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MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews- Page 7

MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews

#150MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 2:20am

(wrong thread, please delete)

Updated On: 3/16/18 at 02:20 AM

#151MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 2:22am

WhizzerMarvin said: "Yes, the line is changed on the telephone call. He says her hair is red instead of brown. I assume if the understudy is blonde or brunette, then the color will change again.

Yes, she comes in, does the phonograph bit- all exactly word for word as in the script.

Loved your post, Ravenclaw. I think you have the right attitude with how the ending should be approached.

Thanks for sharing so many details! My Fair Lady is my favorite musical of all time, and I am thrilled to hear that it is getting such a great production by Bart Sher, my favorite director working today. May can't come soon enough!

I'm also glad to hear that the production doesn't shy away from Higgins's verbal abuse. One of my big problems with last year's production at the Lyric Opera in Chicago was that Higgins was played as an entirely unthreatening, whiny little child. While I understood wanting to focus on Higgins's immaturity, making the story a sort of late in life coming of age, if Eliza isn't under any great threat, the tension is sucked out of the piece and the incredible moments in which she finds her dignity and stands her ground are robbed of their power.

At the risk of asking too much, the stage directions in the script suggest that Henry handles Eliza roughly in their fight at the top of Act II. How is that handled? I've seen it staged so many different ways. Eliza has a line where she says "Please don't hit me!" and Higgins responds, "Hit you? How dare you accuse me of such a thing!" That moment in particular can be staged in so many ways. The verbal abuse is the thing driving the plot, but nature of/existence of the physical abuse is entirely up to the director to figure out.

#152MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 3:21am

So glad to hear such positive reports.. I’d say that the has the best shot at multiple Tony’s- leading actors and design etc than any other show in this (rather weak) season.

Such a relief to hear Lauren Ambrose can sing it brilliantly too. (And there’s no way she’s using her real hair if the style changes- she’ll definitely be wearing wigs)

Cannot. Wait. To. See. This.

Fan123 Profile Photo
#153MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 3:56am

Thanks everyone for the reports! Wish I could see this production. I like the sound of that ending. It reminds me a bit of...
(Possible implicit ending staging spoilers?)

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what I know of the ending of 'Celebration'.


When I first saw the film of 'My Fair Lady' as a kid with my parents, I was very bothered and bewildered by Eliza returning to Higgins at the end. My parents placated me by saying "Erm, she probably left again after that, and married Freddy." I don't know if they knew the original Pygmalion ending, but regardless, I still like 'their' ending better than the film's.

Dancingthrulife2 Profile Photo
#154MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 4:25am

Seeing it next Sunday, really pumped up right now!

I actually love the ending if the spoiler is real. There's only so much one person can take, and there are things we don't capitulate to if they have crossed the lines, although they might be different for everyone. I think it will work in context if you are seeing the show without knowing the material beforehand.

Dancingthrulife2 Profile Photo
#155MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 4:25am

After Eight, sorry there were no children singing about tea and jam and bread, but hey at least you got one with chocolate!

Updated On: 3/16/18 at 04:25 AM

#156MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 5:06am

Can someone please post an understudy list?

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#157MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 5:20am

Aughhhhhhh! Can not wait to see it this summer!!!!!! Knew that it would be glorious. Barrett is a revival god.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#158MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 6:57am

Re: the ending - I interpreted the ending as Henry having imagined her returning to him because he was listening to her voice. The Eliza we see in the very end is sort of a ghost of Eliza. There is nothing in Ms. Ambrose’s performance that would suggest she would even consider returning to Higgins. It is supported in every moment of her characterization.

The ending is but one in a series of masterful shadings Sher and his cast bring to this material. It is lovely and romantic and lush, but it is also starkly human and emotionally raw. I can’t stop thinking about it.

Re: seating - I was in the 100s in row D almost all the way to the side and I thought it was an excellent view.

