This is just so, so, sad. Although this is a normal Bway injustice, I feel so frustrated that shows with half the heart, wit, and ingenuity of Comet will keep running, while this weird but beautiful little gem gets roughed up by...some people (I don't feel like trying to assign blame, as I'm not insider enough to know the whole story). Ugh.
Oak, Rafael Casal, and those who supported them in the recent Patinkin fiasco are responsible. From what I have been told the show did have someone planned for September and were using Patinkin to boost the ticket sales through the month of August, which was a dead month. After the whole fiasco, no star wanted to touch the show, even one's that had expressed interest in the past. This is one of the most ridiculous and infuriating things that I have ever seen. Rafael and Oak should probably look for other means of work for the next few years because I can't imagine that many have any interest in working with either of them. They've proved to be too much of a risk. It disgusts me to see someone trash someone else's work. I hope this doesn't hurt Malloy and Chavkin's works in the future. The producers are probably screwed too. They should probably take a class in "Damage Control 101" because they probably could've dealt with this better. Basically, however, Casal helped put a struggling show in the ground and that's absolutely disgusting. The producers may have fucked up and Oak may have acted like a baby, but Casal is the one who has proved to be a real a**hole.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
For those that have tickets past close and are wondering about refunds (I hadn't ever dealt with this) I just got off the phone with Telecharge. They said they hadn't been notified yet, but when they do they'll send an email with the option to rebook for something else or offer a refund,. And if you choose neither once the date you had ticekts for passes, you'll automatically get refunded.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/22/16
GeorgeandDot said: "Oak, Rafael Casal, and those who supported them in the recent Patinkin fiasco are responsible. From what I have been told the show did have someone planned for September and were using Patinkin to boost the ticket sales through the month of August, which was a dead month. After the whole fiasco, no star wanted to touch the show, even one's that had expressed interest in the past. This is one of the most ridiculous and infuriating things that I have ever seen. Rafael and Oak should probably look for other means of work for the next few years because I can't imagine that many have any interest in working with either of them. They've proved to be too much of a risk. It disgusts me to see someone trash someone else's work. I hope this doesn't hurt Malloy and Chavkin's works in the future. The producers are probably screwed too. They should probably take a class in "Damage Control 101" because they probably could've dealt with this better. Basically, however, Casal helped put a struggling show in the ground and that's absolutely disgusting. The producers may have fucked up and Oak may have acted like a baby, but Casal is the one who has proved to be a real a**hole.
I feel that Patinkin leaving was the death blow though, had he stayed with the show and helped sales, chances are the whole controversy would have died down eventually. After he announced his departure, there was just no going back.
Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn.
This did not have to happen.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/28/12
At this point I don't care how badly the Kagans have been as producers, how misguided the show has been handled, how extraordinarily expensive it is to run, how surely it was going to close sooner than later.
I do care mightily that racism was charged by Oak's mouthpiece Casal, that that charge was given legs by Erivo, and that a firestorm of wretched publicity resulted. Shoot, how often does National Review (a major conservative political rag) run a story about Broadway?
Maybe Patinkin would have given the show 2 more months, heck only one, that would have been more weeks of employment for a very deserving group of people and more weeks of enjoyment for its audience. All of which could have encouraged a major name to takeover a role. We'll never know.
It's an incredibly sad way to close for a very special show.
Chorus Member Joined: 8/4/17
I also blame Oak.
First, Mandy Patinkin would have not just kept the show going but maybe replenished the coffers for a little more runway.
Second, it is a very good bet that Dave was at least in discussions with any number of potential Pierres for Labor Day, even if only in short runs like Ingrid's. Those would immediately have been scared off by the bad publicity. That's a lot of baggage, plus the added pressure of it being known that you would need to "save" the show.
Third, the PR debacle killed advance sales because nobody wanted to line up tickets to a show that might be closed by then. Without advance sales, there's no visibility to whether it could eventually recover to Ingrid levels after the August lull.
I'm just glad I get to see Brittain Ashford again. She's incredible.
But Oak, and his henchman Rafael.
Assigning blame is useless at this point. This show was only 25% near recouping and had no plan after Mandy. Could Oak have behaved better? Yes but that's neither here nor there. I also hope the people who have been banging on and on about how awful Cynthia Erivo and Rafael Casal are can just step back and realize that it doesn't matter and probably never did.
It's just a time to celebrate this inventive show and I hope the audience gives the performers nothing but positive energy through September 3. Please, stop with the twitter wars and blaming this person or that person.
Swing Joined: 7/28/17
That's devastating. I thought it would last until the middle of September in the worst case... Oh well. But I am glad that the show is still running when I am in the city. As a Russian who is also very fond of Tolstoy's work, I really want to see it live... However, I was hoping to get a rush ticket and I feel like three days prior closing the rushing line would be enormous.
And I do hope they are doing the National Tour! This show needs a rebirth.
poisonivy2 said: "Assigning blame is useless at this point. This show was only 25% near recouping and had no plan after Mandy. Could Oak have behaved better? Yes but that's neither here nor there. I also hope the people who have been banging on and on about how awful Cynthia Erivo and Rafael Casal are can just step back and realize that it doesn't matter and probably never did.
