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Scott Rudin returns: "intimately involved" with Little Island's 2024 Summer Festival- Page 2

Scott Rudin returns: "intimately involved" with Little Island's 2024 Summer Festival

Kad Profile Photo
#25Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/13/24 at 6:13pm

Impeach2017 said: "Newsflash: many of the greats of the theater were not nice people!"

Not being nice, or even being ruthless, is the not the same as being abusive, which Rudin was widely known to be. And we are thankfully slowly coming out of the age in which abuse is tolerated or excused as a price of doing business. 

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Charley Kringas Inc Profile Photo
Charley Kringas Inc
#26Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/13/24 at 6:24pm

Impeach2017 said: "Newsflash: many of the greats of the theater were not nice people!"

"Other than the poop smeared on the bread, the sandwich was delicious!"

FLarnhill Profile Photo
#27Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/13/24 at 9:05pm

So many self-righteous people here who can't learn to separate the art from the artists and love to make others pay for their mistakes for their entire lives.


I hope you're all happy.

#28Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/13/24 at 9:12pm

FLarnhill said: "So many self-righteous people here who can't learn to separate the art from the artists and love to make others pay for their mistakes for their entire lives.

I hope you're all happy.

Years of abusive behavior is not a "mistake" and yes, I am happy that abusers are beginning to face a reckoning rather than people just accepting it.  If someone like Rudin wants the public and industry to accept him back, he has to earn it.

Bette's Turban Profile Photo
Bette's Turban
#29Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/13/24 at 9:29pm

I’m glad he is back. 

senorvoce Profile Photo
#30Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/13/24 at 9:38pm

I don't care if he's the biggest pr1ck in the world. His shows run, and that means jobs. 

Broadway Flash Profile Photo
Broadway Flash
#31Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/13/24 at 9:46pm

I think the landlords have done quite a good job at making hits.  Shubert and Nederlander have done back to the future and Gatsby this year.  ATG has Cabaret and Sunset Boulevard 

Bette's Turban Profile Photo
Bette's Turban
#32Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/13/24 at 9:59pm

Gatsby and BTTF are both commercial crap and I don’t know who told you they are hits.  Rudin shows would bring class back to Broadway.

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#33Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/13/24 at 10:00pm

senorvoce said: "His shows run"

In what way? He’s only ever produced one “long running” hit and he’s hardly the main source of its success. All of his other shows were either limited run engagements, or relied too heavily on the lead star and closed when they departed.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

Bette's Turban Profile Photo
Bette's Turban
#34Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/13/24 at 10:05pm

He can do an immersive Best Little Whorehouse In Texas.  

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#35Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/13/24 at 10:15pm

Broadway Flash said: "I think the landlords have done quite a good job at making hits. Shubert and Nederlander have done back to the future and Gatsby this year. ATG has Cabaret and Sunset Boulevard"

Shubert and Nederlander had no role in "making" BTTF and GG. They are co-producers who invested in the shows, and it is far too early to say if any of the above will recoup and become a hit.

As for the comment about SR's shows "running," I will never understand people who try to create false narratives of the industry losing jobs when a show closes. Sure, those specific people will lose their jobs, but when one show closes, other shows open in quick succession, employing a similar number of people. That's the cycle of the industry. The number of people employed on Broadway is relatively consistent year to year. The mark of a healthy industry. If this were the 1980s when a lot of theatres were dark, it would be a much different story.

Updated On: 5/13/24 at 10:15 PM

senorvoce Profile Photo
#36Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/13/24 at 10:22pm

By and large, his shows aren't the open-and-close types we've seen a lot of the last few seasons. As I said, he keeps houses lit. 

#37Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/14/24 at 12:07am

Broadway Flash said: "Didn’t he getMatilda kicked out of the Shubert. Yes, he elevated Broadway but did it to his advantage, not the broader community."


He got Beetlejuice kicked out of the Winter Garden for Music Man 


Kad Profile Photo
#38Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/14/24 at 12:12am

senorvoce said: "By and large, his shows aren't the open-and-close types we've seen a lot of the last few seasons. As I said, he keeps houses lit."

Houses haven’t been dark post-pandemic, though. This season especially!  

Rudin had a number of flops and shows that ran without distinction. This canonization of him as some sort of irreplaceable producing genius is really warping his record. His peak of power on Broadway was post-Book of Mormon and pre-COVID, which is less than a decade. Other than Mormon and Dolly, the rest of his portfolio was comprised of prestige plays of varying success. 

