Papi2013 said: "ren598 said: "ColorTheHours048 said: "ren598 said: "I was at Bette's supposed last performance in January. Then also at the added benefits performance that evening. Hesitatingly, I did manage to snag a ticket to the evening performance on August 25th. Now I’m just waiting for Scott Rudin to screw us all and add an extra bonus performance on August 26th."
I get that you’re determined to see Bette’s final performance, but outside of having bragging rights over your friends who couldn’t shell out $300+, how is Rudin screwing you? You have the ability and opportunity to see a legendary performance three times."
Not so much about bragging rights and moreabout principle. I just think if you advertise as the final performance, it should be the final performance."
They didn’t. Technically they only said it was the last date. This was discussed on the board before."
However, the official website does say "BETTE MIDLER RETURNS FOR 42 PERFORMANCES ONLY."
I was chatting with friends today about how very excited I was to get my ticket for the final run of Bette Midler’s performances in “Hello, Dolly!” on Broadway. Not only had they never seen the movie, or heard of Barbra Streisand, they had barely heard of Bette Milder, and barely heard of “Hello, Dolly!”. At all. Bragging rights are relative. I live in a small world here.
Updated On: 4/28/18 at 02:27 PM
The line formed early this morning before 6am
Totally forgot about this at 10AM just went online and bought 2 nice seats for the August 4th matinee, when we are already in NYC for This Ain't No Disco that evening.
Kind of surprised to see how many seats were still available nearly 5 hours after onsale time.
Scouting out tickets and I'm really a little shocked how many options I have. I keep feeling paranoid I am looking at something wrong because there are some pretty decently priced seats for every matinee I am looking at. She IS doing matinees, right?
Scarlet Leigh said: "Scouting out tickets and I'm really a little shocked how many options I have. I keep feeling paranoid I am looking at something wrong because there are some pretty decently priced seats for every matinee I am looking at. She IS doing matinees, right?"
She has to be--there's no way to make 42 performances without them if the show is dark (which it is) on Sunday and Monday nights. As I recall, she also did the matinees back during her first run with the exception of the two show day on 12/26, where Donna Murphy did the matinee and Bette did the evening. That was advertised as such in advance, however!
I think they're just pricing the tickets normally for this run.
Papi2013: Curious. Your statement that “this won’t be Bette’s final Dolly”, is this based on insider knowledge or just a thought?
Featured Actor Joined: 5/4/13
EthelMae said: "Papi2013: Curious. Your statement that “this won’t be Bette’s final Dolly”, is this based on insider knowledge or just a thought?"
Just my common sense. No insider information here.
According to the seat map on Telecharge, there are only 5 seats left for the 8:00 p.m. show on 8/25. 3 at $599, 1 at $399, and 1 at $229.
CT2NYC said: "According to the seat map on Telecharge, there are only 5 seats left for the 8:00 p.m. show on 8/25. 3 at $599, 1 at $399, and 1 at $229."
CT.. glad to see you back in the Dolly ticket saddle. And your still a hottie.
Be careful, CT (Horace). I think Dame Dolly has set her sights on you.
Featured Actor Joined: 6/26/16
If you can, check out Bette's Instagram.
"And to those dedicated souls that persisted through the Hello Dolly TELECHARGE CRASH of April 28, 2018 - "I'M COMING BACK DOWN THAT STAIRCASE, BITCHES!"
I love her. And I don't mind shelling out this kind of money to see an entertainment legend who truly appreciates her fans.
Miles2Go2 said: "Be careful, CT (Horace). I think Dame Dolly has set her sights on you."
I'm no half-a-millionaire, though...
Zamedy154 said: "If you can, check out Bette's Instagram.
"And to those dedicated souls that persisted through the Hello Dolly TELECHARGE CRASH of April 28, 2018 - "I'M COMING BACK DOWN THAT STAIRCASE, BITCHES!"
I love her. And I don't mind shelling out this kind of money to see an entertainment legend who truly appreciates her fans."
Here's the link:
CT2NYC said: "Miles2Go2 said: "Be careful, CT (Horace). I think Dame Dolly has set her sights on you."
I'm no half-a-millionaire, though..."
But I am!
DAME said: "CT2NYC said: "Miles2Go2 said: "Be careful, CT (Horace). I think Dame Dolly has set her sights on you."
I'm no half-a-millionaire, though..."
But I am!"
Oh, behave!
I hadn't been planning to see Bette - didn't want to spend so much, but also didn't want to be on the far sides or balcony. Just checked a few dates when I'll be in NYC again and saw front row mezz slightly to the side for $229.... looked it up on a view from my seat and it looked great, so here we go!
Featured Actor Joined: 5/4/13
When tickets first went on sale for Bette’s original run they were at similar if not the same prices that they are today. It was later that things got crazy. I still do not understand this new trend of dynamic pricing.
Papi2013 said: "When tickets first went on sale for Bette’s original run they were at similar if not the same prices that they are today. It was later that things got crazy. I still do notunderstand this new trend of dynamic pricing."
When her tickets first went on sale, the regular price was $189, $40 less than today.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/4/13
I think that’s what I paid today.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/4/13
Scratch that. $229.00.
I wasn’t exepecting tickets to be what they currently are! I had already gotten a pair for Bernadette’s last (as she was my favorite of the 3 Dolly’s so far)....but my partner will only see this production for Bette. So looks like I’ll be seeing this revival six times!
Settled on mine at last and for way less then I feared it was going to be. Opted for balcony to save a buck and turn it into a weekend trip with a hotel (my Cursed Child tickets are the next day so just staying overnight rather than drive twice) but that's okay. Just being in the room is worth it and really I was expecting even the seats I have to be like $50 more then they are. Glad now that I held out to see who would take over the role from Peters. What a great birthday weekend I will have this year.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
I'm glad for you, Scarlet. My birthday will be equally wonderful: a DOLLY Double Header!
haterobics said: "Papi2013 said: "When tickets first went on sale for Bette’s original run they were at similar if not the same prices that they are today. It was later that things got crazy. I still do notunderstand this new trend of dynamic pricing."
When her tickets first went on sale, the regular price was $189, $40less than today."
I believe in her first run, the lowest in Orchestra was $169, which was what I got in Row O side orchestra. Looks like all of orchestra this time around was 229 and up.