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Capeguy Profile Photo
Posted: 11/9/24 at 8:09am

I sort of enjoyed it! 
Last night was Olive Garden.
The audience loved the show.

Posted: 11/9/24 at 8:44am

Went last night and enjoyed it. The first act was really funny - the second one was slow at times. Stunts were over the top but well done in my opinion. The special effects were good but not great. To me the costumes are what really stood out. 
Hilty and Simard are both incredible and worth seeing the show for. Overall, it’s good, but not great. That being said I would see it again. The wedding sponsor was Olive Garden, “When you’re here you’re family!”

Scarlet Leigh Profile Photo
Scarlet Leigh
Posted: 11/9/24 at 10:34pm

This past Wednesday evening's sponsor was Digorno. It's not delivery, it's Digorno.

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/9/24 at 10:56pm

I went Thursday night and had a great time! There are a few songs that I really enjoy, Alive Forever. Pretty much all of songs by Viola and The Immortals. I think the design in general is very stunning both in Set and Costumes. From the pictures I see from Chicago It appears that they really amped up the costumes from there. Megan and Jennifer are just a delight and wonderful sparring partners.

BenjaminNicholas2 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/9/24 at 11:41pm

The show was a lot of fun.  It helps to know the source material.

Hilty does the heavy lifting and nails it.  She's a real pro and it's about time to see her lead a show from the getgo.

Simard has deadpan down.  Her songs were a little pitchy, but her performance was entertaining.

Williams I wasn't so hot on.  She was wooden and a one-note actor.  While her voice was suitable for park-and-bark moments, she looked a bit fragile instead of slinking around the stage.

I would have loved to see them go with the many other big voices they approached about this role.  Having friends who have been with this show since Chicago, I got to hear some of that interesting list.

Posted: 11/10/24 at 5:02am

Why is everyone obsessed with the sponsors moment?

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/24 at 9:49am

I caught the show on Friday night and it was a mixed bag for me. Like a lot of people, I kind of grew up with the movie, catching it on TV for it's network television debut (remember those?!) at a very young age.

I hate to say it because I usually like her work, but Megan Hilty was the weak link for me. She plays everything with an exaggerated, affected manner and I think it undercuts a lot of her (pretty solid) material. I wish she'd let the mask drop a little, ground herself more and lean into some of Madeline's nastiness and misery in a real way. For me, that would have made her funnier. On the whole, I think the show could have afforded to be a bit more cynical. "Finding your person" is a lovely sentiment, but maybe not here? 

Simard finds a better balance between groundedness and being over-the-top, but her character has a clearer arc. Sieber is reliable, as always. Michelle Williams, weirdly enough, gets the show's best songs. 

I was really not a fan of 

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Helen being the one who kills Madeline and then the handling of how Madeline kills Helen. Helen's presence throughout the staircase bit and hospital adds nothing, really, but to water down Christopher Sieber's material. It's also much more interesting to me if Madeline kills Helen before she realizes she's taken the potion thinking she'll actually die. Another example of where the show eschews darkness. 

The effects are also hit or miss. Madeline on the staircase is a triumph, but other things feel like afterthoughts. The score is fine, I agree with others that it may not stand on it's own but it works in context. 

I didn't have a bad time, I enjoyed a lot of about it, but it feels so close to almost there that it's more frustrating than if it had been an all out misfire. 

Posted: 11/10/24 at 10:50am

Dolly80 said: "Why is everyone obsessed with the sponsors moment?"

Because it's a fun novelty for a gag to change every night, like the producer in Gutenberg!

kdogg36 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/24 at 11:12am

Dolly80 said: "Why is everyone obsessed with the sponsors moment?"

I haven't seen the show, and I'm wondering that too. I imagine the sponsor moment must be presented in some kind of really hilarious context; otherwise, there's no joke there to speak of.

Posted: 11/10/24 at 11:39am

If I recall Goldie Hawn doesn't really get to have as much fun in the film either. 

She gets the hole in the stomach which is fun but she's the bleaker more depressing character. 


jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/24 at 12:20pm

kdogg36 said: "Dolly80 said: "Why is everyone obsessed with the sponsors moment?"

I haven't seen the show, and I'm wondering that too. I imagine the sponsor moment must be presented in some kind of really hilarious context; otherwise, there's no joke there to speak of.

It’s just improvised every night and it’s a kind of out of pocket moment that can be funny. Like… at a performance in Chicago, hearing Madeline Ashton say that her wedding was “brought to you by KFC… it’s finger lickin’ good” is just ridiculously fun and worth a laugh. 😂 

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/24 at 12:35pm

jacobsnchz14 said: "kdogg36 said: "Dolly80 said: "Why is everyone obsessed with the sponsors moment?"

I haven't seen the show, and I'm wondering that too. I imagine the sponsor moment must be presented in some kind of really hilarious context; otherwise, there's no joke there to speak of.

It’s just improvised every night and it’s a kind of out of pocket moment that can be funny. Like… at a performance in Chicago, hearing Madeline Ashton say that her wedding was “brought to you by KFC… it’s finger lickin’ good” is just ridiculously fun and worth a laugh. 😂

That's not what improvised means, it just changes and rotates through various ones. And it's funny in context, but I'm not sure what is so hilarious hearing about it second hand on a theatre message board where the punch line is just... the wedding in sponsored by something tacky or somethint you wouldn't expect. You hear it once and the joke is done. 

TheQuibbler Profile Photo
Posted: 11/10/24 at 1:48pm

kdogg36 said: "Dolly80 said: "Why is everyone obsessed with the sponsors moment?"

I haven't seen the show, and I'm wondering that too. I imagine the sponsor moment must be presented in some kind of really hilarious context; otherwise, there's no joke there to speak of.

