To Norbert Leo Butz after "DRS:"
Me: "I've really loved the Last 5 Years cast recording. It's so moving."
NLB: "Um, ok."
To Bebe Neuwirth after "Addams"(Chicago in late Dec.):
Me: "No coat? That's pretty hardcore."
BN: "What?" (almost yelling, then moves on)
To Patti LuPone after "Sweeney:"
Me: "Can we take a picture with you?"
PL: (big sigh) "Yeah, just one though."
(large hyper lady takes pict for us and pulls her arms down as picture snaps)
PL: (laughing sympathetically) "Oooh... that's not gonna come out."
Me: "Can we take another one?"
PL: "No."
Updated On: 7/31/10 at 04:29 PM
To Jonathan Groff after Spring Awakening:
Me: Can I shake your hand?
I don't remember what he said, but he did shake my hand hahaha :)
To Karen Olivo after West Side Story:
Me: OMIGOD KAREN OLIVO you are TOTALLY going to win the TONY award!!!!
Again, I don't remember her exact response, but she was very nice about my word vomit lol
Swing Joined: 7/12/10
I told Chad Kimball that he was my happy place, which wasn't really what I meant, but it was what came out my mouth because I am shy and was totally nervous. He looked a little frightened and said "no one has ever told me that before". He probably thought that I was a stalker.
"To Patti LuPone after "Sweeney:"
Me: "Can we take a picture with you?"
PLbig sigh) "Yeah, just one though."
(large hyper lady takes pict for us and pulls her arms down as picture snaps)
PL: (laughing sympathetically) "Oooh... that's not gonna come out."
Me: "Can we take another one?"
PL: "No."
That is hysterical!
I've only worked up the guts to visit the stage door once and that was to see Eric Kunze after JCS in SF. I had no problem at first and politely asked if he could sign my playbill, however, the more I looked at him the sexier he became and I whispered rather creepily, "**** you're gorgeous..." He just looked at me and smiled and said "thank you". I died a little that night.
I mostly just clam up...I met Brian Stokes Mitchell at the flea market a couple years back and I went to take my picture with him in the photo booth and he held his hand out to me and went, "Hi, I'm Stokes. How are you?" I almost forgot my name for a second, I've loved him since I was about 8 years old. I also clammed up with Priscilla Lopez, I wasn't entirely sure how to tell her I grew up listening to her sing "Nothing" on my mother's Chorus Line record (yes, record) and that I had been kind of obsessed with that song when I was younger haha. I also had a bit of a derp moment when I met Rebecca Luker...I met her when I saw Mary Poppins and I told her I had been a big fan of hers for a long time, and she was super sweet...she asked me if I sang and how old I was (16 at the time) and she asked me if I wanted to be an actor and when I said yes she said "well maybe we'll be onstage together someday!" I about died, I've pretty much worshipped her/her voice since I was 6 or 7 years old.
I've said and done a lot of stupid stuff, but one of my most embarrassing moments was at the DRS stagedoor. I was about 12 years old and I was jumping up and down and screaming at Norbert being like, "Oh my god, you're soooo hot!! Can I have a hug???" And he was like, ummm a handshake will do. When I met him again a few years later, I apologized for my behavior.
I think this thread and the "Get a Life" one need to be merged.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Since I started writing for BWW, I've developed friendships with many Broadway actors. It's not uncommon for me to visit with them in their dressing rooms after a show and then leave with them through the stage door.
On several occasions I've had fans approach me with Playbills and Sharpies asking for my autograph and telling me I was "amazing" in the show. Trouble is, I wasn't in the show--just visiting.
Stand-by Joined: 6/7/10
CarHoop...shut the **** up about Bebe Neuwirth at the stage door already. You sound like a complete creeper, posting on every thread that even remotely has to do with EITHER the stage door or Bebe. It's not even a little bit funny so find a new hobby.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
>>"CockeyedOptimist2: Did you meet Bebe at the addams stagedoor? if so how was she??"<<<
CarHoop truly has a Bebe fixation. He/She would benefit from professional help. Pronto.
Her response came off like: "What the **** did you just say?" Somehow not really MEAN, just kinda irritated-ly taken aback. Was odd.
