Jordan Catalano said: "That review though, does sum up basically everything I’ve heard from friends who’ve seen it. Getting really antsy myself to get over to the Barrymore soon to see it, myself."
Just for the play, of course. ;-)
Duh. I don’t like what you’re implying. It’s objectifying and rude. How dare thee.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/5/03
Unfortunately, the Post critic reflected exactly what I saw. It's a tepid, misguided production, not worth the ridiculous prices, but stars are stars. This makes me angry, because this critic has written reviews in the past I totally disagreed with, and he is more a gossip than critic, but this one is on the money -- literally.
Jordan Catalano said: "Duh. I don’t like what you’re implying. It’s objectifying and rude. How dare thee."
*looks at Jordan's profile pic*
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Oh wait, wrong play...
I don’t have much to add, but I saw the matinee today. Here’s my two cents.
It was overwhelmingly fine. I was surprised there was so much humor in it. I took a few Shakespeare classes in college, and although that was many years ago, I don’t remember Othello being funny.
With all the talk of mumbling in this thread, I worried that I wouldn’t understand DW. I understood him just fine. I’m pretty far removed from my college days, so I don’t remember the text, but he didn’t seem to be making things up. (Honestly, I wouldn’t know the difference.) He certainly wasn’t calling for lines. There was one moment in the first act, he flubbed his lines and DW and JG both broke character and laughed. The crowd loved it.
I thought JG was great. He was dynamic. DW was sort of flat. I started rooting for Iago-and then I realized that’s probably a bad thing, but Iago is way more fun.
Overall, I enjoyed it. I also didn’t pay a fortune for it.