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Great Comet Seating Thread

#50Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 11/17/16 at 11:54am

I had the same question for April, and i ended up buying first row in the middle of the rear mzz...hope I made the right choice! Anyone who´s been there could please tell me about the view? Txs a lot!

#51Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 11/17/16 at 11:56am

double post, see below

Updated On: 11/17/16 at 11:56 AM

#52Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 11/17/16 at 12:04pm

Can someone tell me how the front mezz is currently configured? The previous seating charts for the Imperial show 6 rows in the front mezz and now there are only 5. Did they take out the first row or last row? What are the two rows of "seats" in front of the row A of the front mezz? Playing space? Seats for actors? Is there a rail in front of the new row A now? Thanks!

#53Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 11/17/16 at 4:34pm

There is a walkway running across the front of the front mezz to connect the new staircases, so it would be the previous front row removed.

Luscious Profile Photo
#54Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 11/17/16 at 11:07pm

Are the mezzanine seats raked? In other words if you're sitting in the 2nd row of the front mezz, do you have to worry about heads possibly obstructing your view. Trying to decide between 1st row mezz to the left and 2nd row mezz on the center aisle. To anyone who has seen the show from the mezz, thanks for your help!

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#55Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 11/18/16 at 9:19am

BroadwayBox has a discount code. 


tripelite Profile Photo
#56Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 11/29/16 at 2:38am

I sat front row, front mezzanine for Great Comet, just a couple of seats off the right center aisle, and it greatly enhanced my love of the show.  Perfect view of the stage, the staircases, what was happening in front of me, in the aisle, and behind me.  Completely immersive, and a fantastic theatre experience in every way.  It did not matter to me in the slightest that the story was thin (ironic, given the source material).  I simply had a great time - but it's not for everyone!

#57Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 12/6/16 at 5:49pm

I am looking to get tickets for May and this thread has been very helpful in narrowing down the options.  I think it’s between: 1 - front row front mezz, 2 - front row on center aisle of upstage banquettes, or 3 - upholstered armchairs on either side of Pierre’s Study.  Front row mezz is appealing as it sounds like that may give the best overall view, but there is something very unique about sitting on stage that I likely won’t get at our touring theater.  All three options are within $30 of each other, so price isn’t a factor.

#58Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 12/6/16 at 6:14pm

I sat Rear Mezz, 3rd row, on the right side and could see everything perfectly. There were dancers up where we were quite often. You could see the whole production really well. 

LesWickedly Profile Photo
#59Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 12/6/16 at 6:49pm

What's the view like from row g of right Orchestra? The first response I heard was that it was good, but now I'm seeing some differing opinions. 

canadian fan
#60Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 12/6/16 at 6:56pm

NCGator, I strugged for a long time on the exact same issue. In the end I bought tickets for first row mezz as it seemed to be the best of both view in the house AND lots of up close action in that area. Am really looking forward to it and hope I made the right choice!

#61Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 12/6/16 at 8:26pm

I sat in the banquettes Row B on the center aisle (stage left).  Would not have traded those for the world.  I'm sure the front Mezz gives a great overall view, but the opportunity to be so close to  everything and everyone right before my eyes was unforgettable. Given the inability to replicate that experience at any other show, I highly recommend the banquettes if you can be on the aisle.  Our opinion was that they were even preferable to the other, more expensive on-stage options (again, at least on the aisle - I might have been less enthralled mid-banquette).   I was conflicted and skeptical at first because of the price difference but am now so glad I did it.  

#62Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 12/7/16 at 7:37am

Nycat63 said: "I sat in the banquettes Row B on the center aisle (stage left).  Would not have traded those for the world.  I'm sure the front Mezz gives a great overall view, but the opportunity to be so close to  everything and everyone right before my eyes was unforgettable. Given the inability to replicate that experience at any other show, I highly recommend the banquettes if you can be on the aisle.  Our opinion was that they were even preferable to the other, more expensive on-stage options (again, at least on the aisle - I might have been less enthralled mid-banquette).   I was conflicted and skeptical at first because of the price difference but am now so glad I did it."

Glad to hear this! I'm seeing this for the second time and chose banquette seats on the aisle (BF, I think, so last row), thanks to someone here posting a discount code that knocked off a few bucks.  I'm bringing my unwilling husband, so hopefully great seating will soften his attitude.  I saw it in previews in the orchestra and I'm excited to have a different vantage point!

A Canadian in NYC Profile Photo
A Canadian in NYC
#63Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 12/7/16 at 11:26am

LesWickedly said: "What's the view like from row g of right Orchestra? The first response I heard was that it was good, but now I'm seeing some differing opinions. 

I sat Row G and it was great. I had a table beside me for my drink which was nice. There's an runner stage right in front of you so you'll have some interaction with the actors depending on your seat. I feel like I saw everything fine except maybe anything that happened behind me left orch.    I just bought upholstered stage seats for the next one as I'm bringing my friends to town and wanted them to have an amazing experience as neither have been to a broadway show.



canadian fan
#64Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 12/7/16 at 11:52am

Ok, all these comments have me second thinking my first row mezz seat. not that it wont be a great seat, but maybe the banquette seating option would have been a more unique experience. Question off topic.....I bought my tickets online through telecharge. I have read about people changing their tickets. Does telecharge do this? If you call them will they switch your seats if you want?



#65Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 12/7/16 at 12:22pm

canadian fan said: "Ok, all these comments have me second thinking my first row mezz seat. not that it wont be a great seat, but maybe the banquette seating option would have been a more unique experience. Question off topic.....I bought my tickets online through telecharge. I have read about people changing their tickets. Does telecharge do this? If you call them will they switch your seats if you want?




