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Weird things you've said to Broadway stars- Page 5

Weird things you've said to Broadway stars

choitoy Profile Photo
#100Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/15/11 at 3:52am

When I stage doored for "Follies" in DC, I almost called Jan Maxwell "Dee Hoty". I caught myself before I did though, or that would have been really awkward.

Xanadu! Can't cry on cue!

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#101Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/15/11 at 3:56am

LOL, When i met her all i could think of was to say "Your Soo Beautiful". She looked alittle taken aback and laughed. "They use alot of makeup" she joked.

Darreyl with an L!

Katia2 Profile Photo
#102Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/15/11 at 10:47am

When I went to a stage door for the first time, Wonderful Town, when Donna Murphy came out some woman shouted "Her body is even more pleasurable than I thought it was!" and she asked Murphy for a picture with her. Murphy politely declined...

JRybka Profile Photo
#103Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/15/11 at 11:03am

Couple of things...

When I met Briand Stokes Mitchell my father was with me. He offered to take a picture. When we posed he had his little dog with him (Brian not my dad) and my father says "Look, the new nuclear family.. hot black man, hot white man and their child a little dog"

When I met Debra Monk after Curtains my husband says "My husband does you in drag...." (I am a female illusionist performer and my drag name is Shelby Stephyns -- after her character in Steel Pier)

"Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around."

broadwaybabywannabe Profile Photo
#104Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/15/11 at 11:36am

a friend and i stood outside the stage door for HAIRSPRAY, and got most of the cast to say hello...when HARVEY FIERSTEIN came out and was signing autographs he came by us and i said "i loved you in INDEPENDENCE DAY"...he laughed at that and thanked me...i thought i was being pretty funny brining up that very small part he had in that giant film...tehe

JSwanson Profile Photo
#105Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/15/11 at 12:31pm

After seeing "Promises, Promises" last year, during pre-Tony buzz, I asked Katie Finneran who would win in a game of beer pong: her or Angela Lansbury. No clue where it came from. I was taken over with the desire to say something, ANYTHING, memorable. But she seemed to think it was funny, so I suppose it was worth it.

MichaelRhodus Profile Photo
#106Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/15/11 at 2:24pm

JSwanson: What was her response? I bet Ang could kick some ass.

broadwaybabytn Profile Photo
#107Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/15/11 at 3:26pm

Earlier this year, I saw Driving Miss Daisy. The production kind of fell flat for me, except for Boyd Gaines, but I still wanted to get James and Vanessa's autographs. When Vanessa Redgrave came out of the stage door, I couldn't think of anything to say about the performance, so I stuttered "I loved watching you in Julia!" Ms. Redgrave looked at me like I had offended her, then moved down the line.

When I met Joel Grey after a Saturday matinee of Anything Goes, I said "Thank god you went on! I was afraid you would be missing shows to direct The Normal Heart." He looked genuinely hurt.

And finally, when I saw Sutton Foster after Shrek, I asked what it was like to be licked by Susan Blackwell.

Patash Profile Photo
#108Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/15/11 at 3:42pm

When I saw the play, November starring Nathan Lane, I was taken backstage after the performance by the house manager to meet my friend Michael Nichols who was playing the Indian. Nathan Lane appeared first and said, "what can I do for you?" and I foolishly blurted out something like, "Oh, I'm not here for you, I'm taking Michael Nichols to dinner." Without missing a beat, Mr. Lane said, "and what am I, chopped liver?"

musikman Profile Photo
#109Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/15/11 at 4:17pm

I saw Barbara Cook at a performance of Il Barbiere di Siviglia at the Met. Being a singer, she is always someone I learn from when it comes to performing and selling a song. Conversation as follows:

Me: "Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you, but as a singer, you are a true inspiration to me in everything that you've done."
Ms. Cook: "Oh well thank you, that's very sweet of you to say."
Me: "Of course, I truly mean it!...(stumble over some words, then finally) "You just keep on doing what!"
Ms. Cook: ....*awkward laugh* "uhh ok...."


-There's the muddle in the middle. There's the puddle where the poodle did the piddle."

JSwanson Profile Photo
#110Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/15/11 at 5:01pm

@MichaelRhodus: She laughed and had a similar response, saying, "I dunno... She is pretty tough", or along those lines. She smiled and took it as a compliment as far as the upcoming Tonys and my prediction (which came true.)

ReggieonBway Profile Photo
#111Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/15/11 at 8:12pm

"You were great on the poles." - said to Kyle Dean Massey after performing a song from next to normal in a masterclass with him.

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#112Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/15/11 at 8:17pm

At the Follies Kennedy Center stage door with Danny Burstein:
-Me: We loved you in Women on the Verge and South Pacific, can I get a picture?
-Him: (says my name)
-Me: Hi...

I think that was a wakeup call to refrain from commenting on his facebook stuff.

OhTossums2 Profile Photo
#113Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/15/11 at 9:22pm

I can remember stagedooring Rent after seeing Adam and Anthony in their comeback run and it was PACKED. In a panic trying to get Anthony to sign my poster I screamed in a very obnoxious high pitched voice "THANK YOU YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND" then awkwardly smiled.
He stopped dead in his tracks and laughed at me.

