Cupid Boy2 said: "But you liked your seats, MX888? I have BB 1 and 3 for an upcoming perfromwance, and some of the comments have been making me a little nervous. "
Oh yes I loved my seats! So close to the actors so it felt immersive. Since you have BB 1, this doesn't pertain to you but BA 1 is very close to the steps (my friend is average height and he felt like he might accidentally trip the actors running back and forth).
Have a great time!
Stand-by Joined: 3/29/16
My boyfriend and I have decided to splurge on an onstage seat. When I saw the show from the rear mezz it seemed to me that Table N (this is the table of three in its own little triangle in front of stage left banquettes) would be a cool place to sit. Has anyone sat there? We're trying to decide between one of the upstage tables and a banquette seat, the price doesn't really matter. Thanks!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/20/08
I haven't sat there, but I was eyeballing that table as well!
Understudy Joined: 4/13/15
I just picked up a pair of seats for tomorrow's show and they are Orchestra O 1 and 3. The seats were only $99. Anyone know why? I was told they are not partial view. Are these good seats? The other option was premium seats for $249, and it didn't seem worth the price difference...
Understudy Joined: 6/14/16
canadian fan said: "Ok, all these comments have me second thinking my first row mezz seat. not that it wont be a great seat, but maybe the banquette seating option would have been a more unique experience. Question off topic.....I bought my tickets online through telecharge. I have read about people changing their tickets. Does telecharge do this? If you call them will they switch your seats if you want?"
I had the exact same second thoughts. Had 2nd row front mezz seats and then decided I'd rather be onstage if possible. I just called Telecharge and they were able to change them for me.
The customer service guy said he had to check with the production first to see if they'd allow it. He put me on hold then came back with the affirmative. He had to refund my previous purchase and do a new sale for the new seats.
What he was able to offer was different than what I could see available online. For my date I could see Onstage Upholstered Banquettes BD 21 and 23 (center aisle) available. But he offered me BD 6 and 8 which are mid-row. I asked about aisle seats and he could only offer BD 1 and 3 which are far stage right. He tried to convince me that they would be just as good as center aisle but I was hesitant so he let me buy the ones I wanted myself online then refunded my mezz seats once I gave him my new confirmation number.
Leading Actor Joined: 8/9/14
Castle2 said: "He tried to convince me that they would be just as good as center aisle but I was hesitant so he let me buy the ones I wanted myself online then refunded my mezz seats once I gave him my new confirmation number."
I think you made the right choice, especially if you want to improve your chances of interactivity and have a better view of the majority of the action beyond the proscenium. I've now coincidentally been in identical seats stage left and stage right mid-row of the banquettes, and also have a slight preference for being stage right. Due to the angle, when Pierre plays piano, you see a lot of his back if seated stage left, and there are a few moments when I preferred having a little distance and perspective when looking upstage.
BTW, there's a discount out there for 12/15 and 12/24 when Josh Groban is out. I wish I had waited and not bought a ticket last week at the box office to save on fees, but banquettes are only $99 for those performances with the code.
A great view of the theatre to see how your non-onstage seats may look.
Does that light fixture in the center block the view from the rear mezz at all?
Anyone know when onstage seating will be available for May? Telecharge has seats available for Orchestra/Mezz but not onstage.
Understudy Joined: 6/17/08
Thanks again for all the great info. Luscious, I'm going with your advice and just booked BC 21/23 for May. I do see in a photo of the stage how those seats seem to stick out past the ones in front, and are a bit elevated, so it does look like they will provide a great view!
Mr Kelly - I was able to book on stage seats for May. Make sure to click the toggle button at the right for stage seating and it should bring them up on Telecharge.
icecreambenjamin said: "Does that light fixture in the center block the view from the rear mezz at all?
Once you get high enough in the rear mezz, it does indeed block some action upstage center (right in front of the big doors). Depending on your seat, you'd probably be looking through that fixture to see the actors heads when they're on that platform.
I was looking at TO 1-2 which is a 2 person on stage table. I know several people have commented negatively on some of the table seating but I am confused as to which tables they are specifically referring to, Can anyone comment on TO? It is in the center table section, near, but in front of the banquettes. Thanks!
JPeterman said: "I was looking at TO 1-2 which is a 2 person on stage table. I know several people have commented negatively on some of the table seating but I am confused as to which tables they are specifically referring to, Can anyone comment on TO? It is in the center table section, near, but in front of the banquettes. Thanks!"
