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Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?

Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?

theatretenor2 Profile Photo
#1Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 6/9/23 at 10:32am

I'm debating whether I should go check out Water for Elephants at the Alliance. Has anyone seen it yet or heard about the NY workshop?

jpbran Profile Photo
#2Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 6/9/23 at 1:03pm

Am going next Saturday the 17th… also came here to see if there were any reports. I think previews started two days ago (Wednesday) maybe? 

Hope Lombardo
#3Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 6/9/23 at 4:55pm

Yes I went last night! it was only night 2 and it has bumpy spots but what a play...the choreography (visualize 22 actors & acrobats on the stage at one time), the costuming, the amazing original songs, and the animal puppetry/actors....all stellar. One moment that stands out is Antoine Boisserau as the horse in his graceful/heartbreaking ballet.

there were a couple of mic'ing issues...and the ending is a bit wobbly.....but its hard to imagine this *not* taking a big next step after it leaves atlanta. 

#4Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 6/9/23 at 9:37pm

Excited to hear more thoughts. The team is so great and it is one of my favorite books. 

#5Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 6/10/23 at 4:14am

I plan to see this soon. Probably next week and then the final performance. 

Similar to Becoming Nancy (the Alliance’s last big tryout) I’d like to see the show early and then later to clock the changes. I’ve heard good things so far 

BWAY Baby2
#6Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 6/10/23 at 7:56pm

I have tickets Sunday, July 9.  Hoping it is really good.

jpbran Profile Photo
Plannietink08 Profile Photo
#8Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 6/11/23 at 12:39pm

I read the book and was surprisingly really moved by it, I ended up reading it over a few days on holiday. I was so let down by the movie but I have high hopes for a stage version. It’s such a visually stunning story. 

"Charlotte, we're Jewish"

theatretenor2 Profile Photo
#9Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 6/14/23 at 7:06am

Alright, we are going to the show on Sunday and I'll report back. 

#10Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 6/16/23 at 8:03am

Saw this last night and definitely felt like I got my money's worth. I don't know it's 100% ready for a transfer, but it could get there pretty easily, and truthfully I've seen several shows on Broadway that were worse off than this. When it does transfer, I would be surprised if it's not a hit. The audience last night loved it.

The choreography leans into the circus aspect a lot and is thoroughly entertaining and even a little dangerous. My companion kept gasping at some of the acrobatics they did and some of the beautiful theater craft at play. The pacing could be tightened a smidge. It took a little too long to get all the pieces in place in act one, but that is very fixable. I also felt like the themes disappeared too much at times, but a few tweaks could help that a lot. The score is fine. Not much particularly memorable the morning after, but enjoyable as I was in the theater.

Most of the performances worked too. Nothing particularly memorable, but that's the current state of the material. It's designed to soar for one character and one character only: its lead. And If the performance I saw last night is indicative, the current leading man is the show's biggest drawback. Vasquez was sleepwalking through the show and genuinely seemed like he didn't want to be there. Almost every time he stepped on stage, you could feel him say to himself, "Crap. I gotta do this again." He had no chemistry opposite McCalla (one of the tweaks I'd make to the show would be to give him more help there), but in truth, the show works in spite of him. I kept thinking how much better it would be if they had an actor with actual charisma in the lead. So hopefully that will be fixed before it transfers. 

Boston Friend
#11Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 6/17/23 at 11:18pm

Saw tonight. Theatre was packed and audience loved it. As previously said, the circus performers are crowd pleasers. Also some nice stagecraft, including puppetry. 

I think the 11 o’clock number needs a better song. 

#12Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 6/18/23 at 2:28pm

I saw it Thursday (6/15) night and I loved it. It’s such a spectacle to be seen with all the circus acts and phenomenal performers. I also thoroughly enjoyed the music, so much so I want a cast recording badly. I’m very very glad I went to the show but be aware the tickets are very pricey but there really isn’t a bad seat in the house. 

I highly recommend checking this world premiere musical. I’ll be interested to see if it heads to Broadway. 

theatretenor2 Profile Photo
#13Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 6/19/23 at 8:39am

The show is already in pretty good shape. A few things need to be tightened, but it feels like it's got serious legs. There's so much going on with the aerialists and acrobats and puppetry, there's something for everyone. The second act feels really short and rushed compared to the first, so there's room to add another song. The 11 o' clock number and Act I finale could be replaced with stronger material. I was not familiar with Pigpen Theatre Co, but the team of composers has talent. I already thoroughly enjoyed most of the music and lyrics in the moment, though agree most of it is not memorable the next day. The bluegrass-pop/rock convergence really worked. As the show got going, I felt like this was the kind of music the Soggy Bottom Boys might have sung if Tom Kitt and Brian Yorkey were the composers.

I disagree that Ryan was not great. Maybe he was having an off day when the previous poster saw the show. I could see both leads carrying into the Broadway show. Isabelle was the standout for me as Marlena.

If you can, go see this one before it closes July 9.

Updated On: 6/19/23 at 08:39 AM

#14Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 7/22/23 at 2:36am

Since someone posted about it I might as well bump this thread. I saw Water for Elephants twice (once mid-run and one at the end) and here are some thoughts I posted in another group but I’ll repost here:


- Overall the show is already in great shape and with a few tweaks this will hopefully be on Broadway. I’ve truly never seen anything like this and can only describe it as a spectacle. The acrobatics, puppetry, and aerial acts were beyond stunning and folded perfectly into the musical theatre genre, especially on smaller stage. Some of the acts seemed downright dangerous and my jaw dropped many times, especially in the first act number “The Road Doesn’t Make You Young” and the song Marlena sings to her horse (no song titles in program, I’m just guessing). 

