene in the LuPone revival of Gypsy.

Mark Rylance's monologue in La Bete, as well as Joanna Lumley's entrance.

The Judas/Jesus scene in The Last Days of Judas Iscariot.

The final scene of The Little Foxes with Elizabeth Marvel.

Bernadette's Send in the Clowns.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

pinoyidol2006 Profile Photo
#31Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 1:08am

"Tell Her I Love Her" from Urinetown. I still don't believe Bobby died.

I like your imperturbable perspicacity.

#32Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 1:13am

Since I had my first trip to NYC last month, there are quite a few still memorable.

Book of Mormon - Joseph Smith American Moses, watching Andrew Rannell's when he realizes he's going to Uganda, Turn It Off when the lights go off and on, Sal Tlay Ka Siti, etc.

War Horse - Adult Joey's first entrance, the town reappearing at the end

The Normal Heart - John Benjamin Hickey's final moments. I have never admired an actor more.

There's also Another American: Asking and Telling, when Wolf is the mother whose son was killed. From where I was sitting I just caught this silhouette that gave me chills.

And, in a moment of self-indulgence, the scene between Alex and Ellen in the second at of The Little Dog Laughed. I directed a production and my actors always had me totally enthralled with what they did with that scene. Very little came from me.

blaxx Profile Photo
#33Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 2:20am

You don't need that much life experience to get it if you analyze the texts. It's one of those really complicated songs you need to study to understand. It's not bad, I promise.

Bwahahahaha! I too can't wait for the leftist intellectuals to come up with the essay that analyzes the highly cerebral music and lyrics.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

philly03 Profile Photo
#34Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 2:26am

Another one, "Forever Young / Fresh Blood" in Wildhorn's DRACULA, the musical.. Say what you want about the show, but this is one of the best physical scenes ever: 3 vampire girls come flying in to sing about drinking the blood of Jonathan, then an old Dracula makes a spooky appearance to silence them. Then during the song (within seconds) he becomes young again! Then flies up as his exit!

CockeyedOptimist2 Profile Photo
#35Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 2:30am

South Pacific: The overture and first scene the final time I saw the revival and my first time seeing it with Kelli O'Hara. I don't think I've ever seen such wonderful chemistry between two actors on stage.

Scottsboro Boys: The revelation of who the Lady is- a stunning ending to an amazing piece. And in the finale number, when Ozzie is called upon to speak and can't- the utter silence is heartbreaking.

Next to Normal: When Diana comes out with the cake and asks "What's wrong?" into her breaking down during "He's Not Here"- it killed me every time.

Red: Rothko and Ken priming the canvas- electrifying.

The Drowsy Chaperone: Man in Chair's monologue after the power comes back on into "As We Stumble Along (Reprise)".

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#36Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 2:35am

Speaking of Dracula- The Act 1 Finale when Dracula brings Lucy out from the grave and turns her into a bat. The last few moments of the act with the bat hanging above Mina's bed as she lets out a blood curdling scream are absolutely bone chilling and spectacular.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

Katia2 Profile Photo
#37Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 2:48am

The ending of scene 14 of Passion, after "No One Has Ever Loved Me." When Giorgio realizes that he loves Fosca, her disbelief and him reassuring her that he does, then her leading him to the bed.
Oh, the embarrassing tears. Can't even listen to the recording in public.

Kad Profile Photo
#38Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 3:23am

The first Washington scene in Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson. I've got to say- I adored the show and that production at the Public. It just appealed to my sensibilities so much.

The "City on Fire" sequence from the 2006 revival of Sweeney Todd. It was minimalist, sure, but so epic. I wish it had been recorded.

The subjects of the painting bowing to George at the end of the revival of Sunday in the Park.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

mallardo Profile Photo
#39Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 3:31am

The finale of A Chorus Line, "One", when all the men and women whose lives we've so heartbreakingly shared come out in formation in those gold costumes and we can't tell them apart anymore - they are no longer individuals, they are a chorus line, they are one.

Faced with these Loreleis, what man can moralize!

sergio_27 Profile Photo
#40Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 3:35am

Dan cleaning the blood from the chair in Next to Normal.

