@BWAYbaby2, the text is on amazon for around $15 so if you want to read the play beforehand, it is available. I read the script before watching the play in London and appreciated it more.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/9/17
The researcher in me would be very curious to see if there are any commonalities among those who really do not like this show (FWIW, I liked it, but did not love it). When you look at Show Score is also shows a love/hate split with most scores between 90-100 but a solid % in the 60-70 range.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/30/16
JBC3 said: "And FWIW while the recent National Theatre production of Angels was indeed the first Broadway revival as a poster mentioned a bit ago, people might have seen the very successful Signature production a few years ago or the HBO special. Angels is pretty accessible if someone wants to see it."
My point was that delegitimizing someone's positive experience with The Inheritance simply because they don't have the context to compare to Angels (which a poster alluded to in a previous post) is a weak argument.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
Roscoe said: "DADA WOOF PAPA HOT at least put actual human beings onstage, an entirely solid piece of theater, and it was never extravagantly over-praised, none of I'd be able to sayabout THE INHERITANCE.
JFC Roscoe --- we all get it -- you HATED the play. Move on with your life and let the rest of the civilized world form their own opinions.
I guess it's less about their experience and more about the inferred claims of the quality/value of the show. Obviously the ideas and execution might seem more substantial and impressive if they haven't experienced the myriad of other media that has done similar things in the past (that said, I recognise that many here would likely have indeed seen Angels in America, and The Normal Heart, and Looking, and Queer as Folk, and the Boys in the Band, and all the other gay literature and still think The Inheritance stands as a completely unique piece of work. Which if they do, I still would agree with them to some extent - I just wish I was having the time of my life when I was merely just moved. Usually being 'moved' is enough but people talk about this play as if it's the best thing ever written in gay literature).
qolbinau said: "Usually being 'moved' is enough but people talk about this play as if it's the best thing ever written in gay literature)."
I don't even think it moved the needle.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/9/17
OhHiii said: "JBC3 said: "And FWIW while the recent National Theatre production of Angels was indeed the first Broadway revival as a poster mentioned a bit ago, people might have seen the very successful Signature production a few years ago or the HBO special. Angels is pretty accessible if someone wants to see it."
My point was that delegitimizing someone's positive experience with The Inheritance simply because they don't have the context to compare to Angels (which a poster alluded to in a previous post) is a weak argument."
And all I was doing was sharing information about Angels having been off-Broadway and on TV.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
"JFC Roscoe --- we all get it -- you HATED the play. Move on with your life and let the rest of the civilized world form their own opinions."
JFC JSquared -- we all get it -- you can't stand that someone might actually have their own take on the play. Move on with your life and let the rest of the civilized world express their own opinions.
Chorus Member Joined: 12/4/14
Saw this in London and thought it was incredible in every way. Based on some of the comments, I wonder if it has been made too broad, i.e. New York-ized for local tastes? I loved the British Queer as Folk, hated the American one. (I'm a New Yorker, btw.)
I found The Inheritance to be superior to Angels in America, which I liked but felt too full of Kushner's stereotypes.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/15/11
Totally agree. The Inheritance is far superior to Angels. And especially the recent ugly Broadway revival.
Dolly80 said: "Totally agree. The Inheritance is far superior to Angels. And especially the recent ugly Broadway revival."
Would you please explain your reasons why you feel The Inheritance is superior to Angels in America?
Dolly80 said: "Totally agree. The Inheritance is far superior to Angels. And especially the recent ugly Broadway revival."
It was brilliant, won Tonys and had some of the most talented actors in the world. So, nope.
Chorus Member Joined: 12/29/18
Having seen it, I think you will struggle with part two if you don't see part one first.
Just saw a 2.5 hour stage adaptation of Howard's End to prepare for my visit to The Inheritance next month. Boiled down it felt like a soap opera with the love triangles pausing now and then for the sisters to deliver a lecture on economics. I'll be curious to see how far The Inheritance strays from the source material and whether these moments enhance or hinder the work.
I was intrigued by the advance buzz and all the awards in London. I got my ticket as soon as they went on sale. After reading some of the negative comments in this thread, I began to think that my expectations might be too high. Last night during the first half hour, I wasn't that impressed. However, as the show went on, it won me over. I'm part of the baby boomer generation. I have seen all of the major gay plays and read most of the gay books of the past decades. As someone else said, we know these people. Having lived in Provincetown for 18 years, yes, I do know these people. I lived almost word for word the end of Act 1 many times with younger guys in Ptown.
To me, Angels is about gay life as a whole whereas The Inheritance is about a group of friends. I'm amazed that Matthew Lopez at his young age has such insight. I feel that this is an important play and should be seen. I do hope that younger gay people will go. They need to understand the how we arrived at where we are today.
With regards to how this mirrors Howards End, I read the book again last week. At least in Part 1, it does follow the basic outline but not character by character. I found it fascinating how Lopez expanded the story to make it relevant today.
Everyone is not going to identify with this play nor like it. But is there any play that appeals to everyone? The comparison to Angels is inevitable. I admire both and look forward to seeing Part 2 on my next trip here. I predict that this will win the Tony. Today I'm off to Hadestown and The Sound Inside.
A question: Anyone have a theory why all but the 2 older actors are barefoot throughout the play?
Broadway Star Joined: 11/10/14
I am a boomer gay guy, white, professional, and have had several long term relationships over the years. Truth be told, I do like guys younger than me- usually 10-12 years younger- and my present partner of 23 years is 12 years younger. I grew up in NY, lived in San Francisco, and various other cities. I assume this play is one that I will totally relate to and that I am the target audience for it. That is fine by me if that is indeed true.
If anyone has taken a photo of the merch, if you could post it on here, I would appreciate it. I know it's probably a weird thing to ask, I just love this production's look, and am wondering what everything looks like. Thank you!
Has this writer ever seen gay plays, TV and movies over the past 40 years?
Slight and sooo retreaded.
And that ending!!! Ripoff, anyone?
Stand-by Joined: 4/7/16
Saw the play last night (thank you TDF, row C Side Front Mezz. :) My partner and I liked it a great deal and surprisingly didn't find the length taxing at all. That said I will quote George S. Kaufman, "Nothing in life should be longer than 2 hours." Okay, make that 2:55 because after the 3 hour mark a broadway show goes into golden overtime which makes the weekly running costs significantly higher. No doubt some plays require that but I'm not sure that this is one of them. I also do wonder about the wisdom of presenting this two part event in a commercial setting. Beyond a gay audience and the savvy New York theatre crowd, will it really appeal to a general audience? Not really sure about that. Again, I found it quite affecting and the entire evening was beautifully realized. The final moments left me in tears. It was a special evening in the theatre and I am looking forward to catching Part 2.
Skip23 said: "And that ending!!! Ripoff, anyone?"
I think you mean middle. The ending doesn't start showing until Friday...
No. I meant ending.
Prob wont be seeing the second half.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Skip23 said: "No. I meant ending.
Prob wont be seeing the second half."
Say more about the ending of Part One being a ripoff. You can hide spoilers, or just send me a PM.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/11
"Saw this in London and thought it was incredible in every way. Based on some of the comments, I wonder if it has been made too broad, i.e. New York-ized for local tastes?"
No, I saw it in London and still did not drink the Kool-Aid. Well, not all of it at least.
Chorus Member Joined: 12/4/14
"I saw it in London and still did not drink the Kool-Aid. Well, not all of it at least."
I drank every drop. Saw it at the Young Vic, which I think was an ideal venue for the play.