I'll be there Thursday the 17th as well. Super stoked (mitchelled).
Broadway Star Joined: 4/20/15
3/23 for me. And really excited about this! I have been tracking it since I heard it announced, and actually planned my trip around this, and several other shows.
What a stellar line up. I've never seen any of them onstage so really excited for this show.
I did see Savion in Jelly's Last Jam and found him to be at once hugely talented and charming in the role of Young Jelly. I can't wait to see what he does with the choreography.
Their artwork is my favorite of the season. I hope window cards are done for Tuesday night! I can't wait to see what they look like.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/20/15
They are nice!
Of all the shows I'm seeing, I was hoping for something a little more whimsical for She Loves Me, but I know that's for another board.
I am definitely getting the Shuffle Along card if it's available.
I can see why you'd say that for She Loves Me, but I loved the production so much it still may end up on my wall alongside Shuffle Along as long I enjoy it as much as I hope I will.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/20/15
I've heard SLM is charming.
As for Shuffle Along, I'm almost tempted not to look at the reviews. It won't have been out for very long when I get to NY, and I'm sure they'll be great.
I feel like I want to go in fresh! Really anxious to see it!
I just checked Telecharge and can't believe how well this is selling. Gonna bite the bullet and splurge so I don't end up having to pay an insane price later on.
Updated On: 3/14/16 at 12:38 AM
I saw a discount code the other day that was good. I believe it was on Theatermnia. Orchestra and front mezzanine seats were $109.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
There were discount codes available previously, so those of us who acted early were able to get cheaper tickets. Not sure if they're still available.
I'm there Tues. My most anticipated show of the season.
Got a $55.00 ticket last week with the Theatermania code. Last row. Also, inside my envelope was a slip of paper that said "THERE WILL BE NO LATE SEATING".
It says that in all of our email confirmations for Tuesday, as well.
I was in the city on Saturday and picked up a ticket for 4/23 using the Playbill discount code.
I'll be very interested in hearing people's thoughts on this show. There's something very intriguing and alluring about it that sets it apart from the other new arrivals.
I used a discount as well but tickets were very scarce.
https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Broadways-SHUFFLE-ALONG-Sets-Rush-Policy-for-Preview-Performances-20160314 Rush for previews
Cupid Boy2 said: "Their artwork is my favorite of the season. I hope window cards are done for Tuesday night! I can't wait to see what they look like.
This! Also, this is Equity Fights AIDS week, right? Really hoping for a fully signed poster with this cover art!
Broadway Star Joined: 2/16/16
Play Esq. said: "Cupid Boy2 said: "Their artwork is my favorite of the season. I hope window cards are done for Tuesday night! I can't wait to see what they look like.
This! Also, this is Equity Fights AIDS week, right? Really hoping for a fully signed poster with this cover art!
I would love this! But I thought I read before that shows in previews don't collect. And even if they did, I'd think there is too much to do at at first preview to accomplish this.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/10/18
lucillefrank said: "https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Broadways-SHUFFLE-ALONG-Sets-Rush-Policy-for-Preview-Performances-20160314 Rush for previews"
Time to ask an obvious question I guess... is this policy the only rush policy that they'll have for the show, or is this just what they'll be doing during previews and then switching to another rush policy for the run of the show? I've never heard of preview-only rush before.
(I read the article that's linked here and the one on Playbill but neither one say if they'll have a real rush policy later on)
I do hope that there is some kind of rush policy after opening- I really want to see this show, but I'm wary of going in previews because I expect that they'll still be working on things throughout that time.
With the way its selling, maybe there'll end up being no rush policy at all. At the very least, though, there should be standing room for the sell-out performances once it opens and maybe in previews if the creative team doesn't need the space.
wonderfulwizard11 said: "I do hope that there is some kind of rush policy after opening- I really want to see this show, but I'm wary of going in previews because I expect that they'll still be working on things throughout that time." I always like to go during the second week of previews.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/28/13
It's intermission at the dress rehearsal...there's lots of trimming to be done but Audra is stunning
Updated On: 3/14/16 at 09:28 PMVideos