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Weird things you've said to Broadway stars- Page 2

Weird things you've said to Broadway stars

#25Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 6:20am

Audra McDonald was waiting outside of Hair, presumably for Will Swenson, but other people were going up to her to talk. I had just seen her in Twelfth Night and loved it, so I was going to say something about that. Instead this happened:

Me: Hi...I love you.
Audra: know, I'm not in the show.
Me: ...I loved you in Ragtime and I loved Twelfth Night
Audra: Oh! Thanks. You saw Ragtime?
Me: Yeah, I was like, 10, so I hardly remember it, but I loved Sarah.
Audra: Oh god you make me feel old.

Seriously. *facepalm*

Gypsy9 Profile Photo
#26Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 6:49am

Back in 1995 I was at the memorial service for Jule Styne at the Majestic, during which Tyne Daly read a letter from Arthur Laurents praising Jule Styne, and also singing "You'll Never Get Away From Me". Afterwards, Tyne Daly was hanging around on stage and I approached her with the following:
"Miss Daly, you were so wonderful in GYPSY. I saw Merman five times and you seven times and you were...the epitome...of Ethel Merman. You really got it." Miss Daly did not look pleased as I slinked away. But later at the stage door I got her autograph.(she hopefully didn't remember me) I also got the autographs of Betty Comden and Adolph Green, and Barbara Cook, who had sung a wondrous "Neverland" from PETER PAN.

"Madam Rose...and her daughter...Gypsy!"

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#27Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 10:01am

I saw both the dress and first preview of Boeing-Boeing, being a huge Bradley Whitford fan. At the preview, he introduced the gorilla walk. When I went to the stage door afterwards (the first time I'd stage-doored in a LONG time), I told him, "You MUST keep that gorilla walk, because it's EPIC." He told me he'd be sure to inform the director.

ClapYo'Hands Profile Photo
#28Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 10:19am

I told Gareth Gates I thought he was the best Marius ever. Which is weird, because that's not true...

#29Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 10:45am

I've put my foot in my mouth a couple of times, not in a wildly embarrassing way but just stupid stuff. I always kind of hope that the person I say it to (a) has heard it a thousand times before and is still smiling, or (b) is too tired to hear me properly.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#30Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 10:57am

Oh, I could write a book. I have said some seriously dumb sh*t in my day, because I get shy and awkward, but it's all turned out well. Weird things you've said to Broadway stars

I will share one, though it's actually more something a friend said, but it always makes me laugh. It was the night of the Broadway guest star thing at Spelling Bee, and I really wanted to meet Stokes. My friend had actually bumped into him earlier in the night, so she had already introduced herself to him, but I was... well, shy and awkward and didn't know what to do. So she took me up to him, re-introduced herself, I guess, and then handed me over and was like, "HER MOM LOVES YOU!" Which is true, my mom does love Stokes. It was just the best intro ever.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

claude hooper2 Profile Photo
claude hooper2
#31Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 11:02am

i was also a mess when i met Gavin Creel for the first time. It was at the Hair stagedoor, so i was already a blubbering idiot, and managed to get out, "Ummm I love you...inspiration...Brodaway Impact...." before bursting into tears...very classy

kristinchenofan570 Profile Photo
#32Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 11:05am

Ok so I have a huge crush on Sean Hayes and when my friend and I were stage dooring before the show (we actually were stagedooring Letterman but since the two theatres were together we kinda unintentionally did both) my friend looked over and told me Sean HAyes was walking into the theatre. I like an idiot run right over to him and start waving awkwardly and he walks past me. He finally says hi and this is how it went from there

Me- Hi! My friend and I are seeing the show later! ...We're just..uh killing umm..(i ment to say killing time but my mouth and brain didn't want to work together) waiting here now though!

Sean- (looking a little confused) Good. Good.

(then some lady comes out of nowhere asking him for a hug, he says yes and gives on to her)

Me-Can I have a hug too please?

Sean- Of course.

It wasn't until I went back with my friend that I realized how weird I must have sounded to him. It was probably the most embarassing but awesome stagedoor experiences!