BWAY Baby2
#159MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 7:37am

Just because someone pulls the plug on a relationship today- does not mean a reconciliation is not possible tomorrow- c'mon- how many times have we all been in relationships where the push and pull - and break ups- have been present- and yet the relationship still resumes- my self- my partner of 22 years and I broke up three times before we came back together for good. Eliza showing her independence a the end does not necessarily take away the ambiguity of resuming the relationship in the future- I see it April 1- will write about it after I see it.

imeldasturn Profile Photo
#160MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 7:58am

qolbinau said: "So let me understand - Higgins, as immature, condescending, annoying and possibly sexist as he might be - takes a poor, uneducated person off the street and helps her make her way. Then as thanks she takes everything he gave her and leaves him to rot away by himself? What kind of ending is that? It seems to change the tone of the ending completely from something more complex and ambiguous to something rather sad and depressing."

You have no understanding whatsoever of the piece, haven't you?


henrikegerman Profile Photo
#161MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 8:16am

iqolbinau said: "So let me understand - Higgins, as immature, condescending, annoying and possibly sexist as he might be - takes a poor, uneducated person off the street and helps her make her way. Then as thanks she takes everything he gave her and leaves him to rot away by himself? What kind of ending is that? It seems to change the tone of the ending completely from something more complex and ambiguous to something rather sad and depressing."

It's George Bernard Shaw's ending. The tone of which was previously famously and not without controversy altered.  And has now it seems changed back to conform to Shaw's original intention and imprecations that no version of his play should ever suggest that Eliza returns to Henry (notwithstanding that he himself is credited as co-author of the 1938 screenplay of PYGMALION, for which he shared an Oscar, and which Lerner's ending for MY FAIR LADY mirrors).  

Ironically, what we apparently have now is a relative faithfulness to Shaw which is here being decried by some as iconoclasm to Lerner whose libretto had in turn been objected to for disloyalty to Shaw.

So whose view, the pro or the con to Sher's ending, is the most "conservative" or "preservationsit' here?  Controversy is a lengthy visitor with long term memory loss.  



Updated On: 3/16/18 at 08:16 AM

After Eight
#162MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 8:51am

"Still, I think the choice can easily be defended by following Shaw’s wishes."


How odd of me.

And here I thought that the production being presented last night was My Fair Lady, not Pygmalion.

What a foolish notion!

What ever could have put that thought in my head?

Was it the ticket I had purchased bearing the name "My Fair Lady" on it? Or the Playbill handed to me as I entered? Or the t-shirts and such being hawked in the theatre?

I really have got to stop jumping to such erroneous conclusions!

GeorgeandDot Profile Photo
#163MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 8:53am

So none of the lines were changed? It sounds to me like her not literally coming back is a happy ending. I've always found it heartbreaking that she leaves sweet Freddy to be with an abusive monster. Nice to hear that isn't the case here. If none of the lines were changed, what's the problem?

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#164MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 9:05am

After Eight, I’m as much of a revival purist as they come. I will always take a glorious night of revisiting and upholding/preserving text in a big, new production over contemporizing and heavily editing what’s played on Broadway past.

That said, this change (in the final, what, 30 seconds?) doesn’t seem like it’s so horrifically presumptuous or new or above the original text to offend one so horribly. Especially if it’s followed what sounds like an otherwise pitch-perfect production in the 3 hours prior. I think the discussion that’s been following since is super interesting and I wish you could share what you thought of the show before 11:15pm! (How were Norbert and Diana? All of Act I?)

MCfan2 Profile Photo
#165MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 9:12am

I don't like the sound of that ending at all. If I wanted to see Pygmalion, I'd go see Pygmalion. (Incidentally, it wasn't L/L who came up with the MFL ending. It happened long before that, in the movie version of Pygmalion, and even before that when Mrs. Campbell insisted on subverting Shaw -- which I think was rather Eliza-like of her.)

I always took the traditional MFL ending to mean that now that she's shown him the error of his ways, they can have a relationship on HER terms. I still prefer it that way. Doesn't mean I won't enjoy the rest of the show, but that's how I feel.

And Freddie is such a drip that no woman of spirit and intelligence should ever marry him. It'd be a living death.

ETA: However, if she really does do the phonograph bit -- that's better than not coming back at all. That seems to leave room for a touch of ambiguity and hope, perhaps.

