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CAMELOT Returns to Broadway - Reviews Thread- Page 3

CAMELOT Returns to Broadway - Reviews Thread

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#50Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 12:06am

UWS10023 said: "How long does the show usually run?"

3+ hours I think? It's LONG. Most productions end up cutting things from the licensed script. It's one of those shows that's rarely done the same way twice.

lotiloti Profile Photo
#51Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 4:03am

Always wanted Michael Sheen to play Arthur   (curiously, from the same town as Richard Burton)

thirtythirtyninety Profile Photo
#52Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 10:18am

Matthew Rhys has been my dream casting for Arthur for years, but his fellow Welshman Michael Sheen would also be superb

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#53Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 10:28am

I have no ideas for casting, but color me excited about this.  Can't wait to see who they cast.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#54Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 10:56am

I would love to see Laura Benanti  and Harry Hadden-Patton do this..... they were simply thrilling in the MFL performance I saw. Great chemistry.   Also from that company, Jordan Donica was tremendous and made a lot more of Freddy than is usually done and he sang wonderfully well.  For the smaller roles maybe a beloved character actor as Pellinore (ala Robert Coote),  And the choices for Morded could be very interesting as well.  I did two regional productions of Camelot years ago and I remember the big problem was the length.  In the performing version we had (and I believe "Fair" was cut) the first act was almost 2 hours.   We joked that it was as long as the entire "La Boheme"  Our director said that a big problem on the Broadway production was the "The Joust."  Thrilling to sing but apparently deadly to the audiences.  I do remember audiences quite moved by the ending.  But I am first in line to buy tickets for Laura and Harry.  I would also love to see Solea Pfeiffer in this role.  Huge fan. 

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#55Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 12:04pm

Robbie (if you're reading), do you know if they cut any full songs from the workshop?

CAMELOT –– like SHOW BOAT and PAL JOEY –– is kind of a "white whale" because there's so much good stuff in there, surrounded by less-good stuff. The opening sequence of songs is as good as any musical: that thrilling Overture into I Wonder What the King, Simple Joys, title song, the beautiful Merlin sequence, and C'est Moi. It kind of falls apart after that, with momentary highlights in How To Handle A Woman and If Ever I Would Leave You (and, if staged/cast right, Simple Folks).

also, Fie On Goodness = underrated. That song SLAPS.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#56Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 12:14pm

thirtythirtyninety said: "Matthew Rhys has been my dream casting for Arthur for years, but his fellow Welshman Michael Sheen would also be superb"

Oh hell yes to BOTH of those gentlemen. Cannot wait for this!

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#57Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 12:41pm

I’m surprised Morgan le Fay was in the workshop version. Aside from the concert version mentioned previously in this thread I’ve yet to see a production that didn’t cut her scenes.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#58Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 12:48pm

I was told some of the names approached and it definitely looks like the role they’re going the movie star route for is Arthur.

Updated On: 3/29/22 at 12:48 PM

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#59Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 1:32pm

I imagine they'd have to have at least one name star for the production if they want to go lavish with this one, which I imagine they will.

Sorkin on the book is encouraging.  The show as it stands now is a suh-LOGG!

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

fashionguru_23 Profile Photo
#60Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 1:41pm

I get the idea of a "movie star" for Arthur. Camelot does lend itself to a cast where you have 3 "leads" in Arthur, Gwenivere, and Lancelot. Plus other great supporting and cameos for some great actors.

"Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok. Have you guys heard about fidget spinners!?" ~Patti LuPone

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#61Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 2:20pm

Jordan Catalano said: "I was told some of the names approached and it definitely looks like the role they’re going the movie star route for is Arthur."

Remember, FWIW –– LCT also offered Henry Higgins to every British actor ages 35-60 (+ a few Americans), and all passed. So they landed on HHP. But Arthur has less "baggage" than Higgins (since Higgins was played so iconically by Rex Harrison), and also has the Sorkin connection which could be attractive if an actor wants to work with him.

Many a show seeks a movie star and settles for a "that guy."

SOUTH PACIFIC offered Emile to many a notable opera star before landing an unknown in Paolo Szot, because the actors didn't want to commit to the pay and length of run that you deal with at LCT.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#62Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 2:24pm

Right. My point was just that as of now (or recently) they were seeking big names for that role over the others. 

