Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/06
When I met Stephanie J Block I bawled like a baby....I was like "i've been waiting five years to meet you and I saw you in The Boy from Oz, I saw you in Wicked and I saw you in the Pirate Queen and you never came out of the doors and now you're here right in front of me and I'm sorry I'm babbling and crying and I love you." She said "oh honey you're too sweet, thank you for such devotion!" And I managed to wipe some of the tears out of my eyes long enough to take a decent picture. She gave me a big hug.
Then when I saw The Drowsy Chaperone, I met Bob Martin and I told him "I think you make a great alcoholic". He giggled and gave me a hug.
Then I met Norm Lewis after the Little Mermaid and I was shaking sooooo hard! I said "My aunts think you're sexy." And then he said "Well go get them. I wanna meet them." So he waited and I ran into Sophia's and grabbed them and he took us backstage and we talked for awhile.
Then on closing night of the revival of Company I met Raul Esparza and he wore these bright purple pants.....and then I made a crack about his pants and he half laughed and I asked if he'd sing a few bars of "30/90" from "tick tick BOOM"
Then I saw La Cage Aux Folles and waited for Kelsey Grammer to come out. He finally came out and I started hyperventilating. I was like "I've been in love with you since I was 12 years old and now I'm 20 and I still love you." He said I was so sweet and he gave me a big hug.
Then recently I saw Wicked and I'm friends with Kathy Fitzgerald on facebook and I saw 9 to 5 about 12 times from April of 09 to closing night on Sunday September 6th. So she remembered me. Well I wrote on her wall and told her that I couldn't wait to see her in Wicked. So my dad and sis and I waited at the backstage door. She saw me and went to me first ,greeted me with a hug and a kiss and I told her "It's so nice to see you again! You were soooo creepy" She looked at me with this dumbfounded look and I quickly caught it and I was like "Creepy in a good way."
That's all for now
Broadway Star Joined: 4/3/10
When I saw American Idiot last month, I wanted nothing more than to meet John Gallagher Jr., which I didnt (I wasn't really expecting it because he usually doesn't come out after this show, but a guy can dream can't he?) but I did have Michael Esper, Stark Sands, Brian Charles Johnson and a few other ensemble members sign my playbill. I wanted to say so much to them, but it was mostly just "great job; loved the show" I almost asked Theo Stockman what is was like to be dating Lea Michele, but I kept my mouth shut. Then as Gerard Canonico was walking back in some girl stopped him and asked if he could go get Rebecca Naomi Jones to come out because she had to leave soon. He was very optimistic and ran inside. A few seconds later, there she was. The one person I wanted to meet just as much as I did John. As she signed my souvenier program:
Rebecca: "Hi!"
Me (speechless): " have such an amazing voice.."
Rebecca: "Awww, well thank you!"
I wanted to kick myself for not saying more to her, but then after most of the cast had gone back inside she started walking up the street (in my direction).
Me: "Excuse me, culd I get a picture with you?"
Rebecca: "Sure!"
She then put her arm around me. I was overwhelmed.
Just after this it occured to me that Rock of Ages would be letting out soon and I didn't want to leave the city without meeting Constantine. A few minutes after waiting at the Brooks atkinson, my favorite male singer of all time emerged. My sister and I both got a picture with him and he and I briefly engaged in conversation. He even asked me where I was from! After that I rushed to the Booth Theatre to see if Brian or Alice were there, but they had already left. Other than that it was a perfect day in NYC!!!!!
So, when she came out and was signing, I said "You were fantastic. It was so good to see you finally survive Act Two."
She looked at me like I had three heads, until my friend and I explained what I meant to her, which amused her.
I am the friend in this story. Blanca's reaction was hilarious.
I don't have any really funny stories that I can think of. Boo.
Featured Actor Joined: 7/24/06
Not by me but by my mother. Upon seeing Patti LuPone at the stage door at the Donmar Warehouse in London, mother exclaimed,," when I sing in the shower,, I pretend I am you!"
I've got a Patti one, too. After seeing Sweeney Todd, she came over and, as she was signing, I blurted out "I love you! You made Mrs. Lovett so sexy!"...which was surprising to me because I hadn't really thought that on a conscious level until that moment.
Thankfully, she grinned and said "THANK YOU!" in her characteristically-Patti way - with a laugh, of course.
I could write a book with all the weird things I've said to Wesley Taylor.