Oh gosh, I completely geeked out last year when I got to meet Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty. My school had gotten tickets to see an interview with them, and later that night to see the Kennedy Center's production of Ragtime. So after the interview, my drama teacher mention to Ahrens & Flaherty that we had just done Ragtime a few months prior, and Once On This Island a few years ago. She pointed to me and told them I was Erzulie. Later that night, after the show, I damn near ran up to Stephen Flaherty (he, Lynn Ahrens, and Terrence McNally were all there that night) and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is "Erzulie!"
I, who was just in awe and amazement at the fact that he remembered my face, just began to babble on and on and on about how the musical's score is so great and "thank you for writing this incredible music" ("thank you"? really?) and all that good stuff. Eventually, we actually were able to have a decent conversation (but I was still squealing inside).
Recently, after I saw American Idiot, I sang the praises of Rebecca Naomi Jones's hair, giving it several adjectives, one of them being "FLUFFY".
I mean, c'mon, REALLY?
Past 12 Months On Stage:
24 Hour Plays: Otawri (Other Black Woman, 9/11), Hairspray (Shayna, 11/18-21) Twelve Angry Men (5th Juror, 12/9-11), Wilson Winter One-Acts: Mannequins (Bloomingdales Salesperson, 2/11-12), Twelfth Night (Maria, 3/24-26), 30 Plays in 60 Minutes (Various Roles, 6/4), Ragtime (Sarah, 8/11-13)Current Avatar: Me looking quite sleepy. This shot gives you a nice view of my various posters: ITH, Hair, The Lion King, the list goes on...
(Not so much a Broadway star...)
I was backstage after the closing performance of the recent Ragtime revival, and I walked in right behind Terrence McNally and Jim Norton who were deep in conversation. So I fanboyed out and said "Um...Mr. McNally, can I get a picture with you?" and he happily complied. I then asked him to sign my souvenir program, which had just come out the day before, and he did and asked if he could flip through it and I said "Oh, sure! I mean you wrote the book! Err...not this book, but the book...the book to..Rag...time" and he gave me an "uh-huh?" look and then flipped through and walked away. Lol
PL: (laughing sympathetically) "Oooh... that's not gonna come out."
Me: "Can we take another one?"
PL: "No."
I love that.
Tonight I told Keaton Whittaker she could have my milkshake refill tin if she wanted it. She said something along the lines of "Really? You're so nice!"
Swing Joined: 8/15/10
After In the Heights when Bianca came out all I could manage to say to her was " I like your Spanish" to which she replied "aw, thank you!" and signed my PlayBill...she really is nice! I could tell she enjoyed talking to fans.
Updated On: 8/15/10 at 08:20 AM
Back before I learned to keep my composure I used to do a lot of embarrassing things, like at Hair once when my friend and I were running down the stairs to dance onstage Will Swenson ran by me and I squealed and he stopped and looked at me, then kept running up the stairs.
I think my most embarrassing moment however was back when Jon Groff was in Spring Awakening I waited forever for him to come out the stage door. They started turning the lights out and when he came out he was talking to me about how it was really dark and he asked if they had turned the lights out, my immediate response was "Will you go to prom with me?" completely off- topic I know :p He asked when it was, but obviously didn't go and instead gave me a kiss on the cheek.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/8/03
"Since I started writing for BWW, I've developed friendships with many Broadway actors. It's not uncommon for me to visit with them in their dressing rooms after a show and then leave with them through the stage door.
On several occasions I've had fans approach me with Playbills and Sharpies asking for my autograph and telling me I was "amazing" in the show. Trouble is, I wasn't in the show--just visiting."
Dollypop- I had the same thing happen to me once when leaving Dance of the Vampires with Michael Crawford. Except I'm embarrassed to say that as I was an extremely awkward 14 year old, my immediate reaction was loud and uncontrollable laughter...classy, right? Sadly the awkwardness is a perpetual issue, which is why I don't really go to the stage doors that regularly- I almost always get tongue-tied and wind up sounding like an idiot.
