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Popular shows you haven't choice?

Popular shows you haven't choice?

#1Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 11:37am

Reading the thread on plot holes with all its discussions on Wicked (a show I still haven't seen) got me thinking, are there any popular, long-running shows that you never saw, but it was by choice, not opportunity.   For me it is Wicked.   I have had the chance to see the show on numerous occasions, including on Broadway, but I just have had no interest.   Any shows you all have passed on, despite their popularity.  I consider myself a huge Broadway fan and get to NYC from LA as much as possible, but I still haven't seen Wicked.  And not sure I ever will.  Even though friends have told me just to do it.  At least to be able to say I've seen it.  Certainly it's okay not to be interested in a show, and not see it, but was just curious if there are any shows the posters on this board have chosen not to see despite the rage and popularity of the show.

Elegance101 Profile Photo
#2Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 11:46am

I live in NYC, and have for many years, and I've never seen The Lion King. Zero interest.

artscallion Profile Photo
#3Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 11:55am

Zero interest in Hamilton. I've listened to some of the cast recording and seen some of a bootleg as well as Tony performances, etc. But I just have no desire to see it live.

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

#4Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 11:58am

Hamilton. The story doesn't interest me and I have never seen a single performance from it that has impressed or inspired me to fork out that much dosh to go and see it. I'll see it in 10 years when it hits the Tkts booth.

Anything by Disney, the movies are enough for me.

haterobics Profile Photo
#5Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 12:01pm

Impossible2 said: "I'll see it in 10 years when it hits the Tkts booth."

That sounds less by choice and more by cost. As soon as you can see it cheaper, you'll be there.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#6Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 12:04pm

I have never seen Kinky Boots. I'm from the Bay Area and was planning to wait to see the tour with my parents since it was coming by at Christmastime (back when the tour was new). We all nixed that idea when the prices were announced, and I just never got back on the train even though it's much easier/cheaper now.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#7Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 12:10pm

haterobics said: "Impossible2 said: "I'll see it in 10 years when it hits the Tkts booth."

That sounds less by choice and more by cost. As soon as you can see it cheaper, you'll be there.

I can see it in London for much cheaper but it just can't be bothered.

It just really doesn't interest me, much like War Paint didn't interest me but I still saw it because there was nothing else on. 

But I feel I HAVE to see it just because everyone raves about it so much.

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#8Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 12:24pm

It just really doesn't interest me, much like War Paint didn't interest me but I still saw it because there was nothing else on.

Oh, I'm sure you could have changed the channel or found something on Netflix. 


#9Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 12:35pm

BrodyFosse123 said: "It just really doesn't interest me, much like War Paint didn't interest me but I still saw it because there was nothing else on.

Oh, I'm sure you could have changed the channel or found something on Netflix.


I don't pay for a flight from London and accommodation to sit and watch television...

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#10Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 12:42pm

Jersey Boys, Mama Mia spring to mind.   I'm sure there were others.   


Of currently running shows: Spongebob, Margaritaville, Mean Girls, Frozen.     No desire.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

dearalanaaaa Profile Photo
#11Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 12:50pm

Hamilton. I used to like the soundtrack and such, but after seeing the bootleg I have no will to see it live. Not that it was bad, I just have no idea why I would see it. Matilda and School of Rock also come to mind. None of these are price restricted (besides Hamilton, but I'd see it for the lottery's. I'd see anything besides Margaritaville on lottery) it's just not of interest anymore.

greensgreens Profile Photo
#12Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 12:50pm

HAMILTON. Never had a desire to see it and never will. Every long-term theatregoer should have at least one show they have a personal ban on, so this one is mine.

#13Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 12:52pm

dramamama611 said: "Jersey Boys, Mama Mia spring to mind. I'm sure there were others.

Of currently running shows: Spongebob, Margaritaville, Mean Girls, Frozen. No desire.