Featured Actor Joined: 10/13/06
Updated On: 6/18/20 at 05:28 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/19/03
After a performance of "My One and Only," I said to Tommy Tune "I loved you at Silent E on the Electric Company," to which he said "That's not me."
Turns out it's Tom Lehrer.
Let me preface by saying two things: 1) I'm a very shy person, so I usually just smile and say "you're great" or "I loved the show" or whatever. I've tried to say different things and have real conversations, but it never really works out. So now I know to just stick to a few words and let the actors be on their way to avoid any embarrassment. 2) The story that I do have to tell isn't about what I've said, but rather what I didn't say.
At the 2007 Flea Market, I was going through the autograph line. After I got Anthony Rapp to sign my poster, the man in front of me stopped to talk to someone who was sitting at the table. So I was stuck just standing there, not knowing what to do. I glanced over at Anthony, and he asked me where I was from. The only thing was, I couldn't believe that he was talking to me, and therefore I couldn't remember. It honestly took me a good 15-20 seconds of stammering like an idiot before I could even recall the name of my hometown. He must have thought I was a complete idiot, but he was nice enough to continue talking to me until the line started moving again.
The worst (best?) was when I met Philip Quast. I TOTALLY blanked out. I was the only one at the stage door, and he was so kind and tried very hard to make conversation. It was like listening to someone speak a different language underwater -- I couldn't process any of it. I was about 15 seconds behind the conversation. But he was a gentleman to the end
All I can hope is that it seemed worse to me than it really was :)
The funny thing was, I'd met Joseph Fiennes right before that, and had no problem talking to him at all
I guess it's all in WHO it is
Well The Phantom of the Opera is my favorite show and recently I won a contest to go backstage afterwards. I went July 17th (2010) and after looking at everything they took me to see John Cudia.....I was so overwhelmed by that time I kinda just stood there looking around and didn't say hardly anything at all. Kind of embarrassing.
Last night at LEND ME A TENOR, my conversation with Jan Maxwell went something along the lines of...
She glared at me for two seconds, said "Thank You", smiled and proceeded to autograph my stuff...
broadwayjim42, your Tommy Tune story was hysterical!
I told Tony Shalhoub that he "is the best person ever." Ugh.
I just remembered one from Saturday. It could have turned out really embarrassing. It was at Next to Normal, and I was feeling around in my purse for a pen because I wasn't sure if anyone would have their own because sometimes people do, but sometimes they don't. But, I came very close to pulling out an inappropriately shaped straw from a bachelorette party out because it felt like a pen at first. Thank goodness nobody saw that.
this one might win...
I met Idina Menzel while she was pregnant and i kid you not this is what i said:
"Oh my god, you and Taye are both such beautiful people, your baby is going to be so beautiful! im gonna go home and like, sketch pictures of what your chid will look like!
I can't even draw!!!!!
God im stupid!
Swing Joined: 8/3/08
My friend and I were in New York a few weeks ago and we saw La Cage and she recognized Robin de Jesus from Camp and In the Heights and was so excited to see him in the show. The next night, we saw In the Heights and he happened to be in the audience seeing it himself. At intermission she saw him and (1) asked him what his name was (she wasn't sure how to pronounce it) and (2) said " you did a great job in Fela last night." He looked at her like she was crazy.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/19/03
I was so embarassed, but he was really nice about it.
Not really embarassing, but last year after seeing N2N, I struck up a brief conversation with Alice about her possible participation in the "Kristina" concerts, since she'd apparently participated in readings and was one of the names bandied about for Ulrika. She got all whispery and conspiratorial and said "i'm not supposed to talk about that" and "Guess I have to make a decision, don't I." She ended up not doing it but they way she handled the question kind of cracked me up.
The wig threads reminded me of the time I told an actor that his wig should have above the title billing. Thankfully he has a weird sense of humor, so it wasn't awkward, but it is an odd thing to say in general.
oh my goodness. although i could write a book about this i'll share some of my most fangirl moments..
After seeing Hair, my friend had to get Will Swenson's attention because I couldn't speak..all I managed to say was "You're beautiful" and "We have the same hair."
The same day we saw Audra and my friend almost chased her down the street saying "Audra! I love you! Private Practice is my favorite show! I love Stars and the Moon!" after talking to her for a little bit my friend asked for a picture..Audra said " really?" to which my friend replied "I PROMISE I WON'T SHOW ANYONE! PLEASE"
After seeing Altar Boyz, my sister is telling Neil Haskell how he was her favorite on sytycd, he looks at me and says "Hey, I met you at stagedoor for The Times They Are A-Changin' right?" My response "OHMYGODYESYOUREAMAZING"
Cry Baby stagdoor with Marty Lawson...We started talking about Movin' Out and I mentioned I was seeing the tour of it soon, he said "Oh cool, the non-eq tour. You can compare them to us!" Me: "UM THERES NO COMPARISON!" awkward silence...
