Thank You
Saw part 1 last night and it is every bit as brilliant as I hoped it would be. Some minor tech hiccups (the trap door after the sacred text appears in the hospital room failed to fully close, for example) but the evening flies by. I’ve seen 90-minute one acts that have felt much longer. The returning London cast is uniformly stellar, each bringing a fresh interpretation of characters we think we know so well from years of reading the play, seeing other productions, and being spoiled rotten by Mike Nichol’s masterpiece of a miniseries. I continue to be blown away by Andrew Garfield’s seemingly endless stage presence and energy, Nathan Lane’s queeny but intense Roy, Denise Gough’s pure raw energy, Susan Brown’s authoratativeness (I would be TERRIFIED to have her as my mother), Nathan Stewart-Jarrett’s take-no-sh*t approach to Belize (his input in The World Only Spins Forward is very illuminating about his performance), and the versatility of Amanda Lawrence who makes a strong impression with every character she brings to the stage (that Angel reveal is one of the greatest stage pictures I have ever seen).
My one issue lies in Lee Pace, unsurprising given that Joe is by far my least favorite character. I find Joe to be near impossible to endear to the audience. He lacks the humor, the pathos, the heart of other characters that make me want to invest my energy into taking his journey. Without an actor who can win over the audience with just a smile, you lose a major reason to care. I’m willing to give Lee Pace the benefit of the doubt here, seeing as he’s the new kid in school, but as of now, he sticks out and not in a good way.
I can’t wait to return to this production in a couple weeks when I have tickets for a marathon day. Today was a spontaneous purchase for a friend visiting town, but I am so glad I get to revisit such a gorgeous, refreshing revival so soon. The play is truly a masterpiece and it has aged like a fine wine.
Wow. How could I forget James McArdle? I’m not even going to edit my message because he is giving easily my favorite performance in the whole cast and I’m ashamed I forgot to mention him. Louis has never made more sense to me or fit alongside his fellow characters more. Give that man a Tony.
Chorus Member Joined: 1/20/17
Hi Everyone,
I have a quick question for you guys. I have never read or seen this play before and plan to see both parts in a few weeks. Is it better to read up before going or would it be better to go in with no prior information?
Totally disagree. Found Lee Pace to be brilliant in every way, worthy of a Tony nom for sure. I was less impressed by James McArdle. Had a lot of trouble warming up to his Louis at all. Frankly, I found it hard to believe that both Prior and Joe would be so taken by him.
I would happily be taken by James McArdle. I mean Louis. I mean James McArdle as Louis.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/19/17
Nicole 10 said: "Hi Everyone,
I have a quick question for you guys. I have never read or seen this play before and plan to see both parts in a few weeks. Is it better to read up before going or would it be better to go in with no prior information?
I went in blind and it was easy to understand what was going on- you’ll be fine!
Chorus Member Joined: 5/21/17
I was there also last night and witnessed the technical mishap. Andrew Garfield deserves a Tony just for not reacting to the stagehand's arm reaching all the way out of the trap door to close it. It was seamless either way, I'm very grateful to have been there.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/28/17
Nathan Lane, Andrew Garfield, and Marianne Elliott are participating in a TimesTalk about the show on Monday, March 12th if anyone is interested in grabbing tickets.
Seeing part 2 thursday night, can anyone going to the first part 2 performance Wednesday let me know if they give you another playbill, or if i should bring mine from the other night? thanks
The great work has truly begun with this truly stellar and first rate production. Marianne Elliott has once again worked pure magic with her amazing direction. I have never seen a production of Angels live, but I have read and studied the play, watched the HBO miniseries, and I am currently about halfway through the new book The World Only Spins Forward (a must read, by the way). Seeing this story come to life onstage for the first time was an incredible experience.
This cast is so great. I saw the National Theatre Live broadcast, so I was familiar with the performances from most of the cast going in, but seeing them bring these characters to life live added a whole new level of appreciation to their performances. Andrew Garfield is giving a revelatory performance. Nathan Lane is brilliant as always, and he really brings the terrible Roy Cohn to life. I also thoroughly enjoyed Lee Pace’s performance. He did not seem like the newcomer to the cast at all. Denise Gough blew me away in People, Places & Things last year, and she blew me away once again in Angels.
The physical production is quite impressive. After seeing the National Theatre Live broadcast, I was wondering how in the world this production would work in the Neil Simon Theatre. I am happy to report that it definitely works. I loved the use of the three turntables and the stark and abstract walls highlighted with neon edging. The use of traps and elevators in the final act was genius.
The iconic Angel scene at the end was one of the coolest things I have seen. The sound and lighting effects were quite jarring, and when the Angel appeared I got chills. Elliott has taken a different approach to the Angel, and it’s beautiful and scary at the same time.
This is a really remarkable production of a classic play. I’m eagerly anticipating part 2!
Unless I missed it, I still haven't seen any reports so I ask again, anyone sit in the Rear Mezzanine (the $99 seats)? Did you feel disconnected at all or still feel impacted by the show? Contemplating whether I should try and upgrade.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/19/17
LesWickedly said: "Unless I missed it, I still haven't seen any reports so I ask again, anyone sit in the Rear Mezzanine (the $99 seats)? Did you feel disconnected at all or still feel impacted by the show? Contemplating whether I should try and upgrade."