I also told Rebecca Naomi Jones I liked her hair. She said something like, "Thanks. There's a lot of it."
Two nights ago at Night Music, I was wearing a "Hi my name is" button from NYU. Ramona Mallory walked up to me and said, "Hi, my name is Ramona!" I didn't know what she was talking about, so I just said, "Ok. Thanks. Hi." It was supremely awkward and I didn't even realize that she had seen the tag until about an hour later.
Once when I met Groff, I started shaking and babbling because I was extremely nervous. He looked at me like I was a little off, but he was still as nice as can be to me.
The first time I ever met anyone at the stage door was in Toronto at "Joseph" and it was the narrator. First thing I said was "Gosh you're really short"
I'd imagine its what they get alot because almost everyone I;ve seen since seemed way shorter outside the theatre than when they are up on stage.
Swing Joined: 12/19/09
At the ALMN CD signing I told the great Stephen Sondheim... that I liked his sharpies. Yeah.
My friend to Tim Young after N2N: "HI-I-JUST-WANTED-TO-TELL-YOU-I-LOVE-YOU. We're big Aaron Tveit fans but you were SO GOOD. You were SO SCARY. In a good way!"
Speaking of Aaron, at a N2N SD in December I blurted out "Do you get to keep your gigantic face when you leave the show??" Thankfully he understood I meant his face on the door... And one time my friend didn't have anything for him to sign, so she goes YOU WERE SO GOOD and hands him her NYU campus map.
Me to Terrence Mann (I ADORE HIM) after Addams: "Hi I'm SUCH a big fan!! You're so great. Beauty and the Beast was the first show I ever saw I was four."
Him: (laughs) Wow, I feel old.
Thankfully there were people he knew waiting next to me, so he moved on to them and brought an end to my word vomit.
At AI I wanted to tell John Gallagher Jr that we're from the same city, but there were tons of people and he was moving fast, so all I got out was "Your highschool's my rival. I'm from where we're both from." WTF.
Again at N2N; two of my friends saw the show and they both tweeted at Kyle Dean Massey during intermission. At SD:
Friend 1: You were great! I tweeted at you.
KDM: I saw, I tweeted back! You talked about the Vlog...
Friend 2: NO THAT WAS ME!
They also asked him to sign his spread in OUT magazine, prompting him to announce to everyone waiting "They totally made me roll up my shorts in this picture. They kept getting shorter and shorter."
At the Memphis CD signing my friend and I told Chad Kimball that we love his demo show "I Sing" but it was loud and it probably just sounded like we said "This is really random but we love *to* sing." He just looked up and said "Ha, really...?" Fail.
And then there was the time we went to see Lin-Manuel Miranada and Freestyle Love Supreme, and they were playing the title song from In The Heights to amp up the audience... my friend and I were very awkwardly/obviously rapping along, only to notice that LMM was watching us in amusement.
That is all.
Swing Joined: 8/15/10
was there again last night...when eliseo came out i told him i couldn't ever eat mister softee again...he was like yea you know it's funny....when i see them out here i have to cross the street! haha he seems like a vibrant, hilarous person.
took a pic with shaun and i apologized about my sweatiness (it was sooo humid) could have been awkward but he was super nice like yea i'm sweaty too no prob, thanks for coming!
i felt stupid when my sister and i asked marcy for a pic and we all have big hair so she was like "of course...if our hair can all fit in the pic!" and all i could say was "YES!" *facepalm* lol she was cool though! i would love to come back to see jordin and her chemistry with the new benny who i might add is quote nice and quite attractive.
wicked next! :))
I've said a couple of dumb things to Broadway stars, but while reading this thread I see that parents say many of the embarrassing things lol. My mother is a prime example. My first Broadway show was the original Into the Woods when I was five years old and I grew up listening to the tape and watching the filmed version. So, I'm pretty obsessed with Bernadette Peters and when we saw Gypsy my mother pulled Bernadette aside and said "My son is in love with you! You already signed his poster, but can you personalize it?" She couldn't have been sweeter and complied. Then my mother continued "No, really. He is absolutely in love with you. Can you take a picture with him?" She said "Of course" and put her arm around me. The entire time I was completely silent. Then Ms. Peters said to me "So, this is your mother?" and I said "Yep, she's my Mama Rose." She giggled, squeezed my arm and continued on her way. I was so embarrassed, but she couldn't have been lovelier.
