Hi Anthony. Many times when a stage show is produced as a movie, the authors will include a new song into the score. Since Johnathan is no longer with us, has there been consideration to include any new music that was previously cut? I heard one of the songs from the workshop that has been floating around on the net called "For someone cool, you're a fool", which I thought was great!
Good luck on the movie! I'm so excited for its release!
new to the board, but i still wanted to express my love... i saw you in little shop while you were in la... and i was so great, it was a pleasure. I just hope you are enjoying yourself on the set and are also able to make a great movie!!
Anthony's answer to "What's the most romantic Broadway love song of all time?"-
"I have trouble not giving my choice to Jonathan Larson, for writing one of the most joyous, sweetest love songs of all time: "I'll Cover You." It doesn't have the same sort of moddiness that some classic standards may have, but I can think of few songs that capture the wonder and thrill at the core of falling in love."
Good answer, Anthony. That song gives me chills every single time I hear it.
Swing Joined: 12/1/04
Hey Anthony,
Thank you so much for taking the time out of you busy schedule to answer all of our questions. (it took me 2 days on and off to read the whole thread but I did! woot!) Just a general question, as my high school career draws to a close I'm being increasingly pressured to pursue a "safe" career (read: "acting is not a job"<- Insert temper tantrums and multiple arguments) and that I should pursue something that I'm good at but I don't enjoy doing. (nothing could ever replace drama in my life...ever.) Have you ever faced similar pressure? If so, how did you deal with it? Any tips for dealing with the parentals?
I know that the question was for Anthony but I hope you don't mind if I throw my two cents in.
I have a very similar problem in the sense that my parents don't approve of the fact that I want to pursue acting as a lifelong career and they wish I'd choose a "safer" road. I have about 2 years left of high school and, already, I feel the pressure and frankly, my advice is to not let them get to you. Yeah I know it's easier said then done but don't let them stop you from doing something you love to do. Sure, acting is not the most predictable job and there will be spans of time where it doesn't all go smoothly but if it's something you love you shouldn't give up on it because of a few bumps. I mean who wants to spend their life doing something they don't enjoy right? And the bumps and unpredictablness are part of what make life an adventure. I think it'd be rather dull if everything always went smoothly. Don't let the pressure get to you. Maybe try talking to your parents. That didn't really work in my case but it could very well be successful for you. I just remind myself that even though they want what they think is best for me, in the end it is my life and future and I should choose my path based on what I think'll make me happy and give me the best and fullest life I can have. Don't give up something you love so much for anyone else. I mean we only get one chance to live a good life right? Might as well spend what time we have on this earth doing what we have a passion for, even if that passion is considered usafe by some. We never know when our time here will end so we might as well enjoy the moments we are given to their fullest.
Sorry for the lenght but I hope that helps you in some way. Good luck!
Swing Joined: 12/1/04
Thanks for responding Dreamcatcher, but trust me the first thing I tried was talking to them. They're more stubborn than I am, and that's really saying something...I love my parents dearly, and I think their concern stems from the fact that I'm a recovering Anorexic/Bulimic and that came from getting into ballet at an intensely competitive level. So, in that way I can understand how they would think that getting intensely involved in theatre woul dmake me relapse (No matter how much I tell them that *most* actors support each other..ballerinas are out for each others blood). But I wish they would try to understand that my life without drama would be just...empty.
Yeah thats how it was with my parents. They are strictly academic and love to be safe and so on so they believe anything outside that area is destined to fail. And unfortunately it may be something you and your parents will never see eye to eye with. For me, I could talk til my face turned blue and they would still respond with "if you keep acting you will fail in life and starve." It's hard to hear all the time but, like I said above, just remind yourself how much you love theatre and acting and it'll pull you through. I know that sounds like it wouldn't work but trust me, if YOU believe its the right way to go for your future and if you believe you can do it you will. Don't let them stop you from doing something you love even if their concern comes from a good place. Obviously theatre is something you care deeply about and the advice I gave is based off of how I deal with the problem in my own life but in the end it is your own personal choice. I realize that I can be too foward with my opinions at times and I will be the first to admit that I am not always right and I just want to make sure you know that just because this is how I handle my problems, it doesn't mean you have to it as well. If you feel that going into a severe theatre environment would cause some kind of relapse then, obviously, a different course of action may be what is best for you. I hope that made some sense and I'm not just rambling incoherantly. I am truly sorry to hear about your past dealings and I hope that continues to get better.