Remember when drama was only on the stage?

kchenofan Profile Photo
#33Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 11:10am

I have more of a "Weird things Broadway stars have said to you". I was at the Bye Bye Birdie stage door with my dad. When John Stamos came out, my dad just said something like "You did a great job with the show." John reached over a few people to shake my dad's hand and then STARTED SINGING "ROSIE" TO HIM. Then he just moved down the line and me and my dad were just like "WTF just happened?!?". We still think it's bizarre.

EDIT: I just remembered another awkward moment. When I met Lea Michele at a Glee signing, I blurted out "I...really love you." Then I snapped out of it and we had a normal conversation, even though I'm pretty sure Cory Monteith was a little freaked out.

kchenofan's computer is broken right now. This is her fridge. Now, you can leave a message, but say it slowly, so I can write it on a post-it note and stick it to myself.
Updated On: 7/27/10 at 11:10 AM

#34Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 11:11am

I didn't say it, but I still can't get over the man at the stage door of Next to Normal who said this to Brian d'Arcy James:"I love your eyebrows!"

Add me into the group who always get's caught saying some variation of "You're Great" or "Great Show".

#35Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 11:27am

I'm usually fairly cool at stagedoors. I will clam up rather than babble...except for when I met Carol Channing.

After convincing her my name was not Gary Cooper, I then stammered:
"It's so nice to see you alive." When I meant to say, "Live."

So, pretty sure I insulted Carol Channing.

#36Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 11:56am

I was sitting in Carmines after seeing Betty Buckley for the 4 time in NYC and 1 time in London and I looked out the window and she and her dog were coming out of the stage door going to her limo...I ran out with my 2 programs and yelled Betty..her body guard and she looked at me like I was nuts...then I asked for her autograph..and I had no pen...and then I said could you sign this for my friend and she looked at me and looked around and there was no-one there but me and had this look on her face like I was NUTS,,,i said he is in the window at Carmines and she laughed and said ok and signed...she was very very nice and I realized how very very creepy I must have seemed..I dont ask anymore due to feeling totally embarrassed over this

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#37Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 12:06pm

I asked someone if (big West End star) was a good kisser; they'd been in a show together about 10 years prior.


My only excuse is that I was 18 at the time and a silly kid.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

wicked1492 Profile Photo
#38Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 12:44pm

I told J. Robert Spencer that he "should've beat those Billy Elliot brats" for the Tony at next to normal. It just shot out of my mouth.

"These rabid fans...possess the acting talent to portray the hooker...Linda Eder..." -The New York Times

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#39Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 12:54pm

I met Savannah Wise on the Simon stage after the closing of Ragtime and I was so starstruck that i babbled something along the lines of "OhmygodSavannahIsawyouinRockofAgesthedaybeforeyouwereannouncedtoreplaceAmySpangerandIwastotallyproudofyoucauseyouwerereallygoodandyouwerereallyfunnyasEvelynNesbitandI'mreallysadRagtime'sclosing"
She just kind of nodded and signed my Playbill and walked away with her boyfriend saying "Um...what just happened?"

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#40Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 12:56pm

I was the friend in Emcee's story, so yeah, that's on my list. In my defense, she wasn't giving me much to work with. Weird things you've said to Broadway stars

I feel like this thread was made for me. My mouth tends to move faster than my brain when I'm nervous. That doesn't happen as often anymore, but it led to some interesting moments back in the day.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#41Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 1:04pm

In my defense, she wasn't giving me much to work with

100% truth.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

legally_popular Profile Photo
#42Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 1:08pm

I used to be very shy and starstruck with performers and could only get out a "great job" if anything. But I've gotten much better now and can actually look them in the eye and can say something coherent. These were some embarrising ones from my huge awkward/dorky period.

This is more of a what I DIDN'T say that made me so awkward. I was on cloud nine while waiting in line to take a picture with Laura Benanti at the flea market. I couldn't speak to her at all. I don't even think I was able to get out a "hi" or "thank you." My friend told her how much we loved Gypsy and how amazing her performance was, and I just stood there nodding with a huge grin on my face. What a dork.

