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Harry Potter access code?

swanjewel Profile Photo
#50Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 9:09pm

Even if I end up getting a time after being on standby, what’s going to be left? None of the cheap seats that’s for sure.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#51Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 9:11pm

Are those of you on standby getting an email saying you’re on standby?

#52Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 9:16pm

swanjewel said: "Even if I end up getting a time after being on standby, what’s going to be left? None of the cheap seats that’s for sure. "

I hope you’re wrong, nothing but cheap seats for this guy lol

#53Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 9:42pm

I got 1pm ticket release on wenseday.. is that good? What am I looking at a for 4 tickets? Will the show be kid friendly? My daughter is a huge fan

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#54Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 9:49pm

YES, the emai I got specifically said I am on standby....that at any time during the presale, I could get a code.  Or not.


Last time I rec'd an email stating I wasn't selected for anything.


KEN....impossible to know, but I know I had an 11 or 12 oclock release for Springsteen and couldn't get tickets except for those insanely priced.   Also: exactly how old IS your daughter?   "kid" is bit of a big range!

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

theatregoer3 Profile Photo
#55Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 9:50pm

Also standby. This is so annoying. I’m probably going to go through StubHub at this point. I’ve never bought tix from scalpers but I’ve also never been prevented from getting tickets like this. Pretty infuriating that the anti-scalper system is pushing me towards getting tickets from scalpers.

#56Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 9:50pm

Daughter is 10 son is 12.

Dave13 Profile Photo
#57Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 9:58pm

Standby angry

Not to be confused with Dave19.

dearalanaaaa Profile Photo
#58Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 10:01pm

How much will tickets be? Crossing my fingers for a snow day, as a college student I can't access my computer during class for tickets! And where are the tickets located per price point?

AlanR2 Profile Photo
#59Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 10:10pm

Just got an 11:00 AM access,  Tried to register my wife as well but she is standby.  I am thinking we'll end up with fall or 2019 by then.  It would be nice to know what the price categories will be.  Will there be premium as part of the access as well?

#60Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 10:13pm

Getting a code for 11 am. Maybe I'll be able to see it since I had to give up my London tickets last year due to cost of travel... New York is a little more doable.

A Canadian in NYC Profile Photo
A Canadian in NYC
#61Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 10:27pm

Well I finally have had some luck and received access code for 11am.  

#62Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 10:34pm

I'm getting a code. The notice that previously went out for this upcoming sales period stated that all price points would be released. I don't believe they actually released all the best seats during the previous presale, so I expect ticket prices to be higher. I assume premium seats will be part of the release.

#63Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 10:34pm

I'm getting a code. The notice that previously went out for this upcoming sales period stated that all price points would be released. I don't believe they actually released all the best seats during the previous presale, so I expect ticket prices to be higher. I assume premium seats will be part of the release.

StageDoor3 Profile Photo
#64Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 10:35pm

I'm looking for one two performamce ticket Wed April 25, Sunday April 29, Wednesday May 2 or Saturday, May 5 if anyone would be kind enough to help out. Please PM and I can work out payment. Thank you.

Broadway Joe Profile Photo
Broadway Joe
#65Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 10:38pm

I got a 1pm standby as well. My gf got standby. Hopefully there are cheaper tickets this time because I got into the sale last time but I wasn't paying the ridiculous prices they were offering since all the cheaper tickets were gone when I finally got in.

LesWickedly Profile Photo
#66Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 10:44pm

I signed up in hopes I could help someone here, as I was helped last time and given a code, but no luck. Don’t forget about the General onsale Thursday. It sounds like they could be holding back tickets for that as well.

Victor Wang
#67Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 11:01pm

Updated On: 2/5/18 at 11:01 PM

macnyc Profile Photo
#68Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 11:01pm

So are we sure we can use someone else's code? I got standby but my daughter is getting a code for noon, and I would like to use her code with my TM account. 

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
#69Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 11:02pm

adamgreer said: "Are those of you on standby getting an email saying you’re on standby?"


"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards

Leah Robertson
#70Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 11:05pm

LesWickedly said: "I signed up in hopes I could help someone here, as I was helped last time and given a code, but no luck. Don’t forget about the General onsale Thursday. It sounds like they could be holding back tickets for that as well."

I'm glad you got tickets! Was was following that thread and rooting for you! I wonder what time they will go on sale Thursday? 

LesWickedly Profile Photo
#71Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/5/18 at 11:06pm

macnyc said: "So are we sure we can use someone else's code? I got standby but my daughter is getting a code for noon, and I would like to use her code with my TM account."

Nothing has happened to me yet (knock on wood), but couldn't you just use your daughter's account to be safe?


Leah, thank you! Harry Potter means a lot to me and I'm so excited to see the show. Hope everyone is lucky enough this week!

Updated On: 2/5/18 at 11:06 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#72Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/6/18 at 12:00am

I’ve still received nothing. Oh well.

macnyc Profile Photo
#73Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/6/18 at 6:36am

LesWickedly said: "macnyc said: "So are we sure we can use someone else's code? I got standby but my daughter is getting a code for noon, and I would like to use her code with my TM account."

Nothing has happened to me yet (knock on wood), but couldn't you just use your daughter's account to be safe?

Thanks! I agree with you. I'll do that.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#74Harry Potter access code?
Posted: 2/6/18 at 7:50am

I know it's a shot in the dark, but if anyone received an access code they don't plan to use, I'd be happy to take it off your hands.