- The music was one of the slightly weaker points for me. Not many of the songs stuck in my head after the show, but they were all sung beautifully. I think the 11 o’clock number could be stronger. Other standouts were the lion tooth song, the song Marlena sings in act 2, and the opening number when Jacob hops the train. During show 2 I could appreciate the lyrics a bit better but there could still be some work to tighten the songs to make them more memorable imo. Overall the score is poppy with bluegrass influence and some classic circus-type music (for lack of a better word). 

- The three leads were incredible. Isabelle McCalla is a STAR. I’m so glad I could finally see her in something. Ryan Vasquez was great as Jacob. He has a lovely high tenor voice like Jeremy Jordan and good to look at to. He was a bit one-note in Act 1 but I blame the writing and direction more bc he IS a great and seasoned actor. Bryan Fenkhart was also great as the villain August. He really portrays the transformation through the show well. Maybe it’s because I was sitting front row but his performance was a bit shouty and I was so close to the action. The supporting cast was also good, shout out to the actors who played Walter and Camel. The circus performers were also phenomenal. The stunts they did were truly incredible. 


So yeah I hope this show gets a shot on Broadway bc it’s truly incredible.  With a few tweaks to the score it could be a fantastic show. If anyone has questions I’d be glad to answer. 

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#15Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 7/22/23 at 2:37pm

Really hoping this comes to Broadway. I loved the novel and the movie.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

lapinitsa Profile Photo
#16Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 7/22/23 at 8:12pm

Same here. I loved the novel. Curious to see how they'd handle some of the plot points on stage.

#17Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 8/9/23 at 10:38pm

For what it’s worth, I just got an Instagram ad that said “Water for Elephants is coming to Broadway!”

pethian Profile Photo
#18Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 8/9/23 at 11:32pm

willep said: "For what it’s worth, I just got an Instagram ad that said “Water for Elephants is coming to Broadway!”"

Any details at all?

#19Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 8/10/23 at 1:39am

Ooooh I love to hear that.

I wonder if this is coming soon-ish how the cast would change. Ryan Vasquez was attached to The Notebook which is coming to Bway and Isabelle McCalla is joining Shucked soon. They were both great and I would hate to see their roles recast, especially Isabelle. She was absolutely radiant as Marlena

jagman1062 Profile Photo
#20Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 8/10/23 at 1:00pm

pethian said: "willep said: "For what it’s worth, I just got an Instagram ad that said “Water for Elephants is coming to Broadway!”"

Any details at all?

I also got an IG but there were no specific details. It only gave me the opportunity to join an email list for future announcements and a link to the show's website.

Updated On: 8/10/23 at 01:00 PM

lapinitsa Profile Photo
#21Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 8/10/23 at 2:43pm

jagman1062 said: "pethian said: "willep said: "For what it’s worth, I just got an Instagram ad that said “Water for Elephants is coming to Broadway!”"

Any details at all?

I also got an IG but there were no specific details. It only gave me the opportunity to join an email list for future announcements and a link to the show's website.

Same here. I received the announcement also. Isn't this a bit unusual? I remember seeing announcements for shows stating "at a so-and-so theatre to be announced" but never a tease like this. Perhaps it is more commonly done than I am aware of.

Updated On: 8/10/23 at 02:43 PM

jagman1062 Profile Photo
#22Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 8/10/23 at 3:31pm

lapinitsa said: "jagman1062 said: "pethian said: "willep said: "For what it’s worth, I just got an Instagram ad that said “Water for Elephants is coming to Broadway!”"

Any details at all?

I also got an IG but there were no specific details. It only gave me the opportunity to join an email list for future announcements and a link to the show's website.

Same here. I received the announcement also. Isn't this a bit unusual? I remember seeing announcements for shows stating "at a so-and-so theatre to be announced" but never a tease like this. Perhaps it is more commonly done than I am aware of.

I've received a few messages similar to this one for other shows via IG or email, shows that announced coming to Broadway but with tickets going on sale soon. I received one for Spamalot last week right after they announced coming to the St. James. I wonder if this particular IG message was a way of gaging interest in the show. I've received a few messages trying to determine whether I'm interested in a show.

Voter Profile Photo
#23Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 8/10/23 at 4:25pm

lapinitsa said: "jagman1062 said: "pethian said: "willep said: "For what it’s worth, I just got an Instagram ad that said “Water for Elephants is coming to Broadway!”"

Any details at all?

I also got an IG but there were no specific details. It only gave me the opportunity to join an email list for future announcements and a link to the show's website.

Same here. I received the announcement also. Isn't this a bit unusual? I remember seeing announcements for shows stating "at a so-and-so theatre to be announced" but never a tease like this. Perhaps it is more commonly done than I am aware of.

Looks like someone posted it on Twitter:

There are like 3 other people called Voter on here, FYI. Deleted comment count: 12

TaffyDavenport Profile Photo
#24Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 8/16/23 at 11:16pm

Someone posted this pic earlier today:

Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?


ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#25Water for Elephants at the Alliance Theatre - Has Anyone Seen?
Posted: 8/16/23 at 11:55pm

Wonder if that could be for an investor presentation or en route to storage or just an old label on the crate? Almost impossible that a musical of this scale would be loading into a theatre before an announcement was made.

Are legit rumors of this playing the Imperial or Jacobs? (or coming to Bwy at all?)
