Emotional support animals and service animals are two very different things.
Service animals are certified, trained, calm and collected.
ESAs need to be regulated heavily due to the massive amount of fraud around them.
Has anyone seen a miniature horse in an audience?
Swing Joined: 2/12/20
While not service dog / ESA related, I have a bad behavior story that's been bothering me for a month now. I was seeing Cursed Child, sitting left side orchestra on the aisle. About fifteen minutes before Part I starts, a woman and a larger man come sit in my row, two seats down from me. About five minutes before the show starts, an older couple arrives to take the remaining two seats. After about two minutes, the old man gets up and I stay standing, thinking he'll be right back since the show is about to start. Instead, the man starts heatedly talking to the usher, asking if he can stand by the wall for the act. The usher insists it's a safety hazard and they can't allow it, but the man keeps pointing to the larger man he would be sitting next to and insisting he won't be comfortable in the seat. Somehow the usher convinces him to take his seat just as the lights are going down and it seems resolved.
Fast forward to intermission and the older man disappears. I spend the intermission standing and the man's wife comes to stand next to me, not saying anything. As intermission is ending and her husband doesn't return and she doesn't sit back down, I finally take my seat again. As the lights are coming down, the woman still has not moved. The usher comes over and says "Ma'am please take your seat the show is about to begin." The woman says nothing, does not move an inch, acts like the usher does not exist. This continues for a full minute. Another usher has to be called over. This woman still says nothing, does not move. I don't know what they had to say to her for her to finally be escorted out, but eventually they all go. Neither she nor her husband come back. That night, for Part II, they also did not come back.
My biggest hope is the other man had no idea what was going on, but I could not believe the level of disrespect this couple showed to the house staff just trying to do their jobs. I'm still wondering if they asked for their money back or if they were given alternative seating, but I honestly don't think they deserved either. Just what a waste of great tickets.
Sounds like she just wanted her one minute of stardom, sheesh! I've never heard of anything that bad. This thread is a hoot
Ive asked for my seat to be changed because of the size of the person next to me. The man was so large he spilled into my seat, and there was not enough room for me. By intermission, both my neck and back ached from the way I had to position myself. At intermission, I quietly asked if there was another available seat and was accommodated.
I'm laughing/cringing that this thread popped up tonight because I was going to post on it after coming from evening show of A Soldier's Play. I've lived in NY almost 3 years and I love theatre. Tonight's audience was awful, full stop. People taking pictures (including 2 using the flash RIGHT as the scene went black at the end of the show), 3 separate phones went off and the guy next to me unwrapping what I think were individual KitKat bars for about 10 mins. I nudged him to please stop more than once and nothing worked. I'd never been in an audience like it, I almost stood at the stage door just to apologize to the actors. Honestly, I was embarrassed to be in the audience with it so full of distractions. The cast were total pros but wow.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
Tuesday night at Jagged Little Pill was horrible. Ladies behind me talking and laughing. My many stares did not shut them up but the guys in my row finally telling them to shut up during Uninvited of all songs did. Also phones ringing which in the scene after Ironic Jane Bruce puts her stage phone to her ear and pretends to answer it. Someone taking video in the 2nd row.
The Minutes last night. The older man to my right breathed heavily through his nose. It was especially noticeable in the second half where things quiet down and one character speaks for a length of time. I could sense people around us getting distracted, and seriously wanted to lean over and ask the guy if he was okay.
Yeah, stares and glares don't work, you have to tell people to be quiet and put their phone away. People are so unaware and stupid most don't even know they are being annoying or obnoxious. Truly the wild, wild west some nights in the theater. Sigh.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
broadway86 said: "The Minutes last night. The older man to my right breathed heavily through his nose. It was especially noticeable in the second half where things quiet down and one character speaks for a length of time. Icould sense people around usgetting distracted, and seriouslywanted to lean over and ask the guy if he was okay."
OMFG -- Seriously? Folks -- if someone BREATHING is enough of a distraction to ruin your evening -- maybe you need to stick with Netflix for your entertainment needs. Better yet, consult your physician for some strong ADHD medications.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/2/18
broadway86 said: "The Minutes last night. The older man to my right breathed heavily through his nose. It was especially noticeable in the second half where things quiet down and one character speaks for a length of time. Icould sense people around usgetting distracted, and seriouslywanted to lean over and ask the guy if he was okay."
The Hadestown audience last night was pretty well-behaved, but I did have two loud breathers right near me. I noticed it before the show began and assumed it'd be OK because the music would ultimately drown it out, but I could hear both of them OVER the amplified music.
Unfortunately, not much to do about that....
JSquared2 said: "OMFG -- Seriously? Folks -- if someone BREATHING is enough of a distraction to ruin your evening -- maybe you need to stick with Netflix for your entertainment needs. Better yet, consult your physician for some strongADHD medications."
Pashacar said: "The Hadestown audience last night was pretty well-behaved, but I did have two loud breathers right near me. I noticed it before the show began and assumed it'd be OK because the music would ultimately drown it out, but I could hear both of them OVER the amplified music."