I saw West Side Story about a month after the 2009 Tonys and wanted to congratulate Karen Olivo. However, I was so nervous when she was standing in front of me that I sort of stuttered a "Congratuuhhatuuulllations on the Tony."

And my mom kinda embarrased me in front of Aaron Tveit. It was backstage before Next to Normal so she hadn't seen it yet. Beforehand we had told her how sad the show was so she just abruptly asked Aaron "Do you kill yourself?" (in the show) and kept asking questions to try to figure it out what made the show so sad. But that one question was a total :facepalm: moment for me.

twinbelters Profile Photo
#43Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 1:32pm

I've had some composers come onto me back in the day, but other than that I have had nothing but pleasant interactions with musical stage actors. One actress I met was a bit dismissive, but her male costar was sweet and made up for it. Like literally apologized to me for the actress's behavior.

With Irma you gotta do something!

#44Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 10:22pm

Wasn't me, but my friend. She was very nervous to meet Alan Rickman after "Private Lives" & was afraid she'd blank. So, I suggested she ask what he would be working on next, after PL closed. She asked him in a breathless rush, "What are you doing after the show?" LOL. Rickman understood her perfectly, esp. because she fell over herself to correct her flub, & he was a complete gentleman, very polite.

#45Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 10:32pm

John reached over a few people to shake my dad's hand and then STARTED SINGING "ROSIE" TO HIM.

I can not be the only one completely turned on right now.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#46Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 10:37pm

As Jonathan Groff was signing my souvenir poster at the stagedoor for Spring Awakening, he remarked about how nice it looked or was printed or something to that effect. Not really thinking I awkwardly decided to respond with, "Yeah, right? But what I really wanted was a shirt that says, 'I Got Skeeted On At Spring Awakening!'" He smiled uncomfortably before saying "Nice" and then moved on.

sbflyfan Profile Photo
#47Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 11:04pm

"Sweeney Todd" tour, finally getting to meet Ben Magnuson.

Me: "I really liked your performance on the cast recording and I'm glad I got to see you on the tour!"
Ben Magnuson: "Thanks so much!!"
Me: "Can I take a photo with you?"
Ben Magnuson (joking): "I would, but I don't have a camera with me..."
Me: "Oh no that's ok, don't worry, I have mine!!"
Ben Magnuson: ".......I was joking with you......."
Me: *facepalm*

And then there was the time I asked Kerry Butler for a photo and without even thinking, put my arm around her and she slightly cringed away out of reflex. I immediately pulled my arm away and apologized but she was so sweet about it. Now I just stand next to the actor/actress and if they put their arm around me, only then do I reciprocate.

"I'm seeing the LuPone in Key West later this week. I'm hoping for great vocals and some sort of insane breakdown..." - BenjaminNicholas2

castlestreet Profile Photo
#48Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 11:20pm

I went to see Buckley's by request show at the Carlye by myself-about 10 mins after I sat down, they put Michael Riedel next to me. We talked for a good half hour or so, and discovered that he is a huge Buckley freak, but hates musicals(how funny) and that he too is from the Rochester, NY area. At the end of the show he invited me to join him in Buckley's room- which of course I did. Now I had met her before, but never like this where there weren't other people standing in line. So what is one of the first things I decide to tell her about- paying $100.00 for a VHS bootleg of her in Sunset Blvd. back when I was a freshman in high school. She laughed and was cool about it but as I was walking back to my hotel room I felt like such an ass!

Last summer Morgan Freeman was sitting behind me at Gods of Carnage. Some woman walked up to him before the show and said "do you know who you are?" to which he said (in the voice of God that he has) "Do I know who I am? I think so"
Updated On: 7/27/10 at 11:20 PM

suttonfoster Profile Photo
#49Weird things you've said to Broadway stars
Posted: 7/27/10 at 11:25pm

This is my new favorite thread. SO FUNNY
