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Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's

Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's

Melissa25 Profile Photo
#1Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 1/20/16 at 2:49pm

I am really looking forward to this.  It starts April 23rd but I just wanted to share that I just got an email which indicates that they have extended it another 2 weeks, so it'll run through June 4th now.  

#2Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 1/20/16 at 2:57pm

I thought St. Ann's used to offer discounted nights, but I haven't seen that for this production. Did they stop doing that?

imeldasturn Profile Photo
#3Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 1/20/16 at 3:31pm

I saw it at the Young Vic and although the direction was so-so, Gillian Anderson was phenomanl.

ggersten Profile Photo
#4Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 1/20/16 at 4:00pm

Is St. Ann's going to show the "prequel" video?

broadway86 Profile Photo
#5Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 1/20/16 at 4:40pm

Seeing it in early May, so excited.

NJ_BroadwayGirl Profile Photo
#6Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 1/20/16 at 4:59pm

I'm looking forward to this too! And thanks to Melissa for starting the thread because it reminded me I need to call St. Ann's! I bought a ticket for early May months ago and have since been invited to a wedding that weekend. I'm hoping they'll let me exchange. 

I like a good rhyme more than a good time

#7Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/6/16 at 11:52am

I'm selling a pair of tickets for the first performance (4/23 @ 7:30) of Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's. I'm just looking to sell the tickets for what I paid for them. They were $119 for the pair. I've already checked with the box office and I can change the name on the tickets at will call. Please message me if you're interested! 

#8Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/6/16 at 12:08pm

I have tickets for 5/13! I love Gillian Anderson and could not be more excited.

Broadwaywest Profile Photo
#9Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/23/16 at 2:35pm

Anyone going tonight? Seeing it in 2 weeks.

#10Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/23/16 at 4:00pm

I PM you.  Would love to buy

#11Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/23/16 at 9:59pm

I don't know about discounted nights but they do offer a rush. 

VernonGersch Profile Photo
#12Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/24/16 at 2:03am

how is the show?  giving some thought about making a nyc trip to see this

id also add in 

long day's journey and she loves me

#13Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/24/16 at 6:25am

I saw it last night and loved it. Gillian was really amazing as Blanche but the entire cast was great. It also had this really cool rotating stage so depending on where the stage was at the moment you saw different aspects/highlights of the show. Definitely go see it if you can 

My only complaint is the seats were not comfortable for a long play. I was fine the first half but I couldn't stop fidgeting during the second half because I was in pain. 

#14Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/24/16 at 8:51pm

If anyone has details on whether Gillian Anderson comes out after the show and is willing to sign programs, I'd be super grateful if you would share.

My friend and I are planning on seeing the show in May. He wants to get an autograph for his sister who lives abroad as a birthday present, and it would mean a great deal since Gillian is her favorite actress and Streetcar is her favorite play.

#15Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/24/16 at 9:57pm

Have a look on Twitter and Instagram - pretty sure she signs! In the lobby with a queue actually, so very organised. Alas no photos...

JBroadway Profile Photo
#16Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/24/16 at 10:38pm

I saw this evening's performance and really enjoyed it overall. It was a 5pm performance, and the curtain call ended at 8:33. So it was quite a long evening, with one intermission. However, it's a really fascinating production. I was definitely not expecting it to be so untraditional in its style; it reminded me of something Ivo Van Hove would do. 

The most prominent element of this production, of course, was the rotating stage. This isn't your standard Les Mis-style turntable; the audience is in the round, and the set literally rotates for the ENTIRE SHOW. At first I found it distracting, but as the show went on, it was really fascinating. For the 2nd act I moved from one of the last rows to the 2nd row, and found it to be even better. From my 2nd-row seat, I felt almost as if I were moving around the actors, peeking at them through doorways and turning around corners. It felt very voyeuristic in what I am sure was a very deliberate way. Additionally, the rotating stage gave a feeling of whirling instability that made me feel like I was viewing the apartment through Blanche's intoxicated eyes. 

Also, the production design was modern, which I thought was sort of weird at first, but liked more as it went along. The use of modern music was particularly effective, and the lighting was extraordinary.

Surprisingly, I was less thrilled by Gillian Anderson. After hearing about how wonderful she is, I think I went in with too high expectations. I don't mean to imply that she did a BAD job -- far from it. She did a very good job, but her performance seemed very typical Blanche to me. Everything else about the production, even the other performances, felt much more distinct and modern, but with Anderson I felt like it was the same old, affected, melodramatic, Vivian Leigh-esque Blanche. However, I've only seen the movie once, and Anderson is the first Blanche I've seen since, so it's possible that my own limited view of the character is getting in the way. Stanley and Stella's performances were certainly not as powerful as Blanche's, but they felt more in line with what the production was doing. 