At Come Fly Away my friend asked Keith Roberts to sign her foot was hysterical he gave us this wierd look and said "sure...whatever floats your boat."
I once told Jesse Swenson I loved his episode on Army Wives and that he didn't deserve to go to jail...
Out of my many meetings with John Selya, this has to be my favorite. The day before The Times They Are A-Changin' closed..
Me: you are so incredible
John:Thank you so much..really thank you
Me: So are you sad the show is closing?
John: uh.....
Me: didn't you like your costumes?
he just laughed at that
Another John Selya moment, after seeing Movin' Out my aunt said to him "Its just amazing the way your body moves..." incredibly awkward asking him for a picture after that...thanks Aunt Linda!
I know there will be many more wierd moments to come!
Standing in line to meet Ted Neeley during his farewell tour of JCS was a singular experience. The line would be very steep; he was sometimes there till 3 in the morning signing autographs for his main fan base, namely mildly crazy middle-aged women who long ago confused Ted with the real Jesus. It was almost 4, they were locking up the theater, the line wasn't getting any shorter, and I rehearsed what I had to say to him several times. As we finally reached him in line, I decided to throw caution to the wind and attempt to be witty by quoting a line from the show.
"After all this waiting? See my legs, I can hardly stand!"
Not one of my prouder moments, but the other four times I met him after the show (I caught at least one performance each leg), he always remembered me for it.
After Journey's End, I was a wreck. Since I'd been in the front row (thanks, student rush!) the actors could see that. It took me a while to compose myself and get out on the street, and by the time I passed the stage door, the actors were already outside. They saw me, and one of the actors walked over and said, "it's alright, it's just a play".
Broadway Star Joined: 12/19/06
I met Joan Collins and Linda Evans after the show and Linda was so great and Joan was NASTY
I met Alice Ripley and her mom after Sunset Blvd...I said I loved you in Tommy and she told me that Glenn was wonderful and I said I thought she (alice) was great in Sunset
when I really though Betty Schaefer was bland and boring and everytime she was on stage i wished Norma would drop the house on her..not Alice just the character..Alice as Alice was so great to us
I performed in the choir of Christmas in Washington 2 years ago when Kristin Chenoweth was one of the headliners. I happened to pass her in the restroom and was caught offguard without having practiced what I'd say to her. So without thinking I just blurted out "Omigod Cheno"! She probably thought I was nuts but she was so sweet and just said "well hi honey" (with a bit of a southern twang).
This is my world. There have been so many instances where I've scared the crap out of stars.
Whenever I come near them, I usually clam up, or have something planned to say and then it comes out really REALLY creepy. Prime example. Sean Hayes at Promises, Promises. I meant to say, "I grew up watching Will and Grace, it's one of my favorite shows." or something along those lines. But what I ACTUALLY said was, "I practically grew up with you." And he turned to me with a freaked out face, saying: "Really?" *facepalm* I also told one of the ensemble members at La Cage earlier that day that I liked his legs.
Before that I was only REALLY bad when I was 13-15. I went to Drowsy Chaperone and met Sutton Foster. Hunter Foster is my favorite Broadway actor, he really is, and I was dumb enough to actually order a shirt that had "Foster" embroidered on it. It was one of those team shirts where you can put your name or whatnot. So I'm wearing it, hoping she'll notice, and she did. So she says, "Oh! Is your last name Foster too?" to which I said, "IT'S BECAUSE I LOVE YOU AND YOUR BROTHER SO MUCH!!" And literally, she said, "Well, it was nice meeting you" and ran off. XD
When I went to the auction a few years ago, I met Bernadette Peters. I have always been told that I look like her because my hair is also very curly. When I got up to her at the autograph table, I started telling her that she is my idol, etc. And when she looked up at me, she smiled and said, "Wow! You have curly hair like me!" I started hyperventalating and crying. It was so embarassing. I just said OMG THANK YOU and walked away. Luckily she was the last one at the table, because I probably would have just walked by everyone else. XD
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I have to say the stories on this thread are very endearing. You're all just a bunch of real life Lucy Ricardos.
"I kissed Bill HOLDen!"