THEN at Sweeney Todd, my mom (who has no shame) went right up to Patti LuPone and said "Can you take a picture with my son?" I was literally over 40 feet away and I heard Patti say "Sure. Where's your son?" And my mother called my name and I came running. Patti was very sweet that night, posed for a picture. I just said "Thank you. You were incredible." She smiled and went into her car.
But the most embarrassing was when I was I saw the Chess benefit concert with my mother. She bought me tickets for my birthday because I love Josh Groban and also because my professor was in it. I was determined to meet Josh Groban, so we went by the stage door and when Julia Murney came out (who was SPECTACULAR!), my mom asked her "Is Josh Groban coming out??" and she said "Gee, I don't know." And I said "Mom, she was Florence!" I mean, she was literally wearing the same dress that she wore on stage! And my mom just said "Oh, right." So, I asked for a photo and she was incredibly sweet about the entire thing. Cut to several minutes later when my mother shoved the playbill into Josh Groban's car so that he could sign it... yep, she did it! BUT at least I got his autograph!
Also, my mom asked Hugh Panaro if he was in the show after we saw Phantom. He said "Yes." I kept on trying to tell her who he was, but she wouldn't listen. She asked "Who did you play?" And he said "The Phantom" and she was actually arguing with him. "No, you didn't!" "Yes, I did. I promise you." "But your so handsome!" I finally had to show her the program with his picture. I apologized, but he was just laughing. I think he got a kick out of it. It was a compliment if you think about it...
I've had my share of dumb moments too. After American Plan, I told Lily Rabe "I saw you in Crimes of the Heart and I was blown away. I only saw this play for you and you are brilliant... and so gorgeous!" She smiled and studied my face before saying "Didn't we talk after Crimes of the Heart? I totally remember meeting you..." I told her that we did and that she was talking to Aaron Lazar for a while (which was true) and I waited for almost twenty minutes for them to finish their conversation so I could say hello... why did I say that??! lol And she just laughed and said "Yes! That was the night. I totally remember you! You should have just interrupted us." She was incredibly sweet, but I felt dumb.
I also felt stupid when I met Jonathan Groff after his Joe's Pub concert. I introduced myself (why?!) and told him I was an actor (again... why would he care?) and said "I hope to work with you one day! It would be a dream!" to which he replied "Oh, me too! That would be great!"... as if he really cares lol. But he's very sweet. He also complimented my necklace. So, he made me feel better about being an idiot lol.
It seems that I ALWAYS have something embarrassing or awkward happen to me at Stage doors. I am the kind of person who tends to say things before thinking about them. I was in D.C seeing an evening performance of ‘Follies’ at The Kennedy Center and decided stop by the theatre earlier in the day to verify were the stage door was. When I thought I had located it I noticed a lady who was sitting down smoking a cigarette and talking on the phone. I could tell she was in the show but didn’t recognize her. Anyway, I interrupted her conversation and actually asked her “Excuse me, Do you work here?”. She shook her head yes and when I asked her if this was the stage door she told me it was. I then said thank you and left and a few hours later I said to myself “That lady looked soo familiar”- Turns out it was Linda Lavin. I had actually asked her if she worked here. God I felt like an idiot. The Stage door experience after the show went just as crazy. When I met Elaine Paige I told her how big a fan I was of her and how much I loved her performance and was actually literally jumping up and down during. I also bowed to her. But she was super sweet even though she probably thought I was a psycho. I then Met Bernadette Peters and starting stuttering and could only manage to get out ‘It’s YOU!”. It literally took me half a minute to actually be able to say anything that was coherent. But She was super sweet too. I also apologized to Linda Lavin for the earlier incident. I was actually soo embarrassed that she actually had to ask ME if I wanted her to sign my playbill LOL.
I saw Catch Me If You Can last month and was jumping up and down when I got to meet Linda Hart who is one of my idols. After I calmed down we ended up talking for over 10 minutes.