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Obama is going to the Saturday matinee of "Hamilton"...- Page 2

Obama is going to the Saturday matinee of "Hamilton"...

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#25Obama is going to the Saturday matinee of
Posted: 7/16/15 at 11:52am

I was in the audue certainly with the Clintons, just last year. The show started a little late and intermission was a little longer, but no other differences.


Of course, I'm sure it's different with a sitting President, but they won't expect the audience.certainly to get there sooner than usual.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#26Obama is going to the Saturday matinee of
Posted: 7/16/15 at 1:55pm

or perhaps a gossip item in the NY Post is just that ... gossip.

#27Obama is going to the Saturday matinee of
Posted: 7/16/15 at 2:06pm

Just remember:

when bowing, men must bow at least to a 45 degree angle.

when curtseying, women must lower their shoulders below the shoulders of the person they are bowing to.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#28Obama is going to the Saturday matinee of
Posted: 7/16/15 at 2:16pm

Maybe he will take a picture with Minnie & Mickey.

Poster Emeritus

ggersten Profile Photo
#29Obama is going to the Saturday matinee of
Posted: 7/16/15 at 3:13pm

Does the President have a cellphone to turn off?  I presume someone has to sit in the lobby with communication devices - and, only if necessary, come into the auditorium to get the President. 

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#30Obama is going to the Saturday matinee of
Posted: 7/16/15 at 3:17pm

Great.  That's when I'm seeing Fun Home.



"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#31Obama is going to the Saturday matinee of
Posted: 7/16/15 at 3:32pm

I'll most likely be there entering the lottery for the saturday matinee. It would be so cool to see the president!

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#32Obama at Hamilton
Posted: 7/16/15 at 3:45pm

I'm surprised they've announced this. I thought it was a thing where if the President went to something like a Broadway musical it was a huge secret and they rush him in right before the show starts after the theater went dark.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

#33Obama at Hamilton
Posted: 7/16/15 at 5:22pm

I have an extra seat to this performance if anyone is interested in buying. Orchestra, Row E, seat 7. If Obama is in attendance you'll likely just be feet away from him!

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay
Updated On: 7/16/15 at 05:22 PM

#34Obama at Hamilton
Posted: 7/16/15 at 6:49pm

"I was in the audue certainly with the Clintons, just last year. The show started a little late and intermission was a little longer, but no other differences.
Of course, I'm sure it's different with a sitting President, but they won't expect the audience.certainly to get there sooner than usual."

There will be a few things that will be different. The street will be blocked off at both ends, no vehicle traffic. The secret service may erect a tent in front of the entrance to block any view of the President leaving his limousine and entering the theater. (They did this at Town Hall.) There will be metal detector and bag screening, but they do this as well when Michele comes without the President, like when she saw Hamilton at the Public. The performance may start 10-15 minutes later depending on the screening. No need to get their earlier, because they won't start until everyone is in. At the end, the audience will probably be asked to remain in their seats until the President has left, which adds a few extra minutes at the end.

If I recall from a performance Obama attended of Joe Turner, this was the drill. The excitement in the house of the President attending is off the charts. The secret service is very efficient and courteous. The two things I'd say to keep in mind is that if you're going to pick up your tickets at the box office, bring a print out of your confirmation. And if you're making dinner reservations after the show, make them a half an hour later than you otherwise would, because the show will likely start a little late and the audience may be held for the President's exit.

For anybody lucky enough to have tickets for this performance, it will be a thrilling experience.

#35Obama at Hamilton
Posted: 7/16/15 at 6:52pm

I'll be at the performance and I just got this email from the Nederlander...


"On Saturday, July 18th, guests attending the 2pm performance of Hamilton should plan to arrive at the Richard Rodgers Theatre by 1pm, as additional security measures will be in place for this performance.

Guests should expect to go through airport-like security to gain entry into the theatre and are asked to bring as few personal items as possible. All bags will be inspected and no sharp objects will be allowed in the theatre. Cameras and cell phones will be permitted.

Guests who are planning to pick up tickets for this performance at the Richard Rodgers Theatre Box Office (226 West 46th Street) should do so by 8pm on Friday, July 17 if possible."


Updated On: 7/16/15 at 06:52 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#36Obama at Hamilton
Posted: 7/16/15 at 6:57pm

To those who wanted to tape the show from their seat, leave you camera @ home.

If I was attending, I would treat it as another day at the theater. I would go to my seat, enjoy the show & than leave

Imagine latecomers for this performance. It will be hell for them. Hopefully no one pulls a stunt like the idiot at Hand To God.

Poster Emeritus

#37Obama at Hamilton
Posted: 7/16/15 at 8:07pm

How frequently Roxy asks people to "imagine" some disruption or minor inconvenience in his posts.  Imagine! Oh my stars! I never!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#38Obama at Hamilton
Posted: 7/16/15 at 8:15pm

do you think they will have lottery that day?

