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Weirdest Show ever done by a high school- Page 4

Weirdest Show ever done by a high school

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#75re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 8/31/04 at 10:00pm

My friend's elementary school did Les Mis. Now THAT'S weird.

#76re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 8/31/04 at 10:13pm

Wow, Jojo--
I'm sorry, I probally came off pretty odd. I took about 30 seconds and pumped out the post for fun--I didn't realize it had to be an immaculate portrayl of grammer and form!
If I came off as silly and pompus, I really didn't mean to. Just wanted some fun--and I'm not saying Guys and Dolls is a bad show! It's fun! It's just not very challenging when compared to a show that requires a strict style of dance or singing, hmm?
So step off your Harvard high horse and just have fun, allright?

#77re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 8/31/04 at 10:21pm

Yes, Jojo, I totally belive that a direction of a show, esp. in an academic setting, is more crucial then the material. That's why I never get sick of the "Standards" like Guys and Dolls and West Side Story--heck, a well thought out direction and perspective can make me grab a ticket for anything!
And Margo Channing--
A high school "Follies" is a very, very odd thing indeed!! I shudder...

The Grovers Corners Yenta
#78re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 8/31/04 at 10:51pm

My former husband went to an all boys Catholic High School and they did Fiddler On The Roof. Ok start laughing now. He played Tevye and had to wear tzitzit { undergarment with ritual fringes worn by orthodox men. } They were crocheted by a nun. I didntr knoiw him then, but I would have given anything to see that production.

"Friends are the people you chose as family."....Me.

NoDayButToday2 Profile Photo
#79re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 8/31/04 at 11:09pm

i saw a highschool production of 'Chicago' ah its good to know what we are teaching america's youth the fundamentals of theatre-sex, violence, murder and stretching the truth so save your own ass. and i am sure those costumes were not school dress code.


though i must say their 'we both reached for the gun' was very clever for a highschool performance Updated On: 8/31/04 at 11:09 PM

Link Larkin Wanabe Profile Photo
Link Larkin Wanabe
#80re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/1/04 at 2:48am

hey Yenta,

Who played Golde and the daughters?...hah, I dont think I even want to know how they did the wedding scene.


#81re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/1/04 at 7:16pm


Where did you see this cast of "Chicago"?

CurtainUp2 Profile Photo
#82re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/1/04 at 8:54pm

I once went to a high school production of "Oh Calcutta". It was fun!

There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered. - Nelson Mandela
Updated On: 9/1/04 at 08:54 PM

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#83re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/1/04 at 10:50pm

For some reason, a high school doing Lippa's the Wild Party seems incredibly strange to's far from an easy score to sing...I couldn't even imagine the pipes that Kate, Burrs, and Queenie had to it's very sexual, and of course Burrs is abusive. Oh yeah...not to mention the non-stop use of alcohol, the cigarette that never leaves Kate's hand, the fact that she's a whore, and the crack she snorts....and there's an entire song that could easily be taken as mocking the bible. Heck, I could go on forever about why it seems strange.

As strange as the idea fo a high school doing a show like Sweeney Todd doesn't seem to be nearly as bad.

Anyway...the artistic director in my school district suggested that the middle school in our district did Sweeney Todd this year. I literally laughed in her face...I simply had no other reaction. This is the same woman who would not allow The Sound of Music to be performed at the high school because a swastika (that would later be torn up on stage) had to appear on stage.

Just to show you how crazy some artistic directors of schools are...

#84re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/2/04 at 12:06am

My brother's elementary school did Fiddler. It was hilarious and adorable and very very earnest, and wasn't really expected to be much more. And that's fine- the kids loved it.

bronxboundexpress Profile Photo
#85re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/2/04 at 12:08am

A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC. My high school.

#86re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/2/04 at 12:14am

I can just imagine a high schooler singing "Every Day a Little Death." Bwah.

But seriously, you had singers who could handle "Now/Later/Soon"? Because that's pretty impressive.

bwaybaby2 Profile Photo
#87re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/3/04 at 11:12pm

i did cabaret last year - which is the most emotional and yes, uncomfortable and hard shows ever - and this year we're doing jeykll and hyde - jesus - wish me luck

FOCI Profile Photo
#88re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/4/04 at 2:51am

I Have The Best One; "the vagina monologues"-by far the most inappropriate show i have ever seen at a high school-not that didn't laugh my a** off. BTW: side note is my high school the only one in the country that doesn't do musicals? I wish we did.

"I guess she is one very confident girl who feels if you see it, it shall be. I hope she sees a room with a piano player and a bunch of scary middle-aged queens sitting behind a table, talking to each other as she auditions!!" -Marc Shaiman on Kelly Osbourne in Hairspray

badkarma719 Profile Photo
#89re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/4/04 at 4:07am

I saw a high school do a competition peice with Steel Magnolias once

It was horrible

In the words of the great MargoChanning " -- Your One Stop on the Internet for All Things Broadway, Nasty Political Discussions, Meltdowns, Name-Calling and General Nonsense along with being a Premiere Pick-up Joint for Hotties, Shut-ins, Rambunctuous Teenagers With Bad Grammar, and All Manner of Bitter, Jaded Theatre Queens with WAY Too Much Time on Their Hands"?