Yeah, it’s not really that funny, I was surprised by little impact it has considering how much attention this board gives it. I actually thought the funnier joke occurs right before the “sponsor”…

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“We postpone today’s episode of The View to bring you…”


Posted: 11/11/24 at 3:55pm

Just sounds tacky🤷‍♂️

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/11/24 at 8:10pm

It’s definitely not tacky and fits the tone of the show (very wink wink), but it’s also one of the less hilarious jokes in the show. Its only novelty is that it changes every night, but it’s a quick throwaway gag in the grand scheme.

Posted: 11/11/24 at 11:42pm

The wedding sponsor joke is silly, but also a nod to the culture where companies pay for their products to appear prominently in movies/television.  

At a $30M+ price tag (CRAZY), maybe the lines aren't "improvised" each night but actually a tiny bit of guaranteed return? 

On a totally different subject: does anyone know how long the leads contracts are for by chance?  

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/11/24 at 11:44pm

ChorusKitty said: "The wedding sponsor joke is silly, but also a nod to the culture where companies pay for their products to appear prominently in movies/television.

At a $30M+ price tag (CRAZY), maybe the lines aren't "improvised" each night but actually a tiny bit of guaranteed return?

On a totally different subject: does anyone know how long the leads contracts are for by chance?

They're not brand deals, they're a joke about Brand deals. 

Posted: 11/12/24 at 12:03am

I noted it was a joke about brand deals in my first sentence.  However those lines are also copyrighted material.  

TheatreMonkey Profile Photo
Posted: 11/12/24 at 12:09am

ChorusKitty said: "I noted it was a joke about brand deals in my first sentence. However those lines are also copyrighted material."

...and? That doesn't mean the companies are getting any royalties or reimbursement. It falls under Fair Use, as it's satire/parody. 

DiscoCrows Profile Photo
Posted: 11/13/24 at 5:04pm

During today’s 11/13 matinee, the mansion set clipped the show curtain and tore a hole in it. This happened during the scenic change out of "Don't Say I Didn't (Warn You)" when the mansion visibly lowers into place. A small piece of white plastering was broken and fell to the stage deck. There was a ten-minute hold and they continued the show as normal afterward, visible rips and all.

Let's go previews!!

Updated On: 11/13/24 at 05:04 PM

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/13/24 at 5:36pm

ChorusKitty said: "I noted it was a joke about brand deals in my first sentence. However those lines are also copyrighted material."

And in the same sense that you can quote lines from Trademarked movies in books and other movies without permission, you can do so with a company's tag line. They're not using any trademarked iconography and if brought in front of a judge it would be considered satire. You don't think they're actually getting the company lawyers involved to okay these references do you?

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
Posted: 11/13/24 at 7:16pm

Boy I would never have guessed this show would be up my alley-- I'm a Sondheim/JRBrown/Adam Guettel type of musical theater fan. I need gravitas and wit and profundity to really enjoy a show. And yet...and yet.... this stupid insane show just left me in happy tears for 2 1/2 hours straight and I couldn't be more delighted!

The visuals are as tacky as they come, but that's what makes them perfect for this trashy shticky show. The songs are fine though I couldn't repeat a single hook or lyric joke a day later, but who cares? They don't impede the unbridled fun in the least. The performances are all cranked up to 11 which is the right way to sell this material, and the 2 starring ladies are easily up to the task. (Actually there's one lead performer who's only capable of delivering a 3 or maybe 2, but we'll forgive her for now. The sooner she's replaced with someone with proper Broadway chops, the better the show will be overall.)

So applause to all the creators of this nonstop guffaw of a show! A brilliant addition to the literature of Broadway this ain't (go immediately to MAYBE HAPPY ENDING for that slot!) But for the best party on Broadway, this is your ticket!

ANewBrainn Profile Photo
Posted: 11/13/24 at 7:32pm

DiscoCrows said: "During today’s 11/13 matinee, the mansion set clipped the show curtain and tore a hole in it. This happened during the scenic change out of "Don't Say I Didn't (Warn You)" when the mansion visibly lowers into place. A small piece of white plastering was broken and fell to the stage deck.There was a ten-minute hold and they continued the show as normal afterward, visible rips and all.

Let's go previews!!

I love that simard ad libbed "You two really need to fix your drapes" after the show resumed

DiscoCrows Profile Photo
Posted: 11/13/24 at 9:48pm

ANewBrainn said: "DiscoCrows said: "During today’s 11/13 matinee, the mansion set clipped the show curtain and tore a hole in it. This happened during the scenic change out of "Don't Say I Didn't (Warn You)" when the mansion visibly lowers into place. A small piece of white plastering was broken and fell to the stage deck.There was a ten-minute hold and they continued the show as normal afterward, visible rips and all.

Let's go previews!!

I love that simard ad libbed "You two really need to fix your drapes" after the show resumed

It was a great pickup!! Also appreciated the stage manager holding the show to say “please bear with us as we untangle some technical difficulties”. Lol

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
Posted: 11/13/24 at 11:23pm

Really enjoyed this tonight. Hilty and Simard are both in their elements and turn in phenomenal performances. The jokes are fast, nonstop, and FUNNY! 

This is not life changing theatre, and never once does it ever try to take itself seriously - I think this is ultimately what makes the show a success. It leans into the camp and spectacle while allowing the two leading ladies to shine and do what they do best - make big jokes and sing big notes on a big Broadway set! 

This is the most fun to be had on Broadway right now. It’s smart, silly, and FUN. And that’s just what I needed tonight.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "
Updated On: 11/13/24 at 11:23 PM
