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Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal- Page 22

Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal

DougieYero Profile Photo
#525re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/13/07 at 10:16pm

Has RENT been up on TKTS anymore? When I was in NYC last Wednesday there were tickets on TKTS for the matinee, and it was about 12:30... thought that was interesting.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#526re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/13/07 at 10:32pm

Had anyone seen Rent previous to July 30th, they would know about this longstanding problem and would realize that rush is not a logical solution for Rent.

Oh, dearie. Did Joel run over your dog?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

hermionejuliet Profile Photo
#527re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/13/07 at 10:40pm

"Has RENT been up on TKTS anymore? When I was in NYC last Wednesday there were tickets on TKTS for the matinee, and it was about 12:30... thought that was interesting."

I saw it on TKTS for 25% the first week that A&A were on. The average ticket price is $66 or so, so they are selling some if not all tickets at a discount. I don't think the Sat. evening shows are discounted though.

So, that was the Drowsy Chaperone. Oh, I love it so much. I know it's not a perfect show...but it does what a musical is supposed to do. It takes you to another world, and it gives you a little tune to carry with you in your head for when you're feeling blue. Ya know?
Updated On: 8/13/07 at 10:40 PM

#528re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/13/07 at 10:46pm

Orange, this is the post of mine that you're referring to, right?:

I wish they had a rush for Rent, although people might start lining up at like 6 am. I want to see the show again this week, if I can.

I see why you think those two thoughts were linked, but they actually weren't. I meant that a) I wish they had a rush for Rent and b) I want to see the show this week. One didn't have anything to do with the other, since I think it's pretty clear that I want to see the show during Adam and Anthony's run. And had they somehow magically reinstated rush for their run, I sure as hell wouldn't be able to get to the theater early enough, so it's a moot point to begin with.

I meant that I wish they had a rush in general, but I certainly do not think it's a longterm solution for Rent, since you said that the same group of people monopolize the lotto day after day. I really don't think there is a solution, and that wasn't the point of my post to begin with. You answered my question by saying that you do think people would start lining up the night before for the show - that's what I was curious about. Just because I know how early people go for the SA rush, but so far I havent heard of anyone, like hermione said, camping out for the whole night.

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?
Updated On: 8/13/07 at 10:46 PM

brdwybound2 Profile Photo
#529re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/13/07 at 11:08pm

AH I saw Anthony and Adam in RENT when I was in NYC for Broadway Artists Alliance, and I have some adorable pictures of Anthony, but I have zero idea how to post pictures. But I have nothing to add on their performances that others haven't already said... although the there has been some disagreement on the age thing, I was simply amazed by both of them. Seeing Anthony perform one of my all time favorite musical theatre songs (Halloween.. I know that's a weird one to love but I think it's great) was SOO fantastic.

somebody hold me too close...

#530re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/13/07 at 11:16pm

It's not weird, it was one of the moments I was looking forward to the most too re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

hermionejuliet Profile Photo
#531re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/13/07 at 11:25pm

Halloween is definitely not my favorite Rent song, BUT seeing Anthony sing it was amazing. I didn't cry during the I'll Cover You Reprise (usually I do), but I was bawling when he did Halloween. It is so amazingly raw and real.

So, that was the Drowsy Chaperone. Oh, I love it so much. I know it's not a perfect show...but it does what a musical is supposed to do. It takes you to another world, and it gives you a little tune to carry with you in your head for when you're feeling blue. Ya know?
Updated On: 8/13/07 at 11:25 PM

sesot Profile Photo
#532re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/13/07 at 11:35pm

I saw mary poppins Sat night. The MP stage door guard said that someone did break their leg standing in the stage door mess at Rent. I am not sure, but the person may have been hit by a car or injured trying to avoid being hit by a car. He was complaining about how the crowds have been out of control over there, and parents have not been supervising their kids, allowing them to be in the middle of the street all for a picture that probably won't come out from where they are.

brdwybound2 Profile Photo
#533re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/13/07 at 11:39pm

Alright I am attempting to post the pictures after some help from misschung. And yes.. seeing Anthony sing Hallween WAS amazing..

