Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
A younger me would be astonished at how current me has become so quickly accustomed to paying $250 for an orchestra seat to a show. If I wasn't 6'6" tall I'd cram my frame into less expensive seats, but I've got to have an aisle if I'm gonna make it through a performance at all.
Leading Actor Joined: 10/13/15
TaffyDavenport said: "ren598 said: "I went ahead and got a $79.00 ticket for the first preview performance on 2/26/2023. $92.95 including fees. Not bad for aisle seat row G in the mezzanine. If this is as good as I think it will be, I'll probably be back later on in the run via lottery or something else."
Honestly, those side aisles in the rear mezzanine (seats 1 and 2) have a better view than anything in the center sections back there.
I agree. I had similar aisle seats for Tina and it was a clear shot to the stage without too many heads in the way like you would if you sat in the back in the center section. Plus row G tickets were $79 before fees. Row F jumped to $149 before fees. So I'm happy with what I got for what I paid. I believe there are some cheaper seats ($59 before fees) in the very back (starting in row L).
Jordan Catalano said: "NievesG said: "I want to splurge on a March 25th ticket for myself (birthday weekend) but if they have an easy lottery, I'd rather wait. Rear mezz prices aren't horrible, though."
I’m sure it’ll be an online lottery and none of those are “easy” for a show that will have the kind of buzz this one will have."
Sure, maybe easy is the wrong word but never had any issues playing everyday for 1 ticket, especially since I don't have to worry about dates. I expect this will be no different.
This quote from the Times announcement nails why I think Groban is perfect casting:
“There is obviously a plot here that is absurd and monstrous,” he added, “but then there is also an incredible back story to this character that makes the role even more terrifying, because for all intents and purposes this was a civilized, good man that was driven to this.”
I love this show, but I'm gonna wait until after previews start to buy. This could go either way. I love Ashford, but if she's gonna trot out the same old mugging, I'll pass. I'd really like her to continue to play against type for a bit. We shall see.
Got front row Mezz seats 10,12,14,16. I've never sat in the mezz at the Lunt, has anyone sat off to the side in the front mezz and had problems with obstructed views? Obviously we don't know what the set is going to be like...
Those seats should be fine. Again, it’s a very large theatre so it’s not “too” far off to the side
Stand-by Joined: 5/1/16
I’m thinking about front mezz for $213 or orchestra sides middle seats for $179. It’s more than I’ve ever paid for any show. Any thoughts or tips? Thing I’m most afraid of is paying that much and sitting behind a tall person. Trauma!
Then go for the mezz. And if there’s a tall person go to an usher and ask for a booster seat. They’re not just for children so don’t feel embarrassed asking.
Anyone know how to get the tickets through the Groban Fan PreSale? I can select my seats, but it won't let me move forward.
EDIT: Nevermind, I just had to refresh. Got the tickets, no problem! Ticketmaster can be a pain sometimes.
Chorus Member Joined: 7/30/21
I had a thought the other day and decided to put it out into the world via this message board.
How great would Joshua Henry be as Anthony. Of course this is all dependent on his contract with Into the Woods/any future projects/the unlikely possibility that the production has a one-Josh-limit for their leads.
I don't see Ashford losing her gimmick. It seems kind of early Lansbury-ish, no?
I know the rumor is Patrick Page as Judge but with his King Lear in the way who else do we think could play him? Norm Lewis would be great and it'd be a great opportunity for him to play another role in this show! Although Page and Groban singing Pretty Women is something id love to hear in my life.
Alex M said: "I know the rumor is Patrick Page as Judge but with his King Lear in the way who else do we think could play him? Norm Lewis would be great and it'd be a great opportunity for him to play another role in this show! Although Page and Groban singing Pretty Women is something id love to hear in my life."
I’d love to hear either one of those guys as the judge. One potential concern I have is with Pretty Women. If they cast a full, robust-voiced judge it may not fit well with Josh’s voice - which is sweet, but not big. Josh is like a clarinet and Norm is trombone choir
Here's the link to the Josh Groban fan presale, in case anyone without Amex wants to buy:
TaffyDavenport said: "Here's the link to the Josh Groban fan presale, in case anyone without Amex wants to buy:"
THANKS MUCH for the link Taffy :)
I opted for tuesday before opening --- main floor center row L, and i'm beyond excited
Thanks for the link!
Edit: I opted for a Thursday evening, as not sure I want to do Sweeny on a 2 show day.
TaffyDavenport said: "Here's the link to the Josh Groban fan presale, in case anyone without Amex wants to buy:"
No problem about the Groban presale, but I have to give credit to Dylan Smith for altering us to its existence. A quick Google search later, and I easily found the link.
Featured Actor Joined: 6/13/18
Anyone know the Audience Rewards pre-sale code?
hollebolle said: "Anyone know the Audience Rewards pre-sale code?"
This is turning out to be a VERY expensive haircut...
Thanks for the link, dolls.
Well, I don't know how current this tip is anymore, but at one point, when this production was trying to rip off my concept and go mostly POC except for white-coded authority figures (and, specifically, my idea of copying opera house Sweeney tradition and casting a former title-role performer as the Judge), they were reaching out to George Hearn for Turpin, and he was noncommittal, concerned about both his age and the rigors of the role. They're plainly not going mostly POC anymore, but he was a contender at one point, so if Patrick isn't signed and no one's hearing other rumors, Hearn is a(n admittedly remote) possibility.
While I hate the idea of Hearn taking a secondary role (he was such an amazing Sweeney), he would have been a GREAT Turpin.