Understudy Joined: 11/28/18
ThreeSentencesOnly said
• Gerard Canonico is. not getting enough acclaim for his performance"
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
disneybroadwayfan22 said: "I know the lessons were learned, but it still can make someone bad about themselves if they have bad self-esteem. Like if you are a “nerd,” then “you are terrible and you make people want to die.” I might be overthinking this, but did anyone else have that problem?"
I actually noticed this when I first listened to it (still haven't seen the show yet) as I was startled by how direct the squip was being with the "make me want to die" thing. I think Joe Iconis mentioned in one of those track by track breakdowns that it was because teenagers are overly dramatic and see things as "this makes me want to die", but I think not reversing that line (or at least not that I know of in the cast album) comes off as slightly problematic, especially since the character that says it is portrayed not as a teenager but an adult.
I think you guys are over-analyzing a little bit.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/13/11
dramamama611 said: "That sex scene was awful. As I said, everything once Act II began was horrid.
I dont see Salazar getting nommed, i thought he was nothing but a caricature. While i realuze I'm in the minority, i cant get behind his song either. (That was the fav of many of my students) it was too long and put upon by the character himself. "
Put me in the “not for me” category. I actually dozed off toward the end of Act 1. It was overly long and the show could’ve been 90 minutes.
The BMC Stan next to me asked if I was loving it after Act 1 and I said it was overly long and I nodded off. She was not happy with me that I didn’t appreciate the parallels to today’s youth or something or other I tuned her out as I stood up to stretch.
I don’t get the love for Michael in the Bathroom. I thought it was ok, and compared to everything else was one of the better songs, but the performance of it was “meh” for me.
I liked Jason Tam as the Squip, and had some sympathy for minor characters.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/19
expectations are funny. i thought i'd hate it; i didnt like it, but it certainly wasn't as offensively bad as i expected. and i was fully prepared to be underwhelmed by George Salazar, but if we are to appreciate an actor stepping forward and selling a song/moment with full conviction/humor and beautiful vocals, well he earned what I hope will be a Tony nomination with his (one) shining moment.
the show is patently ridiculous with some cute ideas here and there. the music all blends together into one tolerable tone, but everyone sounds pretty good. I dont know why they wrote the protagonist to be such a.... blah, but he isnt really given much to work with. And Will Roland does what he can, but hes either only capable of, or being directed towards, singing in a very nasal, whiny tone from start to finish.
Everyone else is doing nice work with such a thin script and ridiculous storyline. Jason Tam is so much better than this material but he sorta acted like it. Someone please make sure I know where I need to be when Tiffany Mann gets a role worthy of that voice.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/19
expectations are funny. i thought i'd hate it; i didnt like it, but it certainly wasn't as offensively bad as i expected. and i was fully prepared to be underwhelmed by George Salazar, but if we are to appreciate an actor stepping forward and selling a song/moment with full conviction/humor and beautiful vocals, well he earned what I hope will be a Tony nomination with his (one) shining moment.
the show is patently ridiculous with some cute ideas here and there. the music all blends together into one tolerable tone, but everyone sounds pretty good. I dont know why they wrote the protagonist to be such a.... blah, but he isnt really given much to work with. And Will Roland does what he can, but hes either only capable of, or being directed towards, singing in a very nasal, whiny tone from start to finish.
Everyone else is doing nice work with such a thin script and ridiculous storyline. Jason Tam is so much better than this material but he sorta acted like it. Someone please make sure I know where I need to be when Tiffany Mann gets a role worthy of that voice.
Seems like tale as old as time: hit off-Broadway, producers see even more dollar signs and make the mistake of trying to make this sorta thing appealing to, well, adults. Oops.
Swing Joined: 4/13/19
Zion24, did you see Be More Chill off-Broadway last summer or the new Broadway version? Because I've been amazed by Roland's vocal growth since last summer. He used to do a lot of loud nasal singing in "Loser, Geek, or Whatever," but these days it's softer and more emotional.
Here is a clip of the new version:
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
I feel absolutely awful about my behavior at this show. I was able to see it with my parents, and while they loved it, I had a difficult time keeping my eyes open! I so badly wanted to enjoy it. This did not happen off-Broadway. I felt SO bad!! This never happens! I guess it was because I had to wake up extremely early for work that morning. I actually really enjoyed the majority of it (the opening number especially, and a lot of other moments), I just don't know what happened! I feel like this is the ultimate disrespect.
I kept nodding off and I sincerely hope the people I came with didn't notice
Chorus Member Joined: 4/29/10
uncageg said: "It amazes me how so many people don't have a tv!
Yes, they are running ads on tv. They seem to be less frequent after it opened."
Sorry what. I have family in India and they have a tv!! lol
Its a CHOICE why they dont have a tv. Younger people dont often watch broadcast tv anymore, but rely on streaming services like Netflix, Amazon and Hulu so they watch on personal devices.
dramamama611 said: "Its a CHOICE why they dont have a tv. Younger people dont often watch broadcast tv anymore, but rely on streaming services like Netflix, Amazon and Hulu so they watch on personal devices."