EDIT: holy crap my pictures are huge. Sorry! And in reply to the out of hand crowds... totally true. I felt sort of sorry for the guard because he was yelling for everyone to move back and NO ONE was listening (I'll admit that my mom and I might have ignored him because I wanted their autographs...) but I can imagine how frustrating that would be. The town car driver attempting to get close the curb was quite entertaining. To top it all off, the night I was at the SD, it started pouring down rain and Adam and Anthony ran to the car after signing a few autographs (I got one!).

somebody hold me too close...
Updated On: 8/13/07 at 11:39 PM

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#533re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/14/07 at 1:35am

sesot, I spoke with someone that works at the Nederlander and he said no one had broken their leg. Had it happened at the Rent stagedoor, the Nederlander staff definitely would have been alerted to the situation, especially if it involved someone being hit by a car.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

avab802 Profile Photo
#534re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/14/07 at 9:53am

But avab802, did you win? Or does this mean the Rent lotto is rigged?

Hahaha, orange. Actually, I did win. I seem to have good luck with the RENT lotto. Maybe they rig it for me. Joel was there, and he won too. Go figure.

#535re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/14/07 at 10:56am

That's funny. I saw Joel when I was in the city last week. I did a doubletake while walking down 7th Ave. It was like being in a time machine and transported back to the good old days. re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal

robin3 Profile Photo
#536re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/14/07 at 11:54pm

has anyone seen today's show? please keep this thread going and tell us whats going on at the Nederlander. thanks :)

MotorTink Profile Photo
#537re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/14/07 at 11:55pm

pictures are always appreciated as well! re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

BroadwayEnthusiast2 Profile Photo
#538re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/14/07 at 11:59pm

I was stage dooring MP tonight... The Nederlander is right across the street. All I can say is: Oh My God. It's not even worth trying to go after the show. It is completely, completely uncontrallably crowded out to the street. You could try going before the show, but that is still pretty bad.

"I mean, sitting side by side with another man watching Patti LuPone play Rose in GYPSY on Broadway is essentially the equivalent of having hardcore sex." -Wanna Be A Foster. "Say 'Goody.' Say 'Bubbi.'" ... "That's it. Exactly as if it were 'Goody.' Now I know you're gonna sing 'Goody' this time, but nevertheless..."

bwaylover86 Profile Photo
#539re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/16/07 at 9:57am

Hey everyone! I saw the evening show last night. This was my second time seeing Adam and Anthony and they were as wonderful as ever. Tamyra was out (spending time with her husband who is in town, not hurt or sick) so Antonique was in for her. I have seen her a few times in the past and I just really can't get past the overacting, which was really awful last night. She's got a great voice but needs to tone it down a little. Her Out Tonight actually had no energy and just felt kinda off. Marcus was also out and I thought Philip did a good job as the male soloist but my sister hated him lol.
The stage door was not as crazy for me as it was last time thank goodness. I was not even going to attempt it but my friend that was with me hadn't seen them yet and we managed to stand between the back of their car and there were a few bike taxis parked looking for riders so I didn't have anyone behind me but the bike. (Yay for no one trying to push me to the ground LOL) We actually had a great spot because the actors who come out through the barricade do reach over the car, so try to stand there if you can.
Also, A hot dog cart has sprung up in front of the Nederlander before the show and during intermission due to the extra large crowds, although I don't think it was there after the show. Between that and the bike taxis it was a little strange.
Nicolette came out first and signed for everyone as always, and even dove across the hood of the car to get to some fans on the other side! Antonique came out as well but neither stayed as long as they would have because a cop van pulled up and was ordering people off the road. At that point I didn't really move but the bike taxi behind me did so I ended up being shoved out of my good spot re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal The cops ended up closing down 41st but for a while were trying to get people on the sidewalks, I think they gave up. One of them had his night stick thing whatever it is called like in his hand and that scared me a little lol but I don't think he used it. Adam poked his head out and my guess is saw all the cops and changed his mind about coming out. He actually bumped in to my sister as he came out the far left door with his head down and he even completely ignored a girl asking him for an autograph. Anthony came out and signed for everyone.
When my friend came over to tell me Adam had left there was a major feeling of disapointment in the crowd and some refused to believe me. It looks like he hasn't been coming out regularly at all anymore not even just not after matinee shows, and some of the regular cast members don't seem to like it from what they have said.
Not that he is obligated in any way to stay, but if Anthony can do it why not him? Especially poking his head out like he was going to and then not was really not right if you ask me.

