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Who is replacing Olivo?

#25Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/1/21 at 4:42pm

Sutton Ross said: "Let's clear this up right now.

MARISHA WALLACE is currently on the West End.

Marcia Wallace died in 2013.

So, you are both wrong.

I just do not believe it will be Jessie J. They have set a precedent of not casting white performers as Satine and they won’t start now.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#26Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/1/21 at 4:45pm

It certainly won't be a no name on the West End or a dead person. So, that narrows it down slightly! They never said they won't be replacing her with a white person, so I guess we will see.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#27Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/1/21 at 4:50pm

Amber Ardolino and Ashley Loren are both white women, and went on for Karen a lot. So, they actually did not set any precedent. Moving forward, it might be different.

#28Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/1/21 at 5:09pm

I’m sure we won’t have to wait long to find out anyway. Please not Jessie J!

would be glad to see Ashley Loren take the role full time

Updated On: 8/1/21 at 05:09 PM

#29Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/1/21 at 8:10pm

Back in May, (a few weeks after it was announced that Olivo would not be returning to MR) I heard a terrific interview Terry Gross did with Janelle Monae wherein Monae discussed originally coming to New York to study musical theater (after doing musicals in high school) but got frustrated (only woman in her class at AMDA) -- in brief, felt a woman of color would not have significant opportunites in musical theater and would be better off creating music so she left NY for Atlanta. While listening to this, I thought Monae would make really a great Satine - checking so many boxes in the best of all possible ways, including having the acting chops. If not MR, originating a part in a musical should be in Monae's future --kinda a no brainer. Obviously doesn't need the theater acclaim now given numerous film and recording accomplishments - but I can imagine triumphing on Broadway would be sweet.

Updated On: 8/1/21 at 08:10 PM

Plannietink08 Profile Photo
#30Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/1/21 at 8:13pm

theaterdarling said: "Back in May, (a few weeks after it was announced that Olivo would not be returning to MR)I heard a terrificinterview Terry Gross did with Janelle Monae wherein Monae discussed originally coming to New York to study musical theater (after doing musicalsin high school)butgot frustrated (only woman in her class at AMDA) --in brief, felt awoman of color wouldnot havesignificantopportunites in musical theater and would bebetter off creating musicsoshe left NY for Atlanta.While listening to this, I thoughtMonaewould makereally a great Santine - checkingso many boxesin the best of all possible ways, including having theacting chops. If notMR, originating a part in amusical should be in Monae'sfuture --kinda ano brainer. Obviously doesn't need the theater acclaim now given numerousfilm and recording accomplishments- butI can imagine triumphing on Broadway would be sweet."

I’d love to see Monae do a Sara Barielles and write a show she can star in! 

"Charlotte, we're Jewish"

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#31Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/1/21 at 8:39pm

I can't imagine it would be Jessie J. Didn't she just go through some issues where she couldn't sing that well anymore, and was just diagnosed with a disease that causes dizziness?

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

#32Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/1/21 at 9:25pm

The replacement will indeed be announced tomorrow -- she'll be great but she's not yet been named in this thread (as much as I'd love to see Jessie J on Broadway) and she's not a name I see tossed around often (has not been in Broadway in like 10 years).  

Updated On: 8/1/21 at 09:25 PM

#33Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/1/21 at 9:40pm

Jennifer Damiano

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#34Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/1/21 at 9:43pm

nativenewyorker2 said: "Jennifer Damiano"

Super Boy and the Invisible Girl

Erin V
#35Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/1/21 at 9:47pm

I think Nicole Scherzinger would be a good fit for the role!

#36Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/1/21 at 10:03pm

This show is beneath Nicole, but she’d slay that.

#37 Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/1/21 at 10:59pm

Makes me think of Sasha Allen.

#38Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/1/21 at 11:02pm

Montego Glover?

#39Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/1/21 at 11:12pm

pmensky said: "MontegoGlover?"

has been on Broadway in the past 10 years with It Shoulda Been You and Les Mis

#40Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/1/21 at 11:55pm

They won’t cast a ‘name’. The show doesn’t need it, and it would cause too much trouble when they miss shows etc. The show is the star.

copskid949 Profile Photo
#41Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/2/21 at 12:01am

jacobsnchz14 said: "nativenewyorker2 said: "Jennifer Damiano"

Super Boy and the Invisible Girl

That Spider-Man cast sure does like to reunite with old cast mates, huh? Crossing my fingers for this one!

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#42Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/2/21 at 1:53am

nativenewyorker2 said: "Jennifer Damiano"

Jennifer Damiano was in American Psycho and that was on Broadway like 5 years ago. Sasha Allen would be great, and the last time she was on Broadway was 2010, so roughly 10 years ago.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire
Updated On: 8/2/21 at 01:53 AM

WldKingdomHM Profile Photo
#43Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/2/21 at 3:37am

Solea Pfeiffer would be awesome

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#44Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/2/21 at 11:01am


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

DiscoCrows Profile Photo
#45Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/2/21 at 11:01am

Michael Paulson: "Moulin Rouge!" has found its next Satine: Natalie Mendoza will star in the stage musical when it restarts on Broadway this fall.

Updated On: 8/2/21 at 11:01 AM

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#46Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/2/21 at 11:07am

Well, certainly not even close to what any of us predicted! 

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#47Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/2/21 at 11:19am

I mean, good for her. I really thought they’d get a name, if only to help boost what could be lackluster sales, as Broadway tries to recover.

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#48Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/2/21 at 11:22am

This will get the Filipino community excited, for sure.

She wasn’t even on my radar. Makes her all the more exciting.

Sauja Profile Photo
#49Who is replacing Olivo?
Posted: 8/2/21 at 11:28am

I'm not familiar with Mendoza which I find very hopeful. That they didn't just slap a random name into the role to try to draw people in suggests to me that she's gotten the job based on talent. I hope she's terrific. Rooting for her.