Exactly, this was loud. It didn't ruin the evening or even close, but it definitely made me concerned for him.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
LxGstv said: "Are dogs allowed inside theaters now?! Saw Moulin Rouge last week and the person next to me had their bag in their lap and they pulled out a small dog with a very loud collar/tag combination... that was clearly not a service dog, the dog seemed very restless inside the bag..."
I've seen dogs on and off in recent years... mainly since 2015. There's a little stage dog. I think it's name is Tinkerbell. From what I gather, it accompanies its owner to a lot of shows. I've seen larger well-behaved dogs that I think were service animals. My worst experience with a dog was at Oklahoma. The dog was quiet and well-behaved but either the owner or the dog stunk to high heaven. It was distracting. I'm a dog owner and it was not the smell of a clean, well cared for dog.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/25/19
There was a pup in the audience when I went to see Girl From North Country. I assumed it was an emotional support dog and not a service dog, due to the breed. I wasn't seated close enough to report on his behavior, or his thoughts on the show itself. But I was concerned for him at the end with the loud noise. If the pups are well behaved, I don't mind it in the least. Especially with the appalling human behavior I have witnessed.
I went to see Frozen with my mom, and as I looked around the theater, I saw dozens of very small children, and was quite worried. The little Elsa's and Anna's, however, were captivated the entire performance and barely shifted in their seats. The family behind me with teenage children, on the other hand were the worst I have ever encountered. They made their entrance in the middle of "do you want to build a snowman", and took the rest of the song to decide on who would sit where. The moment they were situated, the chips bags debuted, and became a crinkly chorus that would continue for the rest of the show. Only halting during the four bathroom breaks. Two before intermission, two after. I began with over the shoulder looks, and ended with a plea of "You need to stop!" Which was met with "You need to mind your own f@#%ing business".
I don't understand, I grew up going to the theater and when did this shift happen with the ushers? If you left your seat, you probably couldn't come back, or at the very least, not in the middle of a musical number. And certainly, no noise/talking/opening food. Are they instructed to not interfere?
It depends on the show. I'm a Broadway usher, and our production has very specific rules about when and how late seating can occur as well as when/if people can be reseated if they get up during the show. Sometimes people will literally run ahead of us so we can't catch them to escort them back to their seat, or kick up such a fuss about having to wait to be reseated that it genuinely causes less of a distraction to not argue and just let them go back. As far as noise, it can be surprisingly hard to tell where something is coming from unless it's REALLY loud/obvious when you're not right next to it. At least in my theatre we do our best to stay on top of it, but we often genuinely can't hear things like whispering or crinkling.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/25/19
perfectlymarvelous said: "It depends on the show. I'm a Broadway usher, and our production has very specific rules about when and how late seating can occur as well as when/if people can be reseated if they get up during the show. Sometimes people will literally run ahead of us so we can't catch them to escort them back to their seat, or kick up such a fuss about having to wait to be reseated that it genuinely causes less of a distraction to not argue and just let them go back. As far as noise, it can be surprisingly hard to tell where something is coming from unless it's REALLY loud/obvious when you're not right next to it. At least in my theatre we do our best to stay on top of it, but we often genuinely can't hear things like whispering or crinwkling."
Thank you for your response, and I give you so much credit for being an usher, it cannot be an easy job. I suppose the shift in behavior has more to do with the patrons than the ushers, and I don't mean blame these issues on the ushers. I guess, the "allowing" seating during a musical number was more of what I felt could be prevented. But, this family (mostly the father) was a big bully, and I assume he wouldn't have followed instruction even if he was told to wait. 90% of the shows I see are through lottery/discounted tix, so I don't feel the same outrage as someone paying full price. I'm just happy to be there. But, I do note such a difference in the atmosphere from "back in the day".
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
Michelle chouraqui said: "perfectlymarvelous said: "It depends on the show. I'm a Broadway usher, and our production has very specific rules about when and how late seating can occur as well as when/if people can be reseated if they get up during the show. Sometimes people will literally run ahead of us so we can't catch them to escort them back to their seat, or kick up such a fuss about having to wait to be reseated that it genuinely causes less of a distraction to not argue and just let them go back. As far as noise, it can be surprisingly hard to tell where something is coming from unless it's REALLY loud/obvious when you're not right next to it. At least in my theatre we do our best to stay on top of it, but we often genuinely can't hear things like whispering or crinwkling."
Thank you for your response, and I give you so much credit for being an usher, it cannot be an easy job. I suppose the shift in behavior has more to do with the patrons than the ushers, and I don't mean blame these issues on the ushers. I guess, the "allowing" seating during a musical number was more of what I felt could be prevented. But, this family (mostly the father) was a big bully, and I assume he wouldn't have followed instruction even if he was told to wait. 90% of the shows I see are through lottery/discounted tix, so I don't feel the same outrage as someone paying full price. I'm just happy to be there. But, I do note such a difference in the atmosphere from "back in the day"."