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

TweetyPie2 Profile Photo
#39Obama at Hamilton
Posted: 7/16/15 at 9:58pm

"I'll be at the performance and I just got this email from the Nederlander Org.
"On Saturday, July 18th, guests attending the 2pm performance of Hamilton should plan to arrive at the Richard Rodgers Theatre by 1pm, as additional security measures will be in place for this performance.
Guests should expect to go through airport-like security to gain entry into the theatre and are asked to bring as few personal items as possible. All bags will be inspected and no sharp objects will be allowed in the theatre. Cameras and cell phones will be permitted.
Guests who are planning to pick up tickets for this performance at the Richard Rodgers Theatre Box Office (226 West 46th Street) should do so by 8pm on Friday, July 17 if possible."

 Sounds like Page Six got it right.

What I want to know is, who is TweetyPie1?

#40Obama at Hamilton
Posted: 7/16/15 at 11:18pm

"I have an extra seat to this performance if anyone is interested in buying. Orchestra, Row E, seat 7. If Obama is in attendance you'll likely just be feet away from him!"

 PM sent!

MadonnaMusical Profile Photo
#41Obama at Hamilton
Posted: 7/17/15 at 7:36am

IT'S A TRAP!!! IT'S A TRAP!!!! Remember when buzz got out that Abe Lincoln was going to be at a performance of OUR AMERICAN COUSIN? Let's just tell all the terrorists that the leader of the free world will be a sitting target in Times Square for 3 hours during Hamilton.

seriously though if his security detail has been released accidentally, secret service more than likely will change up the date/time he goes. Unless this is some kind of calculated move... 

I think... stay away from Times Square on Saturday...

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#42Obama at Hamilton
Posted: 7/17/15 at 8:48am

I think the terrorists will really be pissed off because Hamilton tickets are impossible to get and they are taking out their frustrations on everyone.


Indeed, stay away from Slime Square. Oops, I am sorry. I should have said Times Square.

Poster Emeritus

Someday Profile Photo
#43Obama at Hamilton
Posted: 7/17/15 at 3:42pm

I, too, am curious if the Post's announcement of Obama's plan to attend will result in a rescheduling — though mfaye9's message above, from the Nederlanders, seems to suggest not. My wife and I have tickets for this performance, and we can't wait to see the show itself. And hopefully, we'll also catch a glimpse of the great man.

I took a bus down from NYC to Bucks County, PA, to canvas for him in the '08 primaries (we lost PA to Hillary), and my future wife and I went door-to-door for him in Northern Virginia during the general campaign that same year (and he took VA from McCain).

We traveled to DC for both of his inaugurations. At the first one, we were so far back on the National Mall that we could really only see the proceedings on the large screens that had been set up. It was an incredible feeling to be present at that moment, though. Seeing the reactions in the crowd around us is something I'll always cherish.

At his second inauguration, we were just close enough to barely see him in person as he gave his address, though he looked tiny through binoculars and was essentially just a blip to the naked eye. Again, didn't matter, because it was a great feeling just to be there and to believe that most of his first-term accomplishments would now be difficult, if not impossible, for his adversaries to undo. And that has proved to be the case, so far, by the way.

From Orch, Row P, hopefully we'll be able to see him a bit better than at the inaugurations, applaud him (if given a chance), and note his reaction to the audience's affection for him.

Like others, I'm wondering whether Lin or Javier will perform. Having not seen this show at all, I'd be glad to see either... and then will probably try to see it again with the other actor in the spring (if I can afford it at that point!)

Wish us luck tomorrow. Barack or no-Barack, and Lin or no-Lin, I have a feeling that it will be a memorable afternoon. And who knows, it may also be a rare experience of sharing communal audienceship with a public figure I truly revere.

SweetLips Profile Photo
#44Obama at Hamilton
Posted: 7/17/15 at 3:55pm

It will be madness in that theatre as the audience members will be overly enthusiastic  putting on their own show for the President--look at me,look at me.

uncageg Profile Photo
#45Obama at Hamilton
Posted: 7/17/15 at 5:22pm

The barricades are already in place on 46th and along 8th. Just. Walked through there. There is a sign on one near the stage door that says "You are in pit 1"

Just give the world Love.

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#46Obama at Hamilton
Posted: 7/17/15 at 5:26pm

I am having a 2 show day tomorrow!! I hope there are no issues

Use my fabulous TodayTix code: JEYCY

HogansHero Profile Photo
#47Obama at Hamilton
Posted: 7/17/15 at 5:33pm

As long as you don't have a show on 46th Street, and aren't driving, you should be fine.

oncemorewithfeeling2 Profile Photo
#48Obama at Hamilton
Posted: 7/17/15 at 5:36pm

It was actually just mentioned on Inside Edition that Obama and his daughters will be in NYC and seeing Hamilton on Saturday afternoon.

While there tends to be a lot of hoopla and noise around visits like this, the few events I've been at where a government official is attending have run incredibly smoothly. You just have to follow the directions that are laid out. Luckily, NYPD and Secret Service do this quickly and professionally.  Just make sure you're there early, like email said.  It takes time to screen and search everyone.

#49Obama at Hamilton
Posted: 7/17/15 at 6:27pm

"The barricades are already in place on 46th and along 8th. Just. Walked through there. There is a sign on one near the stage door that says "You are in pit 1""

 What does that mean?