I posted about a couple I chatted with on the way home who sat back there. They said it was fine, but they had binoculars. I was in the 3rd row of the orch. I would 100% upgrade if you can.
My cousin got a last minute rear mezz ticket and said he felt "far away" from it all but still enjoyed it. I think this is a show to see pretty close as possible, if you can.
bwayphreak234 said: "The iconic Angel scene at the end was one of the coolest things I have seen. The sound and lighting effects were quite jarring, and when the Angel appeared I got chills. Elliott has taken a different approach to the Angel, and it’s beautiful and scary at the same time."
Would you please elaborate on the staging of this scene in a Spoiler box?
Lot666 said: "bwayphreak234 said: "The iconic Angel scene at the end was one of the coolest things I have seen. The sound and lighting effects were quite jarring, and when the Angel appeared I got chills. Elliott has taken a different approach to the Angel, and it’s beautiful and scary at the same time."
Would you please elaborate on the staging of this scene in a Spoilerbox?"
There are a lot of striking and flashing lights and loud noises while Prior writhes on the bed. A crash is heard followed by darkness. The lights barely come back up to reveal an ambiguous shadowy creature. The Angel is then assembled against the sound of flapping wings. By assembled I mean that the puppeteers (the wings are controlled by puppeteers) make the wings spread as the actress playing the Angel is lifted into the air. The Angel is terrifyingly beautiful. She is birdlike and her wings are massive and skeletal.
Lot666 said: "bwayphreak234 said: "The iconic Angel scene at the end was one of the coolest things I have seen. The sound and lighting effects were quite jarring, and when the Angel appeared I got chills. Elliott has taken a different approach to the Angel, and it’s beautiful and scary at the same time."
Would you please elaborate on the staging of this scene in a Spoilerbox?
So basically, there are loud sounds and very very bright lights shining on andrew sitting in bed frightened, then the stage goes black, (a lot of people thought the show was over) and then lights up on the angel "sorta" standing then about 6 people dressed in all black (angel shadow) lift her and she has her lines. The the way the angel is done very much reminded me of War Horse
bwayphreak234 said: "Lot666 said: "bwayphreak234 said: "The iconic Angel scene at the end was one of the coolest things I have seen. The sound and lighting effects were quite jarring, and when the Angel appeared I got chills. Elliott has taken a different approach to the Angel, and it’s beautiful and scary at the same time."
Would you please elaborate on the staging of this scene in a Spoilerbox?"
Thank you - it sounds brilliant! This may not be very accurate, but the mental picture I'm getting is Frances Conroy's entrance as Shachath (which I loved) in American Horror Story: Asylum.
I would love to see Frances Conroy in Angels in America.
Conroy in the Hannah track and Cate Blanchett in the Angel track. :)
I would have loved to see Frances Conroy or Laurie Metcalf in the Hannah track as well. I like this cast quite a lot, but I thought the actress, who I can't remember the name of, that played Hannah was the weak link for me. Maybe I was spoiled by Streep's performance in the film, but it didn't do anything for me.
So decided that I will upgrade my seat since I really want to be able to see the performers and really take in the show. Was looking at front mezz and then realized front row of Orchestra is only $20 more. Based on this photo from Instagram, the front row looks like it would offer a fantastic view and I talked to a board member and they said it was an amazing view.
I am seeing Angels April 25th both parts and have Row A seats 107/108. I thought I read where someone said the first row was too close. Is that the case or I am good with these seats?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/3/06
loved part one. it felt like it ZOOMED by.
BUTTT I had major problems with how the director got the angel onstage in the final moment of the show......
Let me preface this by saying I have NEVER read or seen the play....
I was absolutely loving the show. completely invested.... we're nearing the end of the show. it seems like this is PROB the final scene..... There is Garfield on his bed, freaking out, with bright white light shining down on him, speaking up to the angel from the heavens. here we are, about to introduce the angel that he's staring up at. the lights seem to get brighter and brighter on Garfield... then BLACKOUT.
The audience immediately breaks into applause. And I think to myself, "This is the end of part one?!?! What a BRILLIANT ending....."
But no.... the lights come back on for 30 more seconds of scene so we can meet the angel..... they used the blackout to get the angel and puppeteers onstage.... it COMPLETELY took me out of the show.
I like the angel. I loved the wings. I liked the puppeteers. I was just completely surprised that the director/designer would use a BLACKOUT 30 seconds before the end of the show! When the ONLY blackouts ever seen in the previous 4 hours of theatre were at the end of the act.....
It took me out of it for that final moment... all I could think is "oh I guess its not over... no wait. it is over? I don't know. "
I wish the price gap was smaller between the $99 seats and the rest of the theatre. Would love to upgrade, but not for $200 more dollars.
IdinaBellFoster said: "I wish the price gap was smaller between the $99 seats and the rest of the theatre. Would love to upgrade, but not for $200 more dollars."
You could use the code MAIL1 to get closer in the mezzanine (Row L) or Rear Orchestra (Row U and on I believe) and it’d cost $100 more. Yes, I wish there were broader price points as I’ll be paying a little more than $200 to possibly upgrade to front row, but in a month or so, I’ll forget about how much I paid (hopefully ).