"That boy could use some Prozac"
Updated On: 8/16/07 at 09:57 AM

bwaylover86 Profile Photo
#540re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/16/07 at 10:01am

Oh yeah, and there was a television camera out there as well and I saw them interviewing some of the fans, anyone know what it was from?

"That boy could use some Prozac"

MotorTink Profile Photo
#541re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/16/07 at 10:06am

Well if he had stopped and signed for that girl, then everyone would have seen and you would have witnessed like 50 or so people chasing him down in the street. I hate it that the fans don't get to meet Adam, but I also don't blame him. As much as everyone loves Anthony, the crowd goes 10x's wilder and battier for Adam. So it is a little different for each. It's a no win situation.

i was wondering how long it would take for the stage door craziness to become a news story.

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!
Updated On: 8/16/07 at 10:06 AM

matjomae Profile Photo
#542re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/16/07 at 10:27am

Has anyone ever sat in a box at the Nederlander? I decided to suck it up and purchase another ticket, however I just can't get myself to pay more than $50. And for $50, on the night I needed, my options were quite limited. Either 2nd to last row of the Mezz off to the side or a box.

I picked the box. Was this a mistake? The guy mentioned a pole, but said he reccommended the box over the rear mezz. I stood at the box office very indecisively for a good 5 minutes before making a decision. I'm bringing a friend with me who has never seen Rent, or any other Broadway show for that matter. Will the view be that obstructed?

I totally should have asked about this before purchasing the tickets but eh, oh well.

"Take all of your so-called problems, better put them in quotations.." - JM

*brina-doll* Profile Photo
#543re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/17/07 at 11:30am

I completely agree with Tink. It seems that the crowd (from the videos I've seen anyway) is much calmer for Anthony than for Adam. Like you can see with this, I can see why he may not want to come out as much as Anthony. The fans went nuts! (sorry if this was posted before, my bad then~)

Your aspirations are your possibilities-Samuel Johnson (and a little help from nomdeplume)

robin3 Profile Photo
#544re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/17/07 at 11:37am

since I've never been to the Nederlander, I am wondering, can the audience safely exit the theater with out encountering the crowd? I am concerned about my daughter, who will be on crutches, getting pushed around by the unruly fans.

#545re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/17/07 at 11:50am

Has the stage door been any less calm in the past few days??

Chloe Profile Photo
#546re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/17/07 at 1:31pm

Robin, there are many exit doors. The crowd is clustered around the middle ones and tends to extend out into the street more than it does along the sidewalk. If I were you I'd wait a bit for the greater part of the crowd to leave, then head for the closest open doors. There are usually ushers around to direct you.

I haven't really heard how things have been at the stage door this past week.

sweetdisaster Profile Photo
#547re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/17/07 at 7:46pm

First, I saw the show last night. I had seen it the second night, and I really felt like it has intensified a lot. That could have also been the drastic difference in my seats, going from Rear mezz to orchestra.

The stage door was pretty crowded still, but much better than it was during their first week. The crowd was being quiet and patient from what I could see on the side. People were saying that Adam snuck out the front doors, but I didn't see him. So I'm assuming he didn't come out last night.

Also, just got word that Kyle Post is on as Roger tonight. Anthony's still on.

hermionejuliet Profile Photo
#548re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/17/07 at 9:51pm


I went the first week Adam and Anthony were there, and there were large crowds. However, we exited through doors on the far right (where you enter the Nederlander), and we could pretty much avoid the crowd altogether. I'm not sure if the set-up has changed or if the crowd has grown.

So, that was the Drowsy Chaperone. Oh, I love it so much. I know it's not a perfect show...but it does what a musical is supposed to do. It takes you to another world, and it gives you a little tune to carry with you in your head for when you're feeling blue. Ya know?
