BoringBoredBoard40 said: "it is 110% not being named after Hal"
And you know this how?
Must we have the “what is going into XYZ theatre” every week, where members just recycle unreliable info they heard in other threads, repackage it and repost it here as their own inside scoop?
Theater reporter Frank DiLella was on "Morning Joe" earlier this week, giving everyone the heads up on the Spring Broadway season. Of course, the closing of "Phantom" was front and center of the conversation.
Host Willie Geist said it's going to be hard to imagine a Broadway theater district without a 'Phantom' on the marquee, as it's probably been there for many theater-goers' lifetime. He asked DiLella what will be going into the theater next.
DiLella said that the Majestic will undergo a amajor 'clean-up' as it really needs an update. He then said with a wink and a grin that 'Phantom' won't be gone too long hinting that there will definitely be a quick revival. When prodded for more, he wouldn't say outright but kept hinting that POTO will be back before we know it. (To viewers like me, it sounded like after a brief closing to renovate the theater, POTO will be right back in the Majestic before long as a revivial - maybe a scaled down version, but a revival).
Leading Actor Joined: 5/2/13
Well, thats hysterical. Kristin Caskey, Mike Issaccson and Brian Moreland are the producers. According to paperwork ATG is a co-pro NOT a producer. This show is not going to an "ATG house". I am told it is going in to a Nederlander house.
A lot of totally contradictory things being thrown around in this thread. Maybe everybody should refrain from putting their oar in.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/10/18
Broadway Flash said: "when will this open?"
When will what open? The Majestic? When they're ready to have a show in there again.
Broadway Flash said: "when will this open?"
Reopen? The renovations are expected to take over a year. Seems doubtful we hear anything until next Spring.
Wick3 said: "Have they started renovations?"
I thought they were started almost immediately after (/during) Phantom completed their load out.
Swing Joined: 7/2/08
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/27/21
They are totally rebuilding the seating, I walked by a few weeks ago and the doors were open and I could see all the seats in the orchestra had been ripped out
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/17/07
Yes the load out took 21 days and it was lovingly documented on instagram for all to see. They showed the renovation process that was already well underway during those 21 days. There was a giant false wall behind the orchestra section that was taken out right away. All of the seats in the entire theater were taken out, but they carefully marked the seat armrests for reinstallation I assume. The hallway and stairwell walls were all stripped down. The last pictures I saw from a couple weeks ago, the lobby was in complete disarray with buckets, drop cloths, garbage cans, and dust everywhere. The stage was basically scooped out all the way to the depth of the bottom of the candelabras and left like that. Broadway up close did a cool video of the old box office window that once faced 44th Street that was uncovered. What I'd really like to see is how the removal of all the black paint on the inside is going. Even if the London version is moving in, that one got rid of all the black paint too.
And by the way, the very last thing from the production to be removed? Joseph Buquet.
The Shubert's instagram account posted a few detail shots of the Majestic being repainted. The new color scheme looks lovely - very reminiscent of what they did with the James Earl Jones Theatre renovation.
Heard a rumor today they want Sunset for the Majestic. Phantom (tour version) to the Belasco
WldKingdomHM said: "Heard a rumor today they want Sunset for the Majestic. Phantom (tour version) to the Belasco"
Sunset as in the current London production? Majestic seems way too big for that production, though I'd be thrilled with it coming to Broadway anywhere.
Based on a conversation I had with someone involved with the renovation a few months ago, whatever is going in there is planned for this Spring. They were not told what it is but the work needed, at that point, to be done by Spring. That's Tony season. I suspect it won't be Phantom that goes back in there. Not sure how that would work if Phantom went back in. Would it be eligible for Revival that soon? So no "specific" information but just what I gleaned from the conversation I had.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
Unless there’s been a change recently, three years between closing and opening are required to qualify for consideration as a revival.
Well there’s certainly no shortage of things trying to come in. Will be very interesting to see what is next.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/17/07
The Shuberts had to dynamite through bedrock in order to get the candelabras to fit into the stage of the Majestic. Even if it were the new London tour coming in, the candelabras are still the same size (although now they don't move once they're in place on stage). So if the Belasco wasn't one of the theaters considered in 1987 (Hellinger, Majestic, Hirschfeld) then it won't be considered now.
And who is the "they" that wants something Tony-eligible? The Shuberts? I'm surprised they would really care one way or another--the landlord doesn't get to bask in the Tony Award glow after all. And waiting the required 3 years to make Phantom Tony-eligible again doesn't sync with what CamMack/ALW are doing in London, which is trying to make everyone forget that the show changed at all and that the current version is still the 80's version. So to bring that version here and call it a revival would certainly create a lot of confusion, especially for their press releases and social media.
Is something still trying to come in for Spring?
Broadway Flash said: "Is something still trying to come in for Spring?"
Renos won't be done by then.
Broadway Flash said: "Is something still trying to come in for Spring?"
I walked past the theatre a couple of weeks ago; the entire marquee awning is gone, and the front doors are boarded up. This likely won't be reopening until later next year or early 2025. Remember, it hasn't had a massive renovation since before it was modified for Phantom.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/10/18
Broadway Flash said: "Is something still trying to come in for Spring?"
My industry friends are hearing that something is booked for the spring. How rigid that booking is, I have no idea but it seems they're currently confident that the reno will be done.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/13
Nothing schedule. The huge renovation is going to take a while.....