Except when there’s something on broadcast tv they want to see then they freak out trying to find “links” or “WHERE CAN I WATCH THIS” and I’m like - On a tv. That’s why the television exists. It’s like “I want hot food but I don’t want an oven or microwave. HOW CAN I MAKE MY FOOD HOT?!”
Stand-by Joined: 4/20/19
Decent show. I'm not feeling the hate.
This is a show that perfectly delivers what it needs to to the audience it is catering for (children). Personally, I enjoyed it. But I don’t know how anyone over the age of 30 would want to take the time here to write any kind of serious analysis or take the show too seriously. How can we honestly discuss this show the same way we might Follies? It just feels wrong.
Speaking of which, the only moment that truly annoyed me in the show was when they had to ride the wave of political correctness and claim there aren’t enough good parts for women in theatre. Of course the tweens who likely blindly follow any kind of SJ dogma clapped and cheered In the Pavlovian response. However, I just find this to be such a frustrating and incorrect comment. Theatre is the one place where it is usually women who get the best parts, have the best and most impressive stars, and generate the most buzz. Which is completely fine with me - “I hate men” in theatre could easily be my theme song. Why does the show have to take such a cheap shot here? Creating victim hood where there are no victims.
The show would be a massive hit if only its target audience could actually afford to see it.
Yeah, the “there’s no good roles for women” thing and the response from the audience made me want to slap each and every person in theater.
Swing Joined: 4/13/19
The line is said by a girl in high school, and to be honest it reminded me of doing theater in high school. She says there are so few parts for girls. Every boy who auditioned got a part while girls' parts were doubled up. Book of Mormon bothered me for that reason-so many male actors onstage. The writers clearly didn't think about making equal opportunities for both genders.
Maybeel said: "The line is said by a girl in high school, and to be honest it reminded me of doing theater in high school. She says there are so few parts for girls. Every boy who auditioned got a part while girls' parts were doubled up. Book of Mormon bothered me for that reason-so many male actors onstage. The writers clearly didn't think about making equal opportunities for both genders."
Why should the writers create equal opportunities for both genders if it doesn't serve the show? That's kind of a ridiculous request.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/03
Funny how many peole have joined the board in the last eight weeks just to post about this particular show.
Maybeel said: "The line is said by a girl in high school, and to be honest it reminded me of doing theater in high school. She says there are so few parts for girls. Every boy who auditioned got a part while girls' parts were doubled up. Book of Mormon bothered me for that reason-so many male actors onstage. The writers clearly didn't think about making equal opportunities for both genders."
Imagine thinking you're so entitled to roles because of your gender. The truth is that girls will tend to audition for shows more often than boys will, which is why in school shows girls are doubled up. Unless you're going to a majority male school, don't except males to be into theatre. This isn't sexism, this is the fact woman tend to lean towards theatre more than men.
Book of Mormon is a musical about Mormon missionaries in Africa, and you expect a bunch of female sisters to join the elders in their adventure. That's not likely at all, and it shouldn't subtract from the show just because you don't see a bunch of females. Ridiculous.
The OBC recording is out. I’m really glad they scored a nom but I can’t get into the act 1 closing ‘loser, geek, whatever”. It’s like they were trying REALLY hard to make this show-stopper but the vocal shrieks, melody and lyrics just aren’t doing it for me. “Rad/bad/sad”. Really?? I want to like it and thought maybe the recording would help me warm up to it but sadly not so far.
I've been listening to their new recording and I 100% with the best score nom now. Smartphone Hour, Michael In The Bathroom, Do You Wanna Ride, A Guy That Id Kinda Be Into..those songs are really fun and catchy. I can't listen to them without getting them stuck in my head
This cast recording...insane. The production quality is so good, and the mixing has got to be some of the best I’ve heard recently. Voices are buttery smooth, each instrument is crystal clear, and the performers are at the top of their game.
Highly recommend a listen to anyone curious. (By 8am it already hit #8 on iTunes all chart)
I agree that the production on the new Broadway cast recording sounds fantastic, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing this show in June. However, "I Love Play Rehearsal" is one of the most intensely annoying musical theatre songs I've ever heard.
Stand-by Joined: 7/27/17
qolbinau said: "The OBC recording is out. I’m really glad they scored a nom but I can’t get into the act 1 closing ‘loser, geek, whatever”. It’s like they were trying REALLY hard to make this show-stopper but the vocal shrieks, melody and lyrics just aren’t doing it for me. “Rad/bad/sad”. Really?? I want to like it and thought maybe the recording would help me warm up to it but sadly not so far."
I completely agree - I WANT to like it so much, but I simply don't. It's way too drawn out and boring, and adds next to nothing to the show since they cover the general theme of that song throughout the entire first act essentially. Love the rest of the album and score. I was hoping after seeing it a few times in person I would warm up to it, but it just never does it for me.
Lot666 said: " However,"I Love Play Rehearsal" is one of the most intensely annoying musical theatre songs I've ever heard."
Very that.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
I haven't seen the show, but I tried listening to the cast recording. I just found the songs incredibly annoying. I liked "Michael in the Bathroom" (I don't think it's as amazing as some people make it out to be, though) and that was about it. I dunno, maybe I'd like them better if I actually saw the show but I also remember that I disliked Joe Iconis's songs in Smash so it could just be that his work isn't my cup of tea.