Back in the day, there were no cell phones and you often were not allowed to eat or drink in your seats. That made life a lot easier. And each production does has very different rules for ushers about what you are supposed to do. Some we are told to be proactive about everything. Others ask that you don’t interfere. Most are somewhat in the middle. However, there do seem to be a larger number of extremely entitled people who feel the world revolves around them.While ushering, I have had patrons physically push me to the side to get where they wanted to go no matter what I said or did. My co-usher friend was told by this gentleman he didn't have to listen to her because after all - he had a college degree. I mean I happen to have a masters degree but we don't need to flaunt it like egomaniacs. We are just there to do out job as we are told to do by management.
Swing Joined: 7/27/19
Sutton Ross said: "Yeah, stares and glares don't work, you have to tell people to be quiet and put their phone away.People are so unaware and stupid most don't even know they are being annoying or obnoxious. Truly the wild, wild west some nights in the theater. Sigh."
I can't believe we've gotten to the point of cell phones being so prevalent in theater. I saw Medea on Wednesday and the older gentlemen front of me, in the Orchestra, decided to take photos (two, one eye level and one a top view - which put a camera in the eyeline of myself and the people behind me). At the top of the show? Fine, whatever, I get it just don't do it again. But then he went to do it at the climax of the show. I whispered to him to please put his phone away and he legitimately turned to me with that shocked look on his face and loud whispered "are you effing serious?!" and tried doing it immediately after I asked him. I told him again and he got haughty, but he put it away.
Like I get maybe taking a shot in your lap, without flash. It's awful, it's against the rules, but if you're going to break the rules be subtle. Raising your phone up like you're taking a photo in a concert? Jesus, it's insanity.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/10/19
I wouldn't say any of my stories are as bad as you guys.
But I always roll my eyes a little when someone's on their phone during a show. Not even recording - just texting and using Snapchat and stuff. The most ironic time was when someone two rows in front of me at Dear Evan Hansen - a show about the double-edged sword of social media - was using social media during "Words Fail." Ugh.
Yes re: the points about people genuinely not caring what they do to us, I had a couple literally run into me tonight as another usher and I were closing the theatre doors at the start of the show. In general, lots of people treat service industry employees like garbage, and working in a theatre is no different.
Dear Ladies,
You sat in seats 2 and 4 in the orchestra during the matinee of Take Me Out on 1/18/23 and relentlessly rattled your Sour Patch Kids wrappers for the entire second act. Please consider those around you in the future and abstain from making noise.
Dear Schoenfeld,
Must you sell this noise-making crap?
Oh, I hate when that happens! They should add to the pre-show announcement, "Unwrap Your Candy Now" to been honest.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
I must have missed the notice that my show last night was a sing along, and that you can also talk throughout the show? I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOU SAYING "OH HERE COMES THIS SONG" I WANT TO HEAR THE ACTORS AND THEM ALONE
What is going on with audience behavior recently? It's like so much worse than pre-shutdown!
I had to pop on about Moulin Rouge on Wednesday. Young couple next to me comes in near the end of the opening number and first refused to squish through the 8 people standing for them, they wanted all of us to get out of the aisle to let them in, not happening. The minute they sit down...they are on their phones scrolling Instagram and talking to each other. They must be late 20s. I look around and not an usher in site. Screens blaring in their faces, cast members seeing it, as we were on the right-side row L where they exit and enter a lot. Then someone further center in the row's flip phone goes off and she is letting it ring and then freaking answers it. The ushers finally come, one on each side of the row...flashing their flashlights at the woman. She just holds up her hand with one finger raised and keeps talking. This is during "Diamonds." People are all telling her to hang up and other choice words, while my new friends are still scrolling and not noticing anything that is happening. She finally hangs up and yells "F*ck you all mother*ckers." The usher closest to me starts flashing her light at the couple next to me, after 15 seconds of flashing the female next to me says "WhAaaAtttT?" I said "turn your damn phones off." Finally, they both do and the boyfriend says “be nice bruh”. I turn to him and quietly say "surprised you heard that; those IG vids looked really interesting." He just turns. They stop for Act 1. During intermission they leave and unfortunately come back. Bad Romance is in all its glory and they both are back on their phones. Not an usher anywhere. I don't even say anything because not worth it. One row in front to the left, a man is watching a full movie with headphones in for the entire second act. 2 people asked him to turn it off and he never does.
Last night at Leopoldstadt I counted 11 phone rings. Then at the final moments of names.... phone goes off. I throw my head in my hands.
WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING? Every show more phones. Can no one go 60 -90 minutes without checking their phone and where are the ushers? They are certainly there during bows when I snapped one picture and get screamed at.
I'm just fed up. I am sorry to vent and rant and rave. But I pay my admission and get swept away for 2 hours, but I get the same outside world, only worse because I am stuck there.
Jesus, some of you are damn unlucky.