Updated On: 4/24/16 at 10:38 PM

Phillytheatreguy10 Profile Photo
#17Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/24/16 at 10:50pm

I also saw last evening's performance and was blown away. Regarding Gillian's Blanche, after digesting the show more I can say, I thought that her portrayal, down to her costumes being different was a choice. I think she is not of their world, she is of another time and the costumes, I thought, accented her ascent into madness. I thought it all worked beautifully. She does, in fact, sign, there is a line and they have her in the box office window, which is fully open and she speaks and signs only show programs and posters, and one signature per person. I also saw Vanessa after and spoke to her, but no Ben. Enjoy! For me this was a must see!

JBroadway Profile Photo
#18Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/24/16 at 10:59pm

Phillytheatreguy10 said: "I also saw last evening's performance and was blown away. Regarding Gillian's Blanche, after digesting the show more I can say, I thought that her portrayal, down to her costumes being different was a choice. I think she is not of their world, she is of another time and the costumes, I thought, accented her ascent into madness."


That makes sense. I can get behind that as an interpretation, but from my standpoint as an audience member, I guess I was hoping to see her do something more distinct with the role.

Again, I don't mean to criticize the quality of her performance - she did a very good job. I'm only explaining why I personally didn't find her performance to be as impactful as the rest of the production. 


Updated On: 4/24/16 at 10:59 PM

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#19Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/27/16 at 8:50am

Saw this last night. Confession: I've never seen Streetcar live and, truth be told, I've only seen snippets of the film and essentially skimmed through the play as I did with so many plays I had to read in college. This being my first true exposure to the material, I have nothing to compare it to. But it's clear to me now exactly why it's lauded as such a masterwork of American theatre.


Let's just get it out of the way now and say that Gillian Anderson is giving a titanic performance. Funny, tragic, devastating, alive. You forget entirely that you're watching an actress perform, in spite of all the theatricality literally swirling around her. Her every move is electrifying. It's a performance I'll remember all my life.


The entire cast brings their A game. Corey Johnson as Mitch is the perfect gentleman, which makes his return in the second act all the more upsetting. Ben Foster is a terrific Stanley, ricocheting from overworked blue collar loser to feral animal sometimes in the blink of an eye. He possesses a danger that seeps into every inch of the stage. And I found Vanessa Kirby as Stella utterly captivating. I know women like her Stella: willfully ignorant, caught between two people she loves endlessly but deep down resents, stuck forever in a life of choices she made because she didn't know she could be her own person.


The design and direction are incredible. The concept of being able to see everyone in the apartment at all times really adds an extra layer to every scene, forcing the audience to shift alliances and witness the ways talk heard through the walls can affect a character we ordinarily wouldn't see in a traditional production. The transition music is jarring, but perfectly sets the mood for this emotionally and physically explosive evening.


I left St. Ann's last night a mixture of exhilarated and exhausted. I can't recommend it highly enough.

followspot Profile Photo
#20Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/27/16 at 9:09am

This STREETCAR runs 3.5 hours?  The last two Broadway revivals ran 2hrs 40min.  I understand this is a "re-imagined" staging, but how does one stretch a script by 50 minutes?

(No snark — truly curious.)

"Tracy... Hold Mama's waffles."
Updated On: 4/27/16 at 09:09 AM

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#21Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/27/16 at 9:17am

followspot said: "This STREETCAR runs 3.5 hours?  The last two Broadway revivals ran 2hrs 40min.  I understand this is a "re-imagined" staging, but how does one stretch a script by 50 minutes?



By not barreling through the text. There's also a considerable amount of non-text transitional scenes. I wouldn't cut a second of it.

#22Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/27/16 at 3:40pm

According to Gillian's FB.

Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's

#23Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/28/16 at 2:24am

regarding her signing. It is show material only (poster/program, ticket) and one signature per person, no photos.

NYfanfromCA Profile Photo
#24Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/28/16 at 3:10am

Thinking of seeing this, but it looks like seats are limited for my only open night in May.  How are the seats in the last rows or corners? 

#25Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann's
Posted: 4/28/16 at 8:18am

Don't know for Streetcar, but for Nice Fish which was all open, it was fine. There was extra space on the sides that was open. It's not huge and very steep. The back should be fine. 


Oh wow, it's in the round?

Updated On: 4/28/16 at 08:18 AM