I have been successful with Telecharge changing seats and even dates, so I would certainly try!


Will3700 Profile Photo
#66Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 12/7/16 at 1:24pm

I'm coming in from Texas in early January and have Right Orchestra Row B seat 10 and Row C seat 12. We got them without knowing any of the staging so are they good seats if anyone knows?  thanks we are here 8 days for 10 shows

slumdogdelaware Profile Photo
#67Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 12/7/16 at 2:10pm

I'll be there tonight - front mezz, Row C, Seat 6. Anyone sit in/near this location? I'm assuming it's a pretty good seat. I originally had Row M in the center orchestra, but Josh Groban was out that night so I transferred to a new seat on a new night and they didn't have availability there and I heard front mezz offered a better view.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#68Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 12/7/16 at 3:01pm

I can't say BETTER view, but I'm sure that seat will be terrific.  I was in row N of the orch and thought it was terrific.   I went upstairs and LOOKED from the break between front and rear mezz and it was pretty spectacular.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#69Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 12/7/16 at 6:44pm

We sat front row of the rear mezz in the farthest seat, house right.  We got GREAT leg room (there is a brass bar with curtain in front of you rather than a knee height wall) ,terrific views of the cast moving up and down stairs and aisles.  We didn't get a dumpling or shaker; those seemed to go to folks more toward the center section or behind us.  There were only a few moments of obstruction and they were largely just an actor walking on the far right upstage; upper level.  I didn't feel like I missed out on anything and had a complete view of all scenes.   

Luscious Profile Photo
#70Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 12/7/16 at 7:07pm

Copied and pasted from The Great Comet Previews thread. I probably should have posted it here, but I went on to give my opinion of the show, which I've omitted from below.

Saw the show last night, but before I comment on the show itself, first let me say that in all my years of attending the theater (many), it was the first time that I sought out the house manager because I was so dissatisfied with my seats. And I had premium "stage" seats, no less! My table seats were downstage extreme right. To call these stage seats, and price them at $300 per, plus fees, is a real crime. These seats were NOT on the stage. They were one short step up from the orchestra. My view of the actual stage was almost completely obscured by the wall of people surrounding me. I was so disappointed that I sought out the house manager to see if there were any other seats available ANYWHERE else in the theater. At first she tried to convince me to keep the seats, explaining that all the seats were unique. I told her that if by unique she meant boxed in with an almost completely obstructed view, I'd take my chances just about anywhere else. I asked if she had anything in the mezzanine, front or rear, and she said no, they would be orchestra seats. I said OK - just about anywhere else would be better than my dreadful "premium" "stage" seats. She took my tickets and asked me to wait in the lobby for her to return. Less than 5 minutes later she returned with two right-orchestra seat tickets, row G, 3rd and 4th seats off the aisle. She apologized for not being able to secure aisle seats for me. I was perfectly happy with the seats and very thankful for her help. Much, much better view than sitting at that God-awful side table. Be careful when selecting stage seats that they're not downstage. Those seats, even the more centered ones, are just one small step up from the orchestra. What the stage seating chart doesn't show you is that there are several levels to the onstage seating. Actually, I think the upstage banquette seats would give you the best overall view from the stage. If you want the experience of sitting on the stage (the actual stage), which, admittedly, would be a more immersive experience, go for the first three rows of the banquette seats, as center stage as possible. Otherwise, I'd go for the first row of the front mezzanine. I went up there during intermission to check it out, and the first row of the front mezz gives you a phenomenal overview of the entire stage and the front of the orchestra section. And three's a platform that goes across the front mezz, directly in front of the first row of seats, that's used throughout the show by the performers. Something I missed entirely from sitting in the orchestra. Still, after all was said and done, I was happy with my seat exchange. I would have been miserable sitting in my original seats, and probably would have left at intermission.

ETA: The 2 best stage seats, IMO, are Sec BC 21/23. I was eyeing those seats from the orchestra when I saw the show last week. Just bought those exact seats for when I see the show again next month.

Updated On: 12/7/16 at 07:07 PM

MarkBearSF Profile Photo
#71Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 12/7/16 at 7:22pm

YAY - I snagged the first banquette row onstage. On the center aisle, stage right (BA 9,11)

Now, I've got to remember to really give in to audience participation stuff like the shakers I've read about since I'll be very visible and in a tiny way, part of the show.

Updated On: 12/7/16 at 07:22 PM

MX888 Profile Photo
#72Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 12/7/16 at 9:06pm

MarkBearSF said: "YAY - I snagged the first banquette row onstage. On the center aisle, stage right (BA 9,11)

Now, I've got to remember to really give in to audience participation stuff like the shakers I've read about since I'll be very visible and in a tiny way, part of the show.


I don't know if shaker distribution is consistant but I've sat in BA 1,3 (and BF 1,3) and didn't get them sadbut we got pierogies!  Hope you have a better chance - still highly recommended seats tho! Hoping to get the same seats or a table next time I go.



Cupid Boy2 Profile Photo
Cupid Boy2
#73Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 12/7/16 at 9:47pm

But you liked your seats, MX888? I have BB 1 and 3 for an upcoming perfromwance, and some of the comments have been making me a little nervous. 

icecreambenjamin Profile Photo
#74Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 12/7/16 at 10:09pm

Is there anywhere in the rear, rear mezzanine that doesn't allow for a good view of the show?