Elphaba984 Profile Photo
#90re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/4/04 at 11:21am

When I was in high school my senior year (2002) we did Sugar. Kinda odd. And it definitely sucked. I know they still don't have a theatre dept/drama dept. So there is very minimal costume/sets/lighting done with the shows.

"You can't stop someone who wants to be an artist. If they're going to do it, they're going to do it... Work as hard as you can on the things you can work on. Until it seems like there is no possible chance you're going to succeed, don't give up." ~ANDREW ASNES avatar: me and jason gillman... in the pouring rain.

virgil blessing2 Profile Photo
virgil blessing2
#91re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/6/04 at 3:40am

i saw teens on Long Island do ASPECTS OF LOVE in a high school. oy! (i was going to college on Long Island at the time. i saw it in the paper and said to my roomie 'oh. we simply MUST see this.' i knew it was a racy show by reputation and said how is this actually orccurring. LOL. so, we did and sat there simply agog and aghast.)
for those of ya that don't know the piece, it deals FRANKLY with sex and love, various combinations of lovers, heterosexual, May/December romances, lesbian relat., etc. It a A.L. Webber musical. that theme song was driving me loco ('love changes everything'). Weren't 50 reprises of it sufficient?

Well - lemme tell ya, after it was over, I'll bet someone caught major flack. apparently they snuck it all thru without getting script approval, etc. the school had no CLUE what it was about. when the final curtain rang down, it was 'cricket city.' the parents flew into a rage and it was a turmoil in the theater, the lobby, the parking lot. absolute chaos. screaming, yelling, people grabbing their kids, people yelling at the orchestra. we 2 just sat back and watched as Long Island went haywire. NOT the show for teens in a public h.s. to put on. Love may change everything, but I'll bet it didn't change some poor schnook from getting FIRED. LOL

"I am not 'a' Eunice Burns. I am THE Eunice Burns!!!"

#92re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/6/04 at 3:57am

My schools doing cabaret this year, and I think the newer revival version... eek. But hey, we've already done chicago and laramie project. My 7th grade class, and this was the first show that most of these kids had done, did Our Town... it was hillarious and a little disturbing and kinda cool at the same time.

The biggest OMG show I've ever heard- a children's theater for 5-21 year olds in my area did A Chorus Line, barely edited. People walked out during the montage...

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#93re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/6/04 at 4:11am

"BTW: side note is my high school the only one in the country that doesn't do musicals?"

Nope, yours is NOT the only one. re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

Twilight Profile Photo
#94re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/6/04 at 4:14am

When I was in Jr. High, we did The Wiz. And I'll tell you, some of those songs being sung by a bunch of 13 year old white kids... the saddest thing I ever heard. It was the most god-awful show I've even done. But I played The Wiz, and I had to wear a lime green, checkered suit with an orange bow-tie. *shudder*

I can't control my destiny. I trust my soul my only goal is just to be

Marquise Profile Photo
#95re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/6/04 at 9:54am

i dunno but by the sounds of it some of these high schools are stretching it a bit... i mean c'mon "Les Mis", "Jekyll and Hyde".....LOL

NightLaughs Profile Photo
#96re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/6/04 at 11:37am

Ebonic Singer- Was there a TV special on your school and it's production of Hair? I remember watching something on TV a couple years about the 1st production of Hair by a high school.... just wondering.

If you limit your choices to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise."- Robert Fritz

LuvUrBatBoy Profile Photo
#97re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/6/04 at 11:42am

Funny story: My highschool always refused to let us do Grease because of the content and the ending in which the moral of the story appears to be that in order to be accepted and get a guy u have to become a slut.

My friend was in a highschool production of Grease where among many other changes, the most ridiculous was how Rizzo's "problem" was changed from possibly being pregnant, to having a smoking problem, lol.

Yes that's me. No, it's not a Rent homage.

#98re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/6/04 at 12:18pm

"When I was in Jr. High, we did The Wiz. And I'll tell you, some of those songs being sung by a bunch of 13 year old white kids... the saddest thing I ever heard. It was the most god-awful show I've even done. But I played The Wiz, and I had to wear a lime green, checkered suit with an orange bow-tie. *shudder* "

LOL...we did it with a bunch of 14-18 year old kids...about a little more than half were white. It was AWESOME :) Our Wiz wore a white suit with a green sequined bow tie re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school

musicman117 Profile Photo
#99re: Weirdest show ever done by a high school
Posted: 9/7/04 at 4:18pm

My high school did Gypsy..... which is kind of pointless.... how do you do a show about a stripper and keep it clean enough to appease the school board???

Also... a friend of mine did and all-white cast version of Once on this Island..... i know the writers wrote changes in the script so it could be done by white people... but i still find it just plain wrong
