To Tina Maddigan at the Wedding Singer stage door as she's leaving after a show she DID NOT perform in at all.
Tourist: (who had stopped every ensemble member) YOU WERE SO GREAT TONIGHT!
Tina sort of gave them a blank look... I don't know if she knew what to say, because anything she did say would either be weird or make them look stupid.
I actually saw this happen to Megan Hilty once at Wicked before she was playing the role... she just LOOKED like Glinda, people were confused with Jennifer Laura.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
I'd say "Thanks! That's so nice of you!" and walk away.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/1/05
My sister during the Tony's: "What's a Sweeney Todd?"
My Aunt after Lestat: "I just kept waiting to hear Elton John songs and they never came!"
Swing Joined: 5/24/04
I took my 9-year old nephew to see Into The Woods. We were sitting in the front row and we both loved it. After the show, he wanted to ask Molly Ephraim (Little Red Riding Hood) for her autograph so we waited at the stage door. Vanessa Williams came out and spoke with him. She said she saw him in the front row an it looked he was really enjoing the show and then asked if he had a good time. His reply: "I really liked it. Molly Ephriam is the best actress I've ever seen!!!" He then proceeded to ask, "Do you think I could have a picture with you 'cause my teacher would really think that was cool?"
She was amazingly gracious. Joy Franz (Cinderella's stepmother) also spoke with him and told him the entire cast noticed him in the front row. She said seeing his energy, emotion and smile were why she's an actress. Another very gracious person!
Updated On: 6/27/06 at 03:50 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/27/05
"This is wanting something,
This is reaching for it,
This is wishing that a moment would arrive.
This is taking chances,
This is almost touching,
What the beauty is."
This is one terrible lyric.
Leona Samish
Venice, Italy
Updated On: 6/27/06 at 08:01 PM
This past weekend at Spamalot. "I didn't realize Row B was so close!"
Uh.. please be kind, and tell me where your post is supposed to go? Because it is neither overheard by a tourist/audience member, or funny.
Thank you.
Barbara Walters
Athens, Georgia
Beg pardon Fiction Writer was that for me?
no, I think the one before, about the terrible lyrics.
On the topic of those off-topic lyrics-
1. Why the hell is that here?
2. Those are wonderful lyrics.
I don't know if this counts, but we taped the PBS performance of Light in the Piazza and myself and a couple friends are watching it, and during The Beauty Is reprise one of my friends goes "What is that thing on her head!". It just totally killed the moment.
Understudy Joined: 6/27/06
At The Drowsy Chaperone, I overhead the girl behind me say: "Oh God, that Millie girl's in this. I hated her... I'm glad she didn't win a Tony." And then after the show I heard the same girl say: "I really liked that 'Show Off' girl."
And then, the same night- at the stagedoor, Lisa Lambert came out and I heard one girl say to her- "You're so amazing in the show" ...I didn't hear Lisa's respond.
Oh, and once I was walking by the Neil Simon Theatre, and I heard someone that was standing outside say "The revival of Hairspray is pretty good, but the original was better."
Yeah, that's all I can think of at the moment.
Thanks Dre that is what I thought, but on this board one can never be too sure!
on the corner of 47th and broadway i heard 2 tourists ask if this was ground zero. i still laught everything i pass that corner.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/29/04
At the Wicked stage door in October of 2004, the girl next to me was taking a picture with Joey McIntyre, after he had just taken one and had a little conversation with me about New Kids and his fame and whatnot. Anyways, the girl interrupted us to take the picture, so he accepted, and as they posed, her father said, "Extra, extra, smile for the newspapers!" Suddenly, he just burst out laughing for a good ten seconds, before composing himself and apologizing. Then he gave me this look of "Oh my God, this guy doesn't know who I am." Great moment.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/05
"on the corner of 47th and broadway i heard 2 tourists ask if this was ground zero. i still laught everything i pass that corner."
Now THAT is horrible.
Although I don't know what's worse- them asking if it was ground zero or you laughing...
