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Harry Potter access code?

#25Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:19pm

3 of us all standby. Again.

JBroadway Profile Photo
#26Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:19pm

Is there a difference between being put on standby and being denied an access code? Like, is it three different levels, "yes" "No" and "standby"? or it just "yes" and "Standby"? 

#27Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:22pm

I got a 1pm access time and the girlfriend got 11am.

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#28Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:23pm

Standby. Ugh.

#29Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:23pm

BroadwayBeebe said: "I got a 1pm access time and the girlfriend got 11am. "

Same here for 1pm. Any idea how far ahead tickets will be for? I’m thinking we’re looking at 2019 tickets by now 

#30Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:24pm

BroadwayBeebe said: "I got a 1pm access time and the girlfriend got 11am. "

I hate to even be this desperate to ask but You guys willing to part with the 1pm???   I can't catch a break with this show and will only be in NY once for the next year at least (in June).  I don't even know if we can use other codes but if someone is kind enough to let me try I'd be so grateful!  


Scott Rosson
#31Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:28pm

1pm code as well

BuddyStarr Profile Photo
#32Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:29pm

Nycat63 said: "BroadwayBeebe said: "I got a 1pm access time and the girlfriend got 11am. "

I hate to even be this desperate to ask but You guys willing to part with the 1pm??? I can't catch a break with this show and will only be in NY once for the next year at least (in June). I don't even know if we can use other codes but if someone is kind enough to let me try I'd be so grateful!


You can use other people's codes as long as you have your own Ticketmaster account.

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#33Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:29pm


This is so aggravating and literally the worst. I’m never going to see this show.

#34Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:30pm

One daughter got standby, I got 12:00, and I forgot if I told the other daughter to register or not, and I won’t be able to speak with her for another few hours. Now I’m just praying for a snow day, which is looking likely. Fingers crossed. (I work in a school, and my lunch is before my access time. Can’t teach and look for tickets at the same time, unfortunately.)

#35Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:35pm

What happens if we get tickets and aren’t able to go? Would TM allow me to resell to you guys if need be, or are the tickets only valid for me since they are verified fan? I’m not complaining either way I’m all for trying to cut down on scalpers.

StageDoor3 Profile Photo
#36Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:37pm

I believe you can transfer the tickets.   If you get tickets and aren't able to go I'm looking for one single ticket.  The only problem is I'm visiting NY April 25 - May 8, 2018.  So it's a very narrow window.

BuddyStarr Profile Photo
#37Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:39pm

Not sure if you can transfer the tickets but Ticketmaster will give you a refund.  This might be to prevent scalpers.

#38Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:40pm

Makes sense thanks!!

secretschuylersister Profile Photo
#39Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:40pm

I also got put on standby, again! ): I wish those who were put on standby got codes this time. I hate this system

Updated On: 2/5/18 at 08:40 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#40Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:45pm

Do you get an email if you are rejected? Because I have not received any email yet...

#41Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:48pm

BuddyStarr said: "Nycat63 said: "BroadwayBeebe said: "I got a 1pm access time and the girlfriend got 11am. "

I hate to even be this desperate to ask but You guys willing to part with the 1pm??? I can't catch a break with this show and will only be in NY once for the next year at least (in June). I don't even know if we can use other codes but if someone is kind enough to let me try I'd be so grateful!


You can use other people's codes as long as you have your own Ticketmaster account.

I do have an account.  Making heartfelt plea if anyone has a code they won't use.  Please pm me.  Only have June 13 or 17 as options so this show isn't in the cards for me and my daughter unless someone can help us out!  Even then I'm not sure there will be tickets but it sure would have been nice be able to try!

#42Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:50pm

adamgreer said: "Do you get an email if you are rejected? Because I have not received any email yet..."

You should get either a time or standby I believe.  Anyone without a time is technically standby and they may or may not get a code after the people with time slots have had their turn.  Did you get confirmation that you were verified?

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#43Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:55pm

Damn.  Standby.  (I didn't even get that much last time.)   But yes, this is pretty frustrating, and a let down.  I don't mind saying it actually makes me less interested in seeing the show.


I've never NOT been able to get tickets for anything (except for under THIS set up): Wicked, Mormon, even Hamilton...I tried 4 times and got them...each of those 4 times.  Couldn't get tix for Sprinsteen THREE times, now this, 2x.  I understand and applaud the attempt to keep bots away, but it seems like it's keeping far more than that away.


Le Sigh

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#44Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:56pm

Nycat63 said: "adamgreer said: "Do you get an email if you are rejected? Because I have not received any email yet..."

You should get either a time or standby I believe. Anyone without a time is technically standby and they may or may not get a code after the people with time slots have had their turn. Did you get confirmation that you were verified?

Yes, I received an email last week stating my account was verified and watch my email.  I have yet to receive an email with a time or standby.  That's why I was wondering if I should just assume I was not chosen. 

However, it sounds like everyone is receiving some kind of email one way or the other.  I suppose I should just keep checking.

Alex M Profile Photo
Alex M
#45Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:57pm

Got an 11 am code! Hoping to get tickets for my family and girlfriend for the holiday break this December!

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
#46Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:57pm

STANDBY AGAIN. Really soured to the idea of ever seeing this show.

"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards

swanjewel Profile Photo
#47Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 8:59pm

I had an easier time getting Hamilton tickets. At this point I might as well see the show in a London.

StageDoor3 Profile Photo
#48Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 9:02pm

I'm with you, swanjewel!   It's really discouraging - especially for those of us who don't live in New York.

#49Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 9:09pm

My friend got a 1 PM code that she isn't using. What is the process for me to be able to use her code? Thanks!