I'm out on the west coast but it really doesn't seem like any of these shows are lighting up Broadway either.  They are the Tony nominees (not Margaritaville, of course) for the season, and maybe selling some tickets, and getting some okay reviews, but nothing real smashing from what I understand.  Almost like people are seeing them because they're new, and what Broadway is offering at the moment, but no real passion behind seeing them like shows we've seen in recent years.

Personally, I could take a pass on all of those too.


veraclaythorne2 Profile Photo
#14Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 1:05pm

Born and raised in NYC, seeing shows for 30+ years...still have no desire to see Phantom.

Was excited for Book of Mormon when it was first announced, but the cast album did nothing for me, and I still haven't tried to see it. 

Took me 13 years to find a reason to see Wicked (Rachel Tucker), so who knows, maybe a cast change will get me to these two shows eventually!

little_sally Profile Photo
#15Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 1:09pm

I haven't seen and really have no desire to see Aladdin or A Bronx Tale.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

#16Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 1:10pm

Hello Dolly. I’m not a fan of the music and usually prefer the smaller shows. This why I love theater so much something for everyone. I’ll add RENT too for the same reason. Really really don’t like the music and the story line just never did it for me.

#17Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 1:11pm

The Lion King

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#18Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 1:13pm

A Bronx Tale is the only long-runner I just cannot bring myself to buy a ticket for.

#19Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 1:56pm

Speaking of A Bronx Tale, it seems this show gets very little discussion on this board.  I may have missed the original threads on its opening and reviews (which is odd since I've been around these boards for a long time, first as a reader only, and then as a contributor), but it seems like  this show keeps chugging along, but no one ever seems to talk much about it.  

Is it a good show?  And if it's a good enough show to keep it on Broadway, why don't people discuss it much?  Interesting phenom on this one.

kade.ivy Profile Photo
#20Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 2:12pm

Kinky Boots doesn’t appeal to me, and I’m still bitter that it beat Matilda. Also never saw Chicago. I’ll get to the Ambassador one day.

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
#21Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 4:24pm


#22Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 4:29pm


My love for Puccini's LA BOHEME is almost as great as my love for HELLO, DOLLY! I don't think I could be objective about a rock version of the story.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#23Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 4:55pm

Elegance101 said: "I live in NYC, and have for many years, and I've never seen The Lion King. Zero interest."


vanbrig Profile Photo
#24Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 6:29pm

School of Rock. I'm going to get my mom tickets for the tour this year because she's dying to see it, but I've been to NYC several times since it began performances and it hasn't been on my radar at all. It looks cute but it's just something I have no real desire to see myself.


Also Phantom and Chicago. 

Updated On: 6/19/18 at 06:29 PM

LuminousBeing Profile Photo
#25Popular shows you haven't choice?
Posted: 6/19/18 at 7:23pm

theatreguy12 said: "Speaking of A Bronx Tale, it seems thisshow gets verylittle discussion on this board. I may have missed the original threads on its opening and reviews (which is odd since I've been around these boards for a long time, first as a reader only, and then as a contributor), but it seems like this show keeps chugging along, but no one ever seems to talk much about it.

Is it a good show? And if it's a good enough show to keep it on Broadway, why don't people discuss it much? Interesting phenom on this one.

I saw it before the Tony noms for that season. It is very much a formula piece with most major plot developments highly predictable even if you haven't seen the movie (which I haven't). The characters are fairly broad. That said, this is definitely one of Menken's better scores in recent years, and the show does manage to create stakes and suspense, especially in Act I. Would I call it a "good" show the way we think of "Cabaret," "Sweeney Todd," or "Caroline or Change" as being "good" shows? No. But did I have a surprisingly great time at the theater with a show that does what it does effectively, understands its identity, and provides entertainment value without much schlockiness? Absolutely. It was also very well-acted and well-sung with a terrific ensemble. Imho, it is definitely worth seeing if you are looking to be entertained. I actually play the score fairly often at work because it gives my mood a lift. If you see it, let us know how you find it!