Updated On: 3/16/18 at 09:12 AM

Jeffrey Karasarides Profile Photo
Jeffrey Karasarides
#166MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 9:16am

Broadwaystar2 said: "Any thoughts on possible Tony noms other than Norbert? LEAD Actor doesn't seen to be too full right now. With Henry as the possible front runner right now in Carousel."

If My Fair Lady ends being a stronger contender than Carousel (as expected), I wouldn't be surprised if Harry Hadden-Paton ends up taking Lead Actor in a Musical.

#167MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 9:35am

You see how much more of a discussion this has caused than if Sher didn't take a strong stand with the ending as opposed to the wishy washy ending the film version ending that Lerner/Lowe adopted that allowed the audience to project their own version of a happy ending onto it? Even Eliza in MFL says she doesn't want Higgins as a lover because their relationship was more "friendly-like". What she liked with Higgins was the intellectual stimulation and the friendship that sort of inadvertently happened between them and this ending does not change that. She and he have mutual acquaintances now (though still of different social standing in Britain's much more rigid class system) and Col. Pickering will probably still be in her life so I doubt that's the last time Eliza and Higgins interact with one another, it just won't be with her living at his home and doing his bidding anymore. Now she's her own separate entity and the power dynamic between the two has changed. This whole thing was written as a criticism of class distinction and having this production show the audience that Eliza has taken action to be of more equal footing with Higgins outside of his control fits that.

AE, you're whole complaint here seems to be reaching to the highest degree considering one cannot fully separate Pygmalion from My Fair Lady the way you are. It's not as if Lerner/Lowe adopted a fully romantic resolution between Higgins and Eliza either because if they did they would have made the ending less ambiguous and less of an attempt to please both sides of the debate. If it makes you feel better, one can still take this ending and imagine Eliza and Higgins continuing their Sam/Diane routine with the only difference being Eliza not living with Higgins to fetch his slippers. Even Lerner/Lowe's and the Howard/Hiller film don't make it clear she was going to do that and continue to live with him and it's really up to you as an audience member to make that leap and if that's the case then you can still make a leap and imagine an ending where Higgins and Eliza reconcile later on and continue whatever relationship it is you're imagining the ending of MFL gave.

Addison D. Profile Photo
Addison D.
#168MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 9:36am

FWIW, I had the same reaction as ColortheHours.  There IS a ghostly quality to her gestures and even the way she is lit (although that may have been me seeing what I wanted to see).  And the path of her exit suggested very clearly to me that she was not "really there".  I loved that solution as a smart way to honor her final words at Mrs. Higgins' house--"You'll not see me again".   

Whether marrying Freddy or opening a flower shop with money from Pickering or teaching elocution, she has moved on to the next chapter of her life. Eliza and Higgins have shared an intense emotional bond and learned from each other but we see nothing in their shared scenes, IMO, to suggest that they are well-suited as romantic partners--although the two actors do have a nice chemistry.  

As to everything that precedes the ending--I can only echo my brief intermission post and the longer posts of the others who were there--what a delightful evening.   Like an earlier poster, I had a huge grin on my face through much of the first act.  The sets, the costumes, the choreography, the lighting, the staging and the performances--sheer joy.  And this was a first preview???  In a few weeks this show will be a production that people talk about for a long time. 

Lauren Ambrose was absolutely charming.  Perhaps there was some *slight* hesitation or reserve in her first scenes but by the time she sings "Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins"--racing through the (really spectacular) set of 27A Wimpole Street--she seemed fully engaged.  Forgive me if I have missed her previous musical performances, but I had a similar reaction to seeing Jake Gyllenhaal in 'Little Shop':  "Who knew????"

While I generally refrain from the game of anticipating awards, I have to say that someone will have to work mighty hard to give Norbert Leo Butz any serious competition.  It's as though he has been rehearsing this role his whole life and EVERYTHING comes together--costumes, choreography, the amazing chorus all supporting Norbert--in 'Get me to the church on time', a rollicking, riotous number that just about stops the show. 

Another brief show-stopper was the arrival of Dame Diana Rigg--there was an audible intake of breath when she appeared and a sustained ovation. 

