Doubt there is anything to read into anything with that...
asmith0307 said: "I respectfully disagree. I saw Gabby's first performance as Small Alison after seeing Sydney a month before. 6 weeks later I caught Sydney again. They were both fantastic. I think its a great choice.
Then she must have had an off night when I went. I stand by my assessment that Gabriella merely reads lines with facial expressions that go with the words. She is not nearly the actress that Sydney is. It was really evident in Ring of Keys-- Gabriella did not understand the progression of emotions of the song, which left it hollow for me. But given that audiences give everything a standing ovation these days, I am not surprised that she is seen as great performer.
Swing Joined: 12/20/13
Wow, way to rip apart a 12 year old who is about to have her 2nd leading role in a Broadway musical. Because that is something that happens everyday and shouldn't be celebrated (please note my sarcasm). The girl is hands down amazing! She deserves to be in that role and will play it with all the justice it deserves and more so. Why can't pepole just let the girl be excited for 5 mintues before trashing her. She is a swing who plays 3 roles currently and who goes on performance after performance at the last minute because of who knows what reason the "normal" actor can't perform that night. It stands to reason that she wouldn't be as "seasoned" as Sydney who has been playing Small Alison for 3 years! (Actually according to her website, she started rehearsals 3 years ago today, which is an odd coincidence.) She has had many more years of people telling her how to perform that part. Gabby has been there since January. Let her get her feet wet and then try to criticize her again in November. You won't be able to because she is fantastic!
Updated On: 9/18/15 at 02:46 AMBroadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
But given that audiences give everything a standing ovation these days, I am not surprised that she is seen as great performer.
So wait, people who like her are only swayed by the standing ovation she not only are you knocking Gabby, you are knocking people who loved her performance. Got it. And I guess people who gave Sydney a standing ovation didn't know what they were thinking either by your logic and were also swayed by popular opinion.
Here Gabby is singing Ring of Keys representing Fun Home at an event in July (well a portion of the song anyway) and it shows up a little around 4:15. I personally think it's spot on....
Lucas was bound to leave, and perhaps it's better to go before she (visibly) ages out. The role requires a pre-adolescent sensibility; one of the reasons her signature song is so genuinely fresh, startling and of course moving is its contrast to the sexually aware middle Alison's coming of age much earlier in the show. To echo others: I have only heard wonderful things about the Lucas standby/soon to be replacement. I am a fan of the full company, but actually think Malone is the true north of the production. I believe she's stated she's committed to a full year.
Understudy Joined: 8/18/15
I saw Gabby in the role at last Saturday's matinee, and thought she was fantastic. I was very moved by her performance of Ring of Keys.
This is a beautiful show, many, many actors will appear in it. It will be wonderful to see the impact of new interpretations once these originators leave. It will happen. (On that score, anyone else think Jason Danieley would be good as Bruce? Why not Mazzie as Helen?)
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
They're gonna Taye Gabby. Thayer gonna Taye her.
FindingNamo said: "They're gonna Taye Gabby. Thayer gonna Taye her. "
Please don't make this a verb. Gabby knows her lines and the lyrics.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/10/13
I'm so happy for Gabby! Saw her a while ago and thought she was amazing!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Stop the Tayimg!!!
Auggie yes to all of that. I'd be back there in a heartbeat.
Understudy Joined: 5/10/15
I went to the matinee show this Wednesday and Gabriella was performing. Seems like Sydney has been absent for a week now.
I have nothing to compare Gabriella to since it was my first time seeing the show, so I thought she did well.
IT is also possible that Gabby is really good but not as good as Sidney. But after all Ms. Lucas has been playing the role for 3+ years. So instead of knocking Gabby, we can credit the experience and the time that Sidney has been able to inhabit the role for a quarter of her life
If an audience member didn't like the kid, they didn't like the kid. Most did, which is more then lots of actors can claim. She's a professional in a grown up's industry. Pretty sure she can handle a few people liking Sydney more. It's pretty doubtful she reads BWW.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
I am sure Gabby is fine with the idea that some people enjoyed Sydney more than they did her performance. I mean Sydney has had 3 years to work on the role - and Gabby will never catch up with that. Besides Gabby certainly is used to sharing roles and applause..
Everyone certainly has the right of having his/her own opinion.
That said, it was IMO unnecessary to suggest (um, state) that people should stay away from Fun Home because Gabby was in it. And doubly unnecessary (um, ridiculous) to suggest that people who did like her performance only did so because they were swayed by the audience who cheers for anything these days. An opinion is an opinion - unless it's camouflaged as an insult. JMO.
Tag said: "A not so surprising twist."
Oh well, it was time for her to move on anyways, what with her age and all. I'm sure with her talent, she'll find more jobs that will pay better. (If that article is even true and not just gossip.)
Ehh, I'm not so sure about this. Especially where it is written that she would leave if she didn't get the raise in salary. Wasn't it pretty much a guarantee even before the Tony Awards that she would be leaving right about now. Even if she won, I wouldn't have expected her to stay with the show much longer because of her age and how friggen tall she's gotten. This sounds more like Riedel trying to stir up something because he couldn't get dirt on the show anywhere else and because of his apparent gripe with the show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
It's a typical Riedel article...twisted to fit his agenda. She is the only one of the kids from the original version - the boys were too big already and recast...and now after three years, she has grown even more (sprouted up like a weed actually) and no longer looks like a child but a young almost teen. Plus maybe it's just time to do something else. The snarky comments are just that - snark. Regardless if this is true or not...
Sydney (with family/representation) is entitled to ask for anything she wants.. it's business.
Fun Home is entitled to pay whatever they think is's business.
They already have an amazing replacement..
It happens all the time.
I'm sorry but how is Cerveris getting 20k-30k/week? That's ridiculous.... I guess take this article with a grain of salt though...
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
He's getting it in Riedel's dream world where two totally straight guys can admire each other in special ways and imagine salaries they're REALLY worth and occasionally give each other massages and it doesn't mean ANYTHING.
$20k/weekly isn't crazy for a two-time Tony award winning actor.
What, exactly, was Lucas using as leverage to demand a huge raise? The Tony she didn't win?
Understudy Joined: 10/5/14
She had plenty of leverage. It is obvious she drew in a substantial portion of he audience. She got great reviews and her Tony performance was about as perfect as you can get. I imagine a part of the high asking price was an acknowledgement that she's aged out of the role, though. Her performances would have had less impact as a young adult and her future opportunities would lessen as her amazing performances began fading from memory. If she was going to stay with a role that isn't a perfect fit any more instead of going with better roles that are somewhat freely available to her, it makes sense to cash in.
In other words, it was a soft resignation. I doubt her agent expected it to be accepted (assuming this happened at all).