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#41Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 3:38am

God there's so many!
I'm not afraid to admit it though...For Good def. touched me. People on here can be so snotty when it comes to that haha

Of course, when the lights for Rose come up after "Roses Turn" is quite amazing...simple effect but amazing

All of Next to Normal really
RENT (I'll Cover You reprise)
Peter's "Send in the Clowns"
"Defying Gravity"

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."

sergio_27 Profile Photo
#42Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 3:52am

I regret having seen Wicked after years of listening to the cast recording. Listening to "Defying Gravity" and "For Good" touched me, but when I finally got to the show it bored me.

Something similar may happen when I see the revival or RENT. I love the music and I have seen the final performance on DVD but I haven't seen the show live yet.

When I saw ALNM last year I liked many of the songs, but not particularly Catherine Zeta-Jones rendition of "Send in the Clowns". I had not heard of the show before.

Mark_E Profile Photo
#43Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 4:47am

SPOILER for After the Dance and All my Sons

Nancy Carrolls breakdown and act two demise. Extremely powerful stuff. I wad right at the front and it was some of the best acting I have ever seen.

The Moment where the trigger is pulled at the end of All my Sons. Completely lost is at that moment and it has remained with me so strongly.

#44Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 5:34am

The first show I ever saw was Peter Pan, when I was seven years old. I don't think I'll ever forget Cathy Rigby flying over the audience, at the end of the show. That moment was truly magical, especially for a child.

The final few scenes of The Normal Heart ---
Hickey's performance, in those final moments, were absolutely incredible. I never admired an actor so much in my life.

algy Profile Photo
#45Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 7:00am

This thread has reminded me of so many things! I'm going for scenes where I can conjure up the memory, and almost see it playing out in front of me in my head, rather than great things that I've seen. Which leaves me with:

- Mark Rylance as Olivia in Twelfth Night at the Globe - charging around with a spear, and being utterly brilliant.

- From La Cage in London - the whole run up to I Am What I Am and then Douglas Hodge's electrifing performance

- The Finale of Sunday, again in London, with the picture drawing itself and everything coming together.

In terms of images stuck in my memory I have to add

- Wind in the Willows at the NT in about 1994 - the stage rising up out of the ground to show the animals homes

- Douglas Hodge as Uncle Al in La Cage - sitting forlornly and nervously in the corner during Look Over There

- The Line from the Revival of A Chorus line - which was my First Broadway show

there are so many more I could go on all day.

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#46Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 7:09am

Bernadette Peters looking down at me, teary eyed, as she finished Send in the Clowns.

fosca3 Profile Photo
#47Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 7:58am

The Seafarer -- Lockhart telling Sharky what hell is like, as the moon and stars slowly light up above the set, and then the moment when he pauses then says 'You would have loved heaven, Sharky'

Troilus and Cressida (at the RSC, with Philip Quast) -- when Achilles came in carrying Patroclus' body, bathed in red light, and in the quietest, deadliest voice, vowed his revenge on the Trojans

Angels in America -- Ethel with her hand on Louis' shoulder, helping him thru the kadisch when Roy dies

War Horse -- the tank scene, and when the 'dying' wispy horses come onto the stage, pulling the medical wagon

Faith Healer -- the end of Frank's last monologue, when he steps out to the front of the stage and says 'At long last I was renouncing chance'

Black Watch -- the scene with each soldier getting his letter and reading it, and then 'signing' what it said

You don't go to the dragon without a present - Mark Rylance

Taryn Profile Photo
#48Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 11:16am

YES the tank scene in War Horse. There have been few shows I've seen as visually satisfying as that one. Not an amazing play on the page, but the visual design was spectacular.

The close of the first act of Coram Boy.

AC126748 Profile Photo
#49Scenes You'll Never Forget
Posted: 6/19/11 at 11:31am

In The Normal Heart: The scene between Joe Mantello and John Benjamin Hickey, where they lose it towards each other and Mantello unloads the bag of groceries and throws them against the wall.

Vanessa Redgrave's final monologue as Mary Tyrone in Long Day's Journey Into Night.

Bernadette Peters' performance of "Send in the Clowns."

Patti LuPone's "By the Sea" in the Broadway revival of Sweeney Todd.

The final scene in the 2010 revival of A View From the Bridge.

Lopakhin's monologue after buying the cherry orchard, as performed by Simon Russell Beale. Also, in the same production, in the moment when Varya realizes that Lopakhin will never love her, Rebecca Hall dropped her head slightly and let out a single sob. It was perfect.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body