Man: (looking at souvenir programs) Should we buy one of 'em?
Woman: No! We get a miniture one at the seat!
Man: Oh, right.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/10/05
it is actually funny they thought duffy square under construction (Im assuming that's the corner in question) was ground zero.
when my boyfriend and i caught RENT in the movies when it first came out, there was another couple in front of us who looked like they were on their first date and when Angel comes in for "Today 4 U" the guy said "She's kinda cute" to which the girl said "THAT'S A GUY!" and I think the guy kinda died a little.
Summer 2005 at the TKTS booth. A husband and wife in their 50's standing in front of me....
Wife: Oh look! They have Movin' Out tickets here. I really want to see that!
Husband: What's Movin' Out?
Wife: It's a revue of Billy Joel's life. There's only two people in the show, Billy Joel and Twyla Tharp. Billy sings while Twyla dances. It's been performing in front of sold out houses ever since it opened.
Husband: WOW! That sounds amazing. I'm surprised they both have been performing with the show so long, considering how famous they are.
I couldn't help but correct them. They were very disappointed after finding out the cast was made up of amazing dancers and amazing musicians. The husband asked me "Why would people pay to see that?"
(This was not in New York, It was when I was wearing my Rent shirt to Target.)
A Cashier: Oh did you like seeing Rent.
Me: Yes I loved it I have seen it many times.
A Cashier: Oh Taye Diggs is still in the show right.
(This next one was I was going to see Rent at The Fox Theatre in ATL.)
One Girl: Oh I know this guy was in the movie (Point's to Jessie in the souvenire program.)
Another Girl: No she was. (Points to Idina in the program.)
One Girl: Well who do you think was in the movie? (Says that to me.)
Me: Im sorry nobody was in the movie.)
Another Girl: No I'm positive it was her.
Me: I am positive she was not.
One Girl: Ugh yes she was.
Me: You can just believe what you want to believe.
Chorus Member Joined: 4/25/06
Oh people. I love how it's assumed that an actor's on Broadway forEVER.
Still, that's better than my music major roommate who when we were talking about Rent was impressed with the fact that the movie used most of the original cast "except Rosario Dawson and Taye Diggs".
She was stunned when I told her Taye was OBC and I'm still not sure she believes me.
At Broadway Under the Stars, while Manoel Felciano was singing, the women next to me
had a conversation:
Woman 1: He's Patti LuPone's son.
Woman 2: Really?
Woman 1: Well, in the play that they're in he plays her son.
Later, about Sutton Foster:
Woman 1: What did they say she's in?
Woman 2: The Sleepy Chaperone?
Woman 1: Oh, yeah, I think you're right.
Yesterday, at Phantom:
Tourist Woman to Me: When is Madonna going to be in this show? Tomorrow, right?
Not a New York audience comment, but there is still plenty of time for those when Butley comes to NY in October. This one takes place at Butley at the Huntington in Boston a couple of years ago.
An elderly subscriber whose daughter brings her to EVERY Huntington production happened to be sitting behind us and was anxiously reading the program trying to figure out if she had ever seen Nathan Lane in anything else. At intermission she quizzically discussed the show with her daughter saying that she didn't really understand the relationship between Ben and Joey.
"he couldn't be gay", she said in an enlightened way, as if she had studied up on such things and was proud to be using the politically correct term for this odd sexual orientation. Her reasoning was that the guy was married. "Well, I mean I know he is getting a divorce and everything, but that doesn't make you gay".
Her daughter did not answer, either because she didn't understand the context herself or because she didn't want to enter into this discussion in public with her MOTHER.
Mom sat quietly through the rest of the show and as we all got up to leave, she remarked to her daughter "you see, I TOLD you he wasn't gay. That other boy ended up with someone else. I WAS sorry not to see Nathan Lane in the show. I think he would have done a good job. Maybe it wouldn't have been so confusing."
We stifled a chuckle and walked out behind her as her daughter gently told her she would explain it all later!