#63Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 2:26pm

Jordan Catalano said: "How bout my Gyllenaal? He'd be amazing, since he's not doing "Sunday in the Park" anymore."

Has the London production died officially?

#64Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 2:27pm

Give me a Bart Sher-directed revival of anything, especially at the Beaumont, and I will be there. He is one of this generation's greatest, especially when it comes to masterfully reviving old works.

However, I wish they selected literally anybody else working in playwriting today other than Aaron Sorkin. I found his work on Mockingbird to be absolutely dreadful. Yes, Camelot is a slog and needs book revisions to zhuzh it up for this day and age, but Sorkin... woof. Not happy.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#65Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 2:29pm

schubox said: "Jordan Catalano said: "How bout my Gyllenaal? He'd be amazing, since he's not doing "Sunday in the Park" anymore."

Has the London production died officially?

Looks like it. Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#66Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 3:06pm

I remember seeing a production of Camelot at Drury Lane Theatre in Chicago back in 2014, starring Christy Altomare as Guinevere. She was wonderful then


In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire
Updated On: 3/29/22 at 03:06 PM

#67Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 3:38pm

Jordan Catalano said: "schubox said: "Jordan Catalano said: "How bout my Gyllenaal? He'd be amazing, since he's not doing "Sunday in the Park" anymore."

Has the London production died officially?

Looks like it. Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway

That sucks. I've been planning on flying over for it since it was announced. 

SidebySidebyLogan Profile Photo
#68Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 4:55pm

Asking this honestly, not trying to stir the pot -

Why do majorities of posters seem welcoming to a new book for Camelot but were not open to a new book for The Life? I would have thought people were more attached to Camelot than The Life. Is it simply because it was Porter doing the revising and now it's the "respected" Sorkin? Did people like the original book to The Life more than I previously understood? 

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#69Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 5:01pm

SidebySidebyLogan said: "Asking this honestly, not trying to stir the pot - Why do majorities of posters seem welcoming to a new book for Camelot but were not open to a new book for The Life? I would have thought people were more attached to Camelot than The Life. Is it simply because it was Porter doing the revising and now it's the "respected" Sorkin? Did people like the original book to The Life more than I previously understood?"

They really can't be compared because we've seen THE LIFE and haven't seen CAMELOT yet.

Revising THE LIFE was a good idea in theory, and then was a disaster on stage. Similarly, CAMELOT is a show that needs a rewrite (and overall has a much better score and is more famous than THE LIFE) and Sorkin & Sher seem like good people to take a stab at it...but we'll find out this fall!

David10086 Profile Photo
#70Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 5:47pm

Ariana DeBose for Gwenevire, if they can afford her today. Bradley Cooper for Arthur.


Will Smith for Slapalot - I mean Lancelot.  Or maybe Jussie Smollett for Lancelot ? 

Updated On: 3/29/22 at 05:47 PM

Georgeanddot2 Profile Photo
#71Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 6:04pm

David10086 said: "Ariana DeBose for Gwenevire, if they can afford her today. Bradley Cooper for Arthur.

Will Smith for Slapalot - I mean Lancelot. Or maybe Jussie Smollett for Lancelot ?

so funny.

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#72Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 6:28pm

A Bartlett Sher directed revival of Camelot at the Vivian Beaumont with book revisions by Aaron Sorkin sounds amazing already. I hope we get a great cast for this the same way we got the amazing cast for My Fair Lady back in 2018.

MichelleCraig Profile Photo
#73Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/29/22 at 7:15pm

I remember my parents listening to the OBC album when I was a kid growing up just outside of Boston…


Updated On: 3/29/22 at 07:15 PM

justoldbill Profile Photo
#74Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
Posted: 3/30/22 at 9:23am

I hope they don't change the final scene.  I've always thought it one of the best in musical theatre.  Also, I've always thought the way Lerner, in the film, was able to make Merlyn a creature of Arthur's imagination, only appearing in times of need, very interesting.  If that could be accomplished on stage. it might minimize the "fairy dust" being blown around.