Really, there was not a weak link in the chain--unless you object to the ending, as some clearly do.  I noticed several adjustments to amplification over the course of the evening--clearly this was being tweaked.  If anything, I felt the final setting was a *bit* boom-y, but I was 7th row center and I know from previous evenings in the loge that it can be hard to hear.

Cannot wait to see it again.


You think, what do you want? You think, make a decision...

Fetus Profile Photo
#169MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 9:41am

After Eight said: ""Still, I think the choice can easily be defended by following Shaw’s wishes."

How odd of me.

And hereI thought that the production being presented last night was My Fair Lady, not Pygmalion.

What a foolish notion!

What ever could have put that thought in my head?

Was it the ticket I had purchased bearingthe name "My Fair Lady" on it? Or the Playbill handed to me as I entered? Or the t-shirts and such being hawked in the theatre?

I really have got to stop jumping to such erroneous conclusions!


Who hurt you?


After Eight
#170MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 9:51am

"That said, this change (in the final, what, 30 seconds?) doesn’t seem like it’s so horrifically presumptuous or new or above the original text to offend one so horribly. "

If you go, you'll find out for yourself. But you can't say you haven't been warned.

"Especially if it’s followed what sounds like an otherwise pitch-perfect production in the 3 hours prior."

What something "sounds like," and what something actually is are two entirely different matters. This production offers a case in point.

#171MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 9:51am

Adding my two cents on the ending.  (Obligatory SPOILER tag.  I'm going to be specific.)

I also had the impression she appeared in his imagination.  He's listening to her voice on the gramophone.  She enters through the door, stops the recording, he turns and says the line.  She slowly walks toward him.  (I was fearful of a kiss from my angle.  Thankfully there wasn't one.)  She touches his cheek very gently, then turns toward the audience, walks off the set and back through the audience.

As her exit was different from her entrance, it gives her a dream-like quality.  As well as the brushing of his cheek which seems out of character for her.  She doesn't say a word.  Took me by surprise, but the more I think about it, the more I like it.  After that argument, I could not see any circumstance that she would come back of her own volition.

Also, Lauren Ambrose's performance during You Did It was stunning.  She silently wanders around the room while everyone congratulates Higgins.  Couldn't stop watching her.  Her resolve in the following arguments is too great.  If she actually returned, I'd have felt gypped for taking her side this whole time.  So I loved it.


MCfan2 Profile Photo
#172MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 9:56am

That's very interesting, jaybee. Thanks for the specifics. If she actually physically stops the recording, then maybe it's not ALL in his imagination. (I'm not contradicting or arguing, just trying to think it through and get a clear picture in my mind.)

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#173MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 9:57am

MCfan2 said: "I don't like the sound of that ending at all. If I wanted to see Pygmalion, I'd go see Pygmalion. (Incidentally, it wasn't L/L who came up with the MFL ending. It happened long before that, in the movie version of Pygmalion, and even before that when Mrs. Campbell insisted on subverting Shaw -- which I think was rather Eliza-like of her.)"

If it were Eliza-like plucky, audacious and bold for Campbell to "subvert," or otherwise transform, Shaw, why must it then be intolerable, or at least objectionable, for Sher to "subvert," or otherwise transform, Lerner? 

(Also, for the record, posters (including myself) have addressed the fact that the 1938 movie version of PYGMALION performed the same final curtain modification Lerner employed in MY FAIR LADY.... just saying).

As someone who finds great value in both Shaw's and Lerner resolutions, I'm going to see this production with an open mind, and without any of the purist's devotion to either of those writer's denouments. 

Updated On: 3/16/18 at 09:57 AM

Kad Profile Photo
#174MY FAIR LADY (2018) Previews
Posted: 3/16/18 at 10:01am

I am so delighted at these reports! I can only imagine how strong the production will become after more performances.

I feel as though this will be the big Tony winner this year, in the absence of a steamroller new musical.

(also, After Eight, when you are constantly running your "shocked and appalled" schtick at a 10, you've got nowhere to build, dear. How handy you only chime in once the ending is brought up and offer no other details of the production, though!)

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