I respectfully disagree. Assigning blame is essential in this case, and let it be a learning lesson to all who want to take to Twitter and stir the pot for no reason at all...and then watch dozens of talented of people out of work for no reason at all. I don't think Rafael Casal or Cynthia Ervivo would be happy if this happened to something they were in, and depending on for income. Think of the repercussions before you Tweet.
Chorus Member Joined: 6/12/17
Devastated. Such a wonderful unique piece of theater. Beyond thrilled I got a chance to see it.
so sad this show had to close! I had tickets for Broadway Flea Market and was going to take my sister who has never been to a Broadway show before. I was so excited to share this experience with her. I'm glad I got to see it last month, but really heart broken that this is closing before I can share it with loved ones.
David10086 said: "I don't think Rafael Casal or Cynthia Ervivo would be happy if this happened to something they were in, and depending on for income. Think of the repercussions before you Tweet."
I don't think Rafael Casal or Cynthio Erivo are particularly happy about the show closing either. Whatever part one thinks they had to play in these developments, anyone who thinks that their goal was to tank the show, and that they are now congratulating each other, is really exposing their own biases.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/04
How about placing the blame on where it belongs: on the producers. They were unable to line up a suitable and commercial star to step into ''The Great Comet'' after Josh Groban left. I'm still baffled as to why the producers announced Okieriete Onadowan in February - over FOUR MONTHS before Groban left the show on July 2. And no offense to Onadowan, but were the producers foolish enough to think that a supporting actor from ''Hamilton'' (and not even a breakout star or a Tony-nominated one) could sell enough tickets to keep the show going? Sorry, but the seeds of this disaster were planted months ago. Long before Onadowan began his performances or before Patinkin stepped in and Erivo spoke up. If there was no way this show could run without a star at the caliber of Groban, maybe it was a foolhardy venture from the start.
Updated On: 8/8/17 at 08:20 PMBroadway Star Joined: 6/15/17
Had a ticket for Sept. 9th - called Telecharge as soon as the announcement went up. As much as I want to see it, I can't get to NYC prior to closing, so I ended up refunded. The customer service rep had no clue the show was closing (not surprised as I think the news had been published not even a half hour before I called) and had to put me on hold while she confirmed that I wasn't making it up.
Sad to see this is the way the show ends - it deserved better. And sad I won't get to see it on Broadway, though it does give me some hope that a national tour is being discussed. Hopefully that comes to fruition.
David10086 said: "poisonivy2 said: "Assigning blame is useless at this point. This show was only 25% near recouping and had no plan after Mandy. Could Oak have behaved better? Yes but that's neither here nor there. I also hope the people who have been banging on and on about how awful Cynthia Erivo and Rafael Casal are can just step back and realize that it doesn't matter and probably never did.
I respectfully disagree. Assigning blame is essential in this case, and let it be a learning lesson to all who want to take to Twitter and stir the pot for no reason at all...and then watch dozens of talented of people out of work for no reason at all. I don't think Rafael Casal or Cynthia Ervivo would be happy if this happened to something they were in, and depending on for income. Think of the repercussions before you Tweet.
So what are you going to do? Sue Cynthia Erivo? Encourage a boycott of her shows and concerts? Kill her? The show is closing at this point and if it has to close this soon then it probably was teetering on the edge of collapse anyway after Josh Groban left. I really hope the theater community can just celebrate this show and their talented creators and cast and everyone who made it happen, instead of more finger-pointing.
I don't think Casal or Ervivo purposely wanted to 'tank the show', but they didn't think it through before they started their Twitter storm. They must have known every action has a reaction - and they should have been more than aware that this Twitter storm and charges of racism could backfire on it did.
Updated On: 8/8/17 at 08:22 PMChorus Member Joined: 4/16/17
Dysquith13 said: "This is beyond upsetting. I had a feeling it would happen, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. Denee Benton should hopefully get a nice new role soon.
She (or Shoba) would make a great Eliza in Hamilton
So who wants to finally spill the beans and tell us what was really going on?
I mean if we really want to assign blame, assign it to the arrogant producer who made one unforced error after another on a show that should have run for years.
Ok but how cool would it be if they set up 360° cameras at various spaces in the theatre and filmed it that way? It could help capture the originality and immersive aspect of the production
Yes the producers screwed up, but there's no denying that Casal and Oak gave the final blow to an already struggling show.
The producers were trying to get the show through to at least the winter. They probably would have succeeded had Patinkin stepped in (he was put in a terrible position and I don't blame him for jumping ship). They probably woupd have been able to court a star, but after this whole thing no one would go near it. Casal, Oak, and their supporters are the one's responsible for the closing. The producers are responsible for casting Oak, but they did not sink the ship.
Understudy Joined: 7/18/17
I will leave out the topic of who is to blame for the fiasco and just say that it's a shame the show is closing in this manner. I hope the cast finds success in the future with another show. I'd love to see Brittain especially find something great.
This was more War and War than War and Peace!!!
However the reason this closed so early is because of the insane weekly nut, as The Chorus Line producer John Breglio says it is the weekly nut that kills a show and he knows a think or two about producing, there worst week so far is $850k and would expect a dip after September, so goodness what their nut was and when Josh was in the show it was making decent money, well over. $1m a week, so god only knows what he cost to have his name above the title? It should've been well on its way to recouping.
A poorly produced show, that was mid-managed and had a vindictive 'star', who got sour after being dismissed.