Yeah, and besides time really flies when you don't think about it. Like waiting a whole year in between Lord of the Rings movies went by alot faster then I thought because I had other things on my mind. :-P
I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart.
Thanks for everything *this is an actual conversation with my friend on AIM about me living in the Lower East Side. I have lived there for 14 years, and I am fourteen.
Me: tomorrow is that last day of filming in NEW YORK CITY friend: damnit! Me: yup Me: but it is doing real good for lower east side friend: but a lot of people don't care....we just go about our bussiness Me: lol friend: hahaha Me: well the musical did make the LES a much better place.....i still remember my first sight of a man running away from the cops..... Me: being beaten down by the cops Me: and being arrested by the cops Me: those memories Me: but still RENT.....didn't get the junkies out Me: damn Me: lol friend: hahaha Me: oh ya i am serious about all that Me: but with a light heart Me: lol Me: i have witnessed people being arrested Me: running away friend: wow friend: that is scary friend: in a way Me: eigth graders doing drugs Me: well kids in general doing those things Me: well what can we do Me: actually we can do a lot (unlike those community gardens--we nothing for them....hahahaha) Me: but people down here are at times hard headed Me: it is much better than before Me: less graffiti Me: more people coming here for tourism Me: my friends have been mugged Me: one got her cell stolen Me: the other was at knife point and at the age of 10 Me: amazing....i thought my life was happy Me: have any reaction? friend: omg gaven friend: i'm scared for you now friend: that is terrible Me: well it is....u can say....."behind closed doors" Me: people don't see anything Me: it just happens when we are not looking Me: but it is better....i assure u Me: there are new stores...places to people are less scared in moving in and all that Me: so it isn' that bad Me: just the junkie homeless people Me: thing that pisses me off is that those homeless people...whom we offer food.....i mean great food.....refuse to take it because they only want money.....then later on u'll find them drunk infront of my old school where many innocent children witness him....and what bothers me the most is the one time the local homeless man, angel, which is his name, said proudly to me that he was homeless on the street for 28 yrs.... Me: i remember one time a women was shot infront of my building in stuy town Me: she was a teacher walking kids Me: anyway she survived Me: the one who shot her was in the building joined with mine Me: anyway......i love living here still for it openmindness, life, art, races, families, its characters....that is why when i see RENT i see my life
Even though these things happen....just think how the Lower East Side would be without Johnathan Larson....and RENT... Thanks Anthony and everyone on the RENT cast!!!! RENT MADE THE LOWER EAST SIDE....ITS LIFE..ITS PEOPLE..ITS SEASONS OF LOVE
Oh ya i would like to meet ya guys. If i don't see ya guys at Thompson Square Park....just want so say thanks to everyone who are participating in this monumental achievement in art to the big screen. Anthony, thanks for taking your time to read this...i hope u and the whole cast have a great time finishing ur time filming in New York! Please respond.
"Don't jump in, you! They'll shoot you!"
-David Hyde Pierce(signing autographs after a preview performance of Spamalot)
"The weight of this sad time we must obey, Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say. The oldest hath borne most; we that are young Shall never see so much, nor live so long"-Edgar in King Lear
It's confirmed with my mom! I can go to sf! I just need to know what day is filming and where to be and what time to be there. YAY! Too bad my sister might have to come along. She hates rent. She is going to be POed....but whatever! I'm going!!!! Don't mean to brag at anyone who can't go. I'll post links to pictures.
"It's a long story, althought it's kinda-of a short one." ~~
Well have fun! Lol it's nice to piss sister's off. I pissed my friend off today by singing Rent with my bf and he kept on saying f*** which made her even more annoyed. It was pretty funny. Trying to explain some of the things in there was pretty funny.
"The weight of this sad time we must obey, Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say. The oldest hath borne most; we that are young Shall never see so much, nor live so long"-Edgar in King Lear
That would be funny. Hey we should go to the OT and talk on the world's most random thread because I know sooner or later Lael will be here and start ripping out her hair.
Sorry Lael.
"The weight of this sad time we must obey, Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say. The oldest hath borne most; we that are young Shall never see so much, nor live so long"-Edgar in King Lear
yeah that's true. I have an interesting story on the random thread that involves La Vie Boheme.
"The weight of this sad time we must obey, Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say. The oldest hath borne most; we that are young Shall never see so much, nor live so long"-Edgar in King Lear
"Trailers...lesee...I'm assuming...end of July? Early August? It mainly depends on the film, but from what I've seen (Slow Saturday nights at the movie theater were spent with me watching the trailers in the lobby) normally 5-6 months before the release. Maybe a teaser trailer at the beginning of summer?"