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Blue_Lotus Profile Photo
#39Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/14/24 at 12:25am

Broadway Flash said: "Slowly getting back into it. Broadway needs him BAD. He was a hitmaker!!"

Yes he was! Just ask the staff member he chose to hit with a computer monitor. 

...i am an infinite soul in a human body who is in the process of never ending growth...

#40Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/14/24 at 12:29am

the man is a total imbecile and anyone suggesting otherwise isnt being honest. he also was pretty good at what he did, and anyone saying otherwise isnt being all that honest.

wouldnt it be nice if the big reckoning of late didnt mean we tossed filth like rudin out entirely, but just demanded he behave differently going fwd? maybe he isnt capable but id rather test his behavior than declare him persona non grata based on a brand new "you cant be a total dck" rule. 

Broadway Flash Profile Photo
Broadway Flash
#41Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/14/24 at 12:31am

The music man was a big hit.  I think west side story would have been as well.  I heard him and Bette Midler demanded the shubert for Hello Dolly and basically kicked out Matilda.  Thats pretty shameful if true. 

Blue_Lotus Profile Photo
#42Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/14/24 at 12:32am

senorvoce said: "I don't care if he's the biggest pr1ck in the world. His shows run, and that means jobs."

Yes, of course because you weren’t the one who was abused and had a computer monitor smashed a good your head or had a stapler hurled in your direction. 

You guys are BEYOND ridiculous. You pick and choose who you decide to cancel based on what fits your needs.


...i am an infinite soul in a human body who is in the process of never ending growth...

Kad Profile Photo
#43Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/14/24 at 12:36am

PipingHotPiccolo said: "wouldnt it be nice if the big reckoning of late didnt mean we tossed filth like rudin out entirely, but just demanded he behave differently going fwd? maybe he isnt capable but id rather test his behavior than declare him persona non grata based on a brand new "you cant be a total dck" rule."

 He would need to be monitored, frankly, by people he could not bully or intimidate, such as an independent HR firm. His power in the industry was how he was able to get away with what he did for so long.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#44Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/14/24 at 2:02am

Broadway Flash said: "I heard him and Bette Midler demanded the shubert for Hello Dolly and basically kicked out Matilda. Thats pretty shameful if true."

What a load of baloney.  You are all so bored.


Jonathan Cohen Profile Photo
Jonathan Cohen
#45Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/14/24 at 2:37am

FLarnhill said: "So many self-righteous people here who can't learn to separate the art from the artists and love to make others pay for their mistakes for their entire lives.

I hope you're all happy."

This isn't about if you can appreciate art created by horrible people, it's about creating safe work environments going forward. 

But also, Scott Rudin isn't himself an artist. He's a producer and project manager. That's a valuable job but the role is helping artists make art. He himself has never written or directed anything, and his acting career is limited to being an extra at a party in a Noah Baumbach movie. 

Even if you think "protect the great artists at all costs", which I don't, that doesn't even apply to Rudin. 

Wick3 Profile Photo
#46Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/14/24 at 1:37pm

Rudin was kind to the A-list stars but abusive to his staff.

Hopefully the people he hire have other options since given the public knowledge nowadays of his work ethics, I don’t understand why anyone would opt to work for him.

#47Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/14/24 at 2:49pm

Wick3 said: "Rudin was kindto the A-list stars but abusive to his staff.

Hopefully the people he hire have other options since given the public knowledge nowadays of his work ethics, I don’t understand why anyone would opt to work for him.

Apart from people who frequent these chat rooms, none of "the public" knows (or cares) about his work ethics. If he produces shows that people want to see, they're going to buy tickets.  And they'll walk right past the 2 or 3 protestors standing around with signs.

Impeach2017 Profile Photo
#48Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/14/24 at 6:26pm

Seriously, how much damage could a baked potato actually do?   And that computer monitor may have just slipped.  

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
#49Scott Rudin returns:
Posted: 5/14/24 at 7:15pm

FLarnhill said: "So many self-righteous people here who can't learn to separate the art from the artists and love to make others pay for their mistakes for their entire lives.

I hope you're all happy.


Scott Rudin has an estimated net worth of $250 million. He'll be fine if he never works again. 