Jealous? I ain't jealous. I can take on these fellas whateva.

showchoirguy Profile Photo
#114Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/15/11 at 9:58pm

When I went to stage door at How to Succeed this is my reaction to Daniel Radcliffe:
"Daniel, Thank you for all you've done. Thank you for my childhood and thanks for being great. I've been following you around all my life..." Best thing ever... He understood what I meant! And he smiled and said with humbleness "Thank you!" and he smiled and said that it's terrific to see fans like you supporting!" Then I got to hotel and me and my mom kept flipping out! XD

When I met Hugh Panaro, words could not come out of my mouth so I was basically hyperventilating! He is so funny, he came out in a bath robe and slippers so he is basically one of my favorite actors ever now :)

Also stage dooring Catch Me, Kerry Butler comes out and I go "OMGYOURSOFREAKINGGOERGOUS!" and she said "You are so sweet! Thank you!" But when Norbert Leo Butz came out...I went crazy! I seriously went rijhg=A0R9HJR90HJG=R90HB in my head and then finally I got to say, "You were spectacular, brilliant job."

aliceidinabernadette Profile Photo
#115Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/15/11 at 11:23pm

When I saw Arcadia this past spring, I was talking to Raul Esparza (who I adore) about Rocky Horror (I knew it was his first Broadway show, I've done the show twice, etc), and then my mom chimes in with "Oh, she just loves you! We have a cat at home named Raul after you!" He was very gracious and talked about how his own mother named cats after his roles, but really, while my mother's comment may have been true, I wouldn't call it appropriate

Give me a bottle of bourbon and half a chicken and I'll conquer the world!

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#116Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/16/11 at 3:06am

I also can agree that a lot of times at stage doors you want to say more then just the simple ‘Great Job’ ‘Your Amazing’ ECT. But for some reason that is all you can get out. Even after I rehearse what I am going to say it still happens LOL.

Darreyl with an L!

OhTossums2 Profile Photo
#117Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/16/11 at 8:01am

darreyl102 I sooo agree! Every single time I stage door I have this mini speech prepared in my head and for some reason all that comes out is "Thank you so much, you were amazing."

Jealous? I ain't jealous. I can take on these fellas whateva.

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#118Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/16/11 at 3:24pm

i know! i rehearse and plan what i am going to say but that's all i seem to be able to get out- i have no idea why but it totally happens nearly ever time LOL

Darreyl with an L!

CONAries Profile Photo
#119Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/16/11 at 6:40pm

On my last night it New York last year I saw Mary Poppins after only seeing the closing performance in London. As Laura Michelle Kelly is a local actress from my neck of the woods I decided to stage door, she realised I was English so asked me where I was from, then this happened...
LMK: Where abouts in England are you from?
Me: Hampshire.... Southampton area...
LMK: Oh I'm from round there too! (Starts to walk away)
Me: Well, the New Forest.... infact a town called Totton...
LMK: Oh, lovely (really trying to walk away knowing where I was going with this!)

It was at that point I turned and said rather loudly straight into her face
"In fact, my Aunty lives in the house next to where you grew up in... she remembers you and has a few photos with you as a girl in the background...."

There was then a very awkward 'stalker' silence, before she just said "Right..." and then quickly walked into her car!!

All of that is true BTW in regards to my aunty living next door to where LMK grew up... I wasnt just making it up to make it seem like we had something to talk about!

buddy 11432 Profile Photo
buddy 11432
#120Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/17/11 at 12:22pm

To Mary Martin (this was a long time ago & I was pretty young):
Do you listen to the original cast recordings of your shows.

Mary (somewhat confused): No, I do not like listening to my own voice. Although I do listen to the recording John Raitt and I did of "Annie Get Your Gun," in fact so often it must be worn out by now. (still a little confused by the question).

Johnnycantdecide Profile Photo
#121Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/17/11 at 12:30pm

I saw the RENT tour with Anthony and Adam on my 18th birthday. Anthony came out but Adam did not. I yelled at Anthony Rapp that it was my birthday. Not that he did an amazing job. Not that I loved him in the role. But that it was my birthday. He awkwardly said "oh.. Happy Birthday", signed my window card and got on the bus.

Palm to face.

broadwaybabywannabe Profile Photo
#122Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/17/11 at 1:36pm

not a stage door encounter but...file this under "CONVERSATIONS YOU HAVE HAD WITH VERY FAMOUS STARS!"...

LIZA MINNELLI, was staying at the hotel where i was a Concierge, and it was a quiet night and Ms. Minnelli came down looking for her car and driver to take her to the Fox Stuios, as she was filming ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT...anyways i was alone at the Concierge desk, and after Ms. Minnelli came out of the gift shop and as she was about to exit the lobby i said to her..."MS MINNELLI if i might tell you, i saw you perform in the Broadway show CHICAGO, when QWEN VERDON was injured"...she stopped in her tracks looked back and said "Oh my dear!"...and then i told her how wonderful she was in that role and what a thrill it was to see her and CHITA RIVERA on stage together, and she said..."thank you dear that was very nice of you to tell me that"...and with that she smiled at me, and walked out side to her waiting car...I WAS F*CKING THRILLED to have talked with of my all time favorite stars...
Updated On: 6/17/11 at 01:36 PM

xxdrewboy85xx Profile Photo
#123Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/17/11 at 1:52pm

Around the time she was doing Drowsy Chaperone, I ran into Sutton Foster at this little cafe that I cannot remember the name of... They have amazing tiramisu though! I almost peed myself when I saw her- look at her and yell across the room " I love you. I have a picture of you as my background of my computer!" She smiled and it wasn't a big deal, but everyone else in the place looked at me (probably not knowing who she was) and thought I was some creepy stalker guy obsessed with some random woman.

When I was at the stage door to meet the OBC of Avenue Q John Tartaglia came out and took a picture with me and my friend. I then blurted out " you have a really nice ass"......... I was thinking it, but did not expect the words to come out of my mouth!!

Barcelona Profile Photo
#124Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 6/17/11 at 9:27pm

Not something, I myself said, but at the stage door after Next to Normal, my aunt was standing behind me as I was talking to Kyle Dean Massey and goes "HE'S CUTE. How old is he? I mean, not for me, for you!". He then looked at us in horror and goes "uh...29..." and moves on.

She has no gaydar
