Broadway Star Joined: 3/29/23
I assume Nick is the cover for Groban's 11/15-19 absence.
Swing Joined: 10/5/17
Are we to assume the current understudies for Josh and Annaleigh will be on for the gap between mid-Jan and mid-Feb?
Broadway Star Joined: 3/29/23
Saturday evening, 01/13 top price: $574.50
Saturday evening, 05/04 top price: $352.00
🎶 Try the Sutton. Tastes like mutton. Though don’t try the Aaron, it’s gamey like heron 🎶
Broadway Star Joined: 10/11/11
Idiot said: "Welp, I guess Andrew McCarthy and Meg Ryan have aged out, so...."
This is one of the most brilliant hilarious comments I've ever seen on here and I could not agree more.
That picture is hot and got me excited to see them take on these roles!!!
Well, I was close with casting on this one.
I said Sutton and Christian Borle. I was half right.
Whhhhy did they cast a boring actor who has zero charisma to replace Groban?!
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/14/11
DrMonicaDeMoneco "I said Sutton and Christian Borle. I was half right.
Whhhhy did they cast a boring actor who has zero charisma to replace Groban?!"
I am 99% sure Sutton and Christian would not work together again.....
Broadway Star Joined: 10/14/21
Broadway61004 said: "I am 99% sure Sutton and Christian would not work together again....."
Broadway61004 said: "DrMonicaDeMoneco "I said Sutton and Christian Borle. I was half right.
Whhhhy did they cast a boring actor who has zero charisma to replace Groban?!"
I am 99% sure Sutton and Christian would not work together again....."
They already have worked together since and they are in good terms now.
I'm more shocked she's replacing someone, must be the chance to do the Sondheim role. For years she swore revivals off, then went onto doing them, now even as a replacement.
This cast looks more like fan fiction than anything else.
Wonder if the OG remaining supporting cast (Ruthie, Maria Bilbao, Joshua Jackson, John Rapson, Nick Chris) will be continuing on. And did we ever get a confirmation of who will be the new Toby will be?
Just 12 weeks makes me think they'll be a test if two Broadway names can sustain the show. If so, they'll probably look to replace them for the Spring/Summer.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/13
This new promotion picture is HOT!!
Sutton looks like she would rather be anywhere else in that picture.
They both look amazing. This is very exciting, they start on Feb 9th and their run ends on May 5th.
Looks like she borrowed Johnny Depp's wig.
So…what about Gaten’s replacement starting in a week lol
quizking101 said: "🎶 Attend the tale of Tenor Todd. His face was young, his casting odd 🎶"
Send this to Gerard Alessandrini to put in the new Forbidden Broadway lol
There are at least two interviews I've seen where Tveit has said that Sweeney Todd is his dream role. Maybe he's got something up his sleeve that we've not seen...? Perhaps he has been looking for the chance to play a bit against type and flex some additional chops. I'm not fully convinced. But MAYBE? And I am saying this as a fan of his.
I'll be curious to see what they do in terms of promo: do they post clips of him singing the part well to ideally prove to us he can do it? But that also risks it backfiring if he doesn't sound good, simultaneously proving the skeptics right and impacting ticket sales? Or do they just post nothing and let us all just assume he can't do it...?
And even if he can somehow SING the part, can he ACT it?
Edit: Their social team have been very active and heavily engaged from the start, particularly on Twitter. I'd have to imagine they've been tracking online sentiment since rumors have sprung up, and are likely continuously bubbling up overall sentiment and feedback to production. Pretty standard stuff to do in the background when running social media, so I'm curious to hear if/how that feedback is being surfaced/received.
Leading Actor Joined: 10/13/15
I saw Josh and Analeigh once when they were still in previews. I wasn't planning on going back, but now this casting of Aaron and Sutton has me intrigued. I've always been a fan of both, and I'd be interested to see what they do with these roles. Neither have played anything remotely like these characters. I may even splurge for some better seats this time around.
I've seen disappointment here and elsewhere about this casting, but it definitely is intriguing and could go many ways. With so many low expectations, I think we're all going to be pleasantly surprised.
And gosh I hope it sells well and we get a rotating cast of leads throughout the next few years (hopeful thinking)
I'm kind of shocked about the negative comments tossed out about Tveit and Foster, two of the best musical actors currently on the boards.Huh? They are both incredibly talented and accomplished singing actors, both Tony winners, and I don't imagine that they will disappoint their many fans. Why all this negativity? I fully expect to be seeing SWEENEY again with this brilliant cast.
Jayinchelsea, unfortunately there will always be some who love to complain.
Understudy Joined: 4/23/05
blaxx said: "Broadway61004 said: "DrMonicaDeMoneco "I said Sutton and Christian Borle. I was half right.
Whhhhy did they cast a boring actor who has zero charisma to replace Groban?!"
I am 99% sure Sutton and Christian would not work together again....."
They already have worked together since and they are in good terms now.
I'm more shocked she's replacing someone, must be the chance to do the Sondheim role. For years she swore revivals off, then went onto doing them, now even as a replacement.
This cast looks more like fan fiction than anything else."
And Sondheim is rolling over in his grave trying to rest in peace...
Damn, some of y’all acting like they’re handing out Tony Awards for best dramatic overreactions.