Broadway Legend Joined: 3/23/17
Play Esq. said: "Any chance this would be canceled? Opening is next week and ticket sales look abysmal. I guess they could just limit the run."
Not a chance. They'll just paper the sh*t out of it!
GiantsInTheSky2 said: "The real mistake was using this monumentaloccasion to promote a new solo album that no one was ever asking for. This should have been built as an evening of Broadway standards and classics, with special guests (‘Ben& Friends’)to round out the evening. This should be a celebration of thehistory and reverence for the stars that came before and a new era for the theater. Instead we’re getting…..this.
I’m not particularly fond of his voice myself (specifically chose to see both DEH and Parade when his understudy/alternate was on) but if he doesn’t at least open with Judy’s Palace Medley, this entire thing will have been a misfire."
I’m a fan of Ben Platt when he was on DEH and BOM. One thing that baffles me is he hasn’t released the full album yet. Why would I buy a full price ticket when I’m not familiar with any of the new songs from his new album? With the artists who I follow, they normally release the album first and then announce a concert tour.
Solo artists aiming for commercial success and radio play release singles prior to album’s release to drum up hype and excitement. Platt has released three so far - Andrew, Cherry On Top, and Treehouse featuring Brandy Clark. The former two even have full music videos to accompany them and can be watched on YouTube.
IMO, they’re fine but largely forgettable, and all have less than 350k views, which…isn’t nothing, but not great as they’ve been out for over a month now. Even indie artists can usually break 500k in the first two weeks if they have a following or the music catches onto general public through means of social media.
They will do the same as they did for his last tour. They will comp the hell out of it. When we got freebies to see him at the Hollywood Bowl the place was empty. They moved everyone to the front sections to give it a feel of a crowd. If you look at his social media posts from the time one could easily be fooled to believe it was a sold out crowd. His performance was fine. But the whole affair was a big "WHY?" .
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/15/07
I actually hate using the "daddy paid for this" accusation because it's not usually that easy or true but considering his last concert at MSG was on papering sites for over a week and it was still mostly empty (people have said the same for other stops on the tour) WHAT producer thought there would be demand for this many nights?? Even if it was a soft launch to test out the new spaces before a long run.
Are there going to be major guests or just the fiance where they both cry and sing "For Good?"
It is infuriating and I guess that is why we keep going on about it. And he is so obnoxious in his interviews and in the way he presents himself on social media. I just do not like they guy and think of his success as phony and paid for. I also think he needs a good waxing.
It is infuriating and I guess that is why we keep going on about it. And he is so obnoxious in his interviews and in the way he presents himself on social media. I just do not like the guy and think of his success as phony and paid for. I also think he needs a good waxing.
Wow, the level of vitriol against this performer by the jealous haters on here is really quite astounding! From the never-weres to the has-beens to the embittered gay people who resent him because that is what they do - the whole conglomeration of nastiness just keeps rolling along.
Impeach2017 said: "Wow, the level of vitriol against this performer by the jealous haters on here is really quite astounding! From the never-weres to the has-beens to the embittered gay people who resent him because that is what they do - the whole conglomeration of nastiness just keeps rolling along."
Jealous of what, girl? Being unable to sell a venue? Real jealous of that lol. Just know that when you go after buying your cheap seats to the show, you'll be able to move into the Orchestra and nobody will know you don't belong there and will be among people who bought the tickets day of for $50 on TDF.
I really haven’t seen much in the way of a marketing push for this.
I did think it would sell better, but that was assuming… there would be an attempt to make people aware of it.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/29/23
New York’s Palace Theater Gets an $80 Million Refresh (and 30 Feet Higher)
MezzA101 said: "New York’s Palace Theater Gets an $80 Million Refresh (and 30 Feet Higher)"
Thank you for sharing! I still don't like the carpet, but these photos are making the color scheme look much better than I previously thought.
I have only been in the Palace once so don't really remember all of what it looked like inside. This renovation is gorgeous.
Looks just beautiful. Saw Liza at The Palace in December 2008, front row mezz. To say she was fantastic, would be an understatement.
The reno looks really lovely. Big takeaways from that NYT piece:
Understudy Joined: 9/17/22
Impeach2017 said: "Wow, the level of vitriol against this performer by the jealous haters on here is really quite astounding! From the never-weres to the has-beens to the embittered gay people who resent him because that is what they do - the whole conglomeration of nastiness just keeps rolling along."
I love how "jealous haters" is always the go to. Sometimes its just okay for people to not care for a rich and famous person. I can absolutely admit that Ben Platt is (subjectively?) very talented, but I respectfully just don't care for the guy and his seemingly forced fame, and jealousy has nothing to do with it.
I personally find this whole "Ben Platt live at the Palace" thing kinda icky. It just comes across as him trying to insert himself among legends like Judy and Liza. It also just feels like such an odd choice for such a monumental event like reopening an iconic broadway theatre. In the end, I think this whole grand reopening is gonna feel more like a whimper than a roar. Such a wasted opportunity.
On a positive note, the theatre looks GORGEOUS in all the photos I've seen. I am kinda perplexed by the "make everything gold and blue" trend we are seeing, but it is still a beautiful renovation.
DJD4, I've seen several concerts at The Palace over the years - Liza, Linda Eder & Vanessa Williams. Liza had "live at the palace" in the title. As did Vanessa and Linda. It's such a prestigious venue. Makes complete sense that he would want it, too. Anybody would.
The theatre is just stunning. Have tickets for "Tammy Faye" in November.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/06
Now up on TDF.
smidge said: "Now up on TDF."
Wowwww. I can't believe how jealous I am that it's exactly as I said it would be...
I’m incredibly jealous Ben Platt is performing a concert on Broadway and that it’s on TDF!
Stand-by Joined: 5/11/22
TheatreFan4 said: "Impeach2017 said: "Wow, the level of vitriol against this performer by the jealous haters on here is really quite astounding! From the never-weres to the has-beens to the embittered gay people who resent him because that is what they do - the whole conglomeration of nastiness just keeps rolling along."
Jealous of what, girl? Being unable to sell a venue? Real jealous of that lol. Just know that when you go after buying your cheap seats to the show, you'll be able to move into the Orchestra and nobody will know you don't belong there and will be among people who bought the tickets day of for $50 on TDF."
i love you.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/27/21
the TDF price is the same as the lowest price general seats, I am sure they will be in better locations but still funny, if they don't do a rush or lottery for $30 they are mental
The promo video of a child actor as Ben wandering into the Palace and then rising onto the stage as an adult with performative wonderface, coupled with a post caption that begins by calling Judy and Liza his "foremothers," is a one-way ticket to abject cringe narcissism jail.
Updated On: 5/24/24 at 01:04 AM
BoringBoredBoard40 said: "the TDF price is the same as the lowest price general seats, I am sure they will be in better locations but still funny, if they don't do a rush or lottery for $30 they are mental"
They've actively lowered the prices like $15 for most performances...
They're putting up Tammy Faye signage before his shows even start...
This is the type of pettiness that I am HERE for.