Anyways, I don't want to clog up the thread so Anthony has trouble finding questions for him whenever he gets back but I'd be happy to continue this discussion via PM if you want. Hope that's been of some help.
Stand-by Joined: 10/29/04
Hi all --
It has been a wonderfully busy last couple of weeks, and that combined with the lack of high speed internet connection at my new apartment in San Fran conspired to make it difficult to get a post to you guys. The Comcast folks just left my place, so I am hooked up and will post as often as possible.
To update:
Almost all of the recording has been completed, and I know I have said it before, but I promise you it will kick the living ass of the original recording. It will have much more sonic depth, all of our voices are more mature, and it just *rocks.* Our next step is to rehearse with the rough mixes so we can acclimate ourselves to the duties of lipsynching, but I don't anticipate that being too much of a problem. Should be interesting, at the very least.
We also have been spending the last couple of days in front of the camera for the first time, doing makeup/hair/wardrobe tests. We all got into our various costumes and hairstyles and makeup looks for Chris and the designers to have the opportunity to look at us all on a big screen and decide which looks were most effective and appropriate for the film. I was only able to see the on-set monitor while it was all going on, but I can safely say that our cinematographer, Stephen Goldblatt knows what he's doing. The film will have texture and darkness and great taste. I just saw Closer last week, which he shot, and I was very impressed with how real the photography felt, while still having a real flair and style.
The bottom line is that we are getting more and more excited as the official start of filming fast approaches. We're starting off in NYC for a couple of weeks, and then we come back here to San Fran, where we'll be until June, and then we wind up in LA for a couple of weeks.
Since a lot of questions have piled up, I'll try to get to them soon, but if there's anything pressing, let me know.
Hope you all had a happy Valentine's day.
Take care --
I just have a quick question: Will you still be with the "Little Shop of Horrors" tour when it comes to Denver?
I am now getting really excited for this film! I like how you are describing the look of the film which is very imprortant to me. I am also just glad that you are having fun! thaks for the update!
Anthony--Just thought I'd let you know that my little sister just listened to Rent for the first time the other day and now she has the biggest crush on you. She's just a little too young for you, though.
Hey Anthony! Congrats on the new apartment, and I'm so glad to hear things are going so well. Thanks.
Random question, if you can get to it - are any of y'all planning solo performances when you're back in New York? I'd imagine the shoot is going to take up most of your time, though
That's really cool! Sounds like everything is going great and you all are enjoying yourselves. Also sounds like everything is coming along very well.
That's funny Priest.
Well I guess I'll just keep this short.
Hope everyone's having a good day, and nice to hear from you Anthony.
Yeah, Racetrack, I can't tell you how many times she has replayed and replayed the whole "To days of inspiration" section of 'La Vie Boheme' at full blast.
Just a little too many.
Anthony Rapp posts here?! That is awesome... I love him on the RENT cast recording so much!!!!!!! Updated On: 2/17/05 at 06:07 PM
It's not a soundtrack just yet...
Lol Priest. Sorry about that.
Eh no problem playbill.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/7/04
Ditto on the "Thanks, Anthony". Sounds like you're having great fun, and the movie's going to be amazing.
I get more and more excited about the movie each time you post. When are you guys coming to NY? As always, thanks for the updates
DUUUUUUDE. I will probably seriously cry when I get the movie soundtrack and cry even harder when I see it on the big screen with majority of the original folks. Good lord, I won't be able to control myself. Anyone want to be there with me with a box of tissues at the ready?