I don't remember who I took this from because by the time I finished reading the rest of the thread I forgot, but let's hope you're right about the trailers around summer...*can't wait* and don't worry, I've spent many a night in the lobby after movies watching the trailer screen preview a buncha stuff... I hate teasers...*sigh* not too many of those please...word of advice, never put the funniest joke in the trailer...lame..if the trailer is hillarious the movie most likely will suck...but that's off topic...I'm done again...
"A guy gave a girl 12 roses, eleven real one fake, he said, when the last rose dies I'll stop loving you..."
I'm a newbie here and just thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Monika and am from Huntington Beach, CA. I'm 18 and a senior in highschool. I recently just jumped on the Rent bandwagon (if that's what it's called), and I absolutely loved it. I saw it for the first time in NY 2 weeks ago. I was totally bawling throughout Act 2. I can't stop listening to it. I'm so excited for the movie that's coming out. I can't wait!
To Anthony: I think it's awesome that you take time out of your day to read these threads and answer questions. That's so great of you. You're such an amazing and talented actor and singer. Thanks for doing this!! Oh, I can't wait for Little Shop of Horrors to come down here in August.
To Anthony Rapp: Just wanted to let you know I think you're an amazingly talented actor, and that I seriously lament the fact that I live in Rhode Island instead of NYC, where I could meet you guys! Oh well...I already have my calendar marked for when RENT comes out!! Just saw the show for the second time two weeks ago, and have been a fan forever :) anyway, thanks for taking the time to come on here- you're awesome!!!
~~**I've had a knack from way back of breaking the rules once I learned the games**~~
~~**Badger badger badger badger badger...MUSHROOM!!!**~~
Just bumping this thread back to it's original state! Hope nobody minds...
Also, I would like to thank everyone that's posted pictures of their experiences on the RENT set(s). Those of Wilson and Jesse from 'I'll Cover You' really brought tears to my eyes. The chemistry is *back*!
MaskedRose- *that was mine post* It's most likely near the beginning of summer. Example- the movie theater I used to work at got a trailer for "Return of the King" in...*thinks* late July. If Rent's scheduled for a November release, keep your eyes open in late June, most likely.
And ditto about the funniest joke...although, I do like some teasers. Especially if it's for something I know about and everyone else is oblivious. (Personally cheered the first time I saw the teaser for "Hitchhiker's)
"During this performance, please feel free to let your cell phones and pagers ring willy-nilly. However, do remember that there are heavily-armed knights on stage and you might well be dragged up and impaled."
(Pre-curtain announcement at the new Broadway musical Monty Python's Spamalot)
Hi Anthony - thanks for all the updates. You sound like a really smart and spiritual guy. It must be bittersweet working on the movie, since it's another part of the show's amazing journey that (from what I can gather) Jonathan Larson would have gotten a big kick out of. Sometimes movies carry a dedication card at the end. Has there been any discussion of dedicating the film to Jonathan's memory? Hope your move to the west coast goes smoothly. Thanks again for the updates.
Heya all! Today my girlfriend Aubrey and I performed "Over The Moon" at our performing arts high school. We got the audience to MOO! They actually mooed! We are making t-shirts that says 'the girls who moo" =8-> Joys! And we get to perform again April 1st! But that's not the reason for this post...I just wanted to be all happy and stuff! *squees and then calms down* I'm okay now.
Anyway, Anthony, is there a specific reason RENT isn't being filmed all the way in NY? Sorry, if you've already answered...I don't think you did. -Beth
1. Ted Allen: Everyone has an interesting life if you ask the right questions.
2. Great buckets of Spoffnor, they're going to sing!
3. "I love shrubs that are historical." -Johnny and The Sprites
4. "We're not singing it to you, we're singing it for us." -Rosario Dawson, about La Vie Boheme
5. "The best moments in reading are when you come across something - a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things - which you had thought special and particular to you. And now, here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out, and taken yours." -The History Boys
6. "Pass the parcel. That's sometimes all you can do. Take it, feel it and pass it on. Not for me, not for you, but for someone, somewhere, one day. Pass it on, boys. That's the game I want you to learn. Pass it on." -The History Boys
You lucky lucky girl Rice! :-P Be sure to take tons of pics for those of us stranded in other parts of the country.
Yes, I'd expect to start seeing trailers in movie previews in mid or late summer. Especially since its a pretty big movie, they like to promote things in advance. It's a little different, but they were promoting the Incredibles about a year before it came out. Oh how I will scream and cheer when I see a RENT promo before a movie!
I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart.
Anthony-I was at the set Thursday night and I just wanted to tell you that I had the time of my life! As if being there and watching filming wasn't enough, I actually got to meet you and talk to you! Mission complete! That was the best day, I'll never forget it!
"I'm the STAR!"--Daniel Reichard during Glory Daze sound check
ohhhhhhhh yeaaaaa. now i remember, the cat outfit. totally thought it was something different. i think "rubber" threw me off. hehehehe. or i'm just totally out of it.
Yes, I'm pinay. And I'm proud of it!
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