I think TO is a 3 seater but they are perfect - lots of action (but I don't want to spoil anything for you!).
The only tables that I would not recommend are those that are facing the stage (lower stage right/center/left tavern: A-C, D/E/U/F, G,H) - hope that helps.
Mr Kelly - I was able to book on stage seats for May. Make sure to click the toggle button at the right for stage seating and it should bring them up on Telecharge.
Thanks for that. Hadn't clicked on premium seats, now they are showing up
Featured Actor Joined: 8/15/16
Ok, I took the plunge! Tele charge was kind enough to let me switch. I went for the banquettes BC 21 & 23 as suggested. Woot woot! :)
"Luscious, I'm going with your advice and just booked BC 21/23 for May. I do see in a photo of the stage how those seats seem to stick out past the ones in front, and are a bit elevated, so it does look like they will provide a great view!"
"Ok, I took the plunge! Tele charge was kind enough to let me switch. I went for the banquettes BC 21 & 23 as suggested. Woot woot! :) "
ncgator and canadian fan... I think you made a great choice and are going to love seeing the show from these seats! That's exactly why I was eyeing them. The row in front of them is shorter, and these two seats stick out, with no one seated directly in front of you, giving you a completely unobstructed view and plenty of leg room. Although the banquette seats are raked, BC 21/23 appear high enough off the stage floor to give you a great overview of the stage and orchestra section, but should also give you a good view of the front of the mezzanine. If I may ask, when are you both going? I'm seeing the show from those seats on Friday, Jan 27.
Also, if anyone is interested, I have two (2) great front row center mezzanine seats for the same night that I'm looking to sell. Front Mezzanine Center | Row: A | Seats: Premum FMEZC SEC 3 A12/Premum FMEZC SEC 3 A11. Seat A12 is on the left aisle of the center section. I have them listed on Stub Hub for $225ea, but I'm not looking to make a profit. I'm willing to let them go for face value ($199ea), less the surcharges and fees that I paid. Anyone interested, please PM me.
Stand-by Joined: 11/29/04
This thread has been VERY helpful. After reading all the comments and looking over the online seating chart, I purchased an on-stage upholstered banquet row BA seat 10. It's the first row and on the center aisle, as many of you suggested. I'm not seeing the show until April 2, but I will happily report back after I see the show.
Thanks to everyone for all your input and feedback. :)
Featured Actor Joined: 8/15/16
Luscious, we are in NY in Mid May. 7 Shows in 5 days. Cant wait! Thanks again for the help with these seats. I was very happy with front mezz, but I think this will be a once in a lifetime type experience being so close to things....
While we're obsessing over these seats, I've taken a closer look at the seating charts and I have a question. We're sitting on the center aisle front banquette, stage right - BA 11, 9.
What does the area in front of the banquettes look like? Is it raked? The aisle in front of the first banquette row seems to taper to nothing in front of my seat, looking at the seating plan (BA 11). I've got long legs, which is why I book aisle tix, but curious about the particulars.
canadian fan said: "Luscious, we are in NY in Mid May. 7 Shows in 5 days. Cant wait! Thanks again for the help with these seats. I was very happy with front mezz, but I think this will be a once in a lifetime type experience being so close to things...."
Sounds like you've got a great 5 days lined up! Enjoy your time in NYC and enjoy the shows! Let us know what you thought of the seats and the show.
MarkBearSF said: "While we're obsessing over these seats, I've taken a closer look at the seating charts and I have a question. We're sitting on the center aisle front banquette, stage right - BA 11, 9.
What does the area in front of the banquettes look like? Is it raked? The aisle in front of the first banquette row seems to taper to nothing in front of my seat, looking at the seating plan (BA 11). I've got long legs, which is why I book aisle tix, but curious about the particulars."
There's a bit of a platform for the stage and then stairs. Action is constantly flowing around so mind your legs. By the way, there's a small table in between seats BA 7 and 9 that's not shown/in the wrong place in the various seating charts found online.
dupl post
Updated On: 12/10/16 at 12:53 AM
Leading Actor Joined: 8/9/14
There isn't any marked delineation between where the front banquette ends and the stage begins and the actors will warn you at the start if you're seated along the aisles not to have anything sticking out.
In general, the banquette rows have better than average room between respective rows.