The tour will be using the tier 3 touring contract. Disney could afford to tour this on the highest level contract, so I’m shocked equity approved this.
Yes, I just saw the ECC on the AEA site. $1,467 a week minimum, which was on par with a Broadway production like, ten years ago...
Updated On: 5/21/24 at 12:03 PM
And a relatively unknown director. Seems like he's mostly worked at the parks. So I'm guessing we get a slightly stepped up version of that non-union show that was touring.
Well, no, Matt West has actually had quite a career, from being the original Bobby in A Chorus Line to choreographing the original production of BATB and its many tours and international productions. He graduated to director-choreographer for the recent UK tour of BATB, so I'm guessing this tour will more or less be a replica of that.
I'd agree. I just mean we aren't getting an established director's new take on the material. We will probably just get a very safe, standard production.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it I say.
Call_me_jorge said: "The tour will be using the tier 3 touring contract. Disney could afford to tour this on the highest level contract, so I’m shocked equity approved this."
I feel like Equity has no real power over this. They can’t even stop tours from going non-union, so how would they control what tier a tour goes out on? The good news is, this tour should sell extremely well, so the cast will hopefully make a good amount of overages. I’ve heard that the BEETLEJUICE tour has been selling so well that the cast is actually making more than they would’ve on a full production contract due to the high overages.