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Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON

Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON

#1Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 6/30/11 at 11:32pm

What was your favorite number in the show?

#2Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 6/30/11 at 11:45pm

It's really hard to choose, but I would have to narrow it down to Turn it Off, Spooky Mormon Hell Dream or Baptize Me.

TonyVincent Profile Photo
trentsketch Profile Photo
#3Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 6/30/11 at 11:54pm

Joseph Smith American Moses

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#4Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 6/30/11 at 11:56pm

I Believe and All-American Prophet.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Blockhead24 Profile Photo
#5Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/1/11 at 12:09am

so hard to choose between Turn it off, I Believe and Tomorrow is a latter day

#6Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/1/11 at 12:09am

Yowzas that's difficult...

Man Up, Spooky Mormon Hell Dream, Joseph Smith American Moses, of course Hello

I can't pick just one!

JeaniusIsMe Profile Photo
#7Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/1/11 at 12:19am

Definitely a hard one, but top three would be I Believe, Tomorrow is a Latter Day, and Man Up.

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#8Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/1/11 at 1:57am

It's gotta be a tie for Spooky Mormon Hell Dream and Joseph Smith American Moses.

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#9Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/1/11 at 8:19am

Two by Two, Hasa Diga Eebowai, and Joseph Smith American Moses.

#10Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/1/11 at 9:16am

Two by Two and Joseph Smith American Moses

dragonlp86 Profile Photo
#11Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/1/11 at 12:09pm

Turn it Off, I Believe, Spooky Mormon Hell Dream, Joseph Smith American Moses...

It's impossible to pick just one.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#12Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/1/11 at 12:29pm

Hasa Diga Eebowai

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

uncageg Profile Photo
#13Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/1/11 at 12:47pm

"Hello" and "Baptize me". Baptize me makes me laugh every time I listen to it. Also Gad cracks me up during "Making Thing Up Again". And I find myself just randomly singing out "Orlaaando! I love you!" :)

Just give the world Love.

Elke Profile Photo
#14Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/1/11 at 2:41pm

Two By Two and Turn It Off

beach2732 Profile Photo
#15Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/1/11 at 4:06pm

You and Me (But Mostly Me), Turn It Off, Man Up

JillianSch Profile Photo
#16Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/1/11 at 5:08pm

All American Prophet!!

#17Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/1/11 at 5:17pm

It would be much easier to say that the only song I skip during listening sessions is "Making Things Up Again."

Barcelona Profile Photo
#18Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/1/11 at 6:32pm

Two By Two, Spooky Mormon Hell Dream, and Man Up

nealb1 Profile Photo
Movidude742 Profile Photo
#20Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/1/11 at 11:06pm

on the soundtrack, All American Prophet has become my favorite, but watching the show, I may lean towards Spooky Mormon Hell Dream if only because of how quickly they transition back to reality. The staging is impressive as hell

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#22Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/5/11 at 9:56am

A lot of the songs are really great, but the hardest I laugh during the show is Joseph Smith American Moses.

mmFan Profile Photo
#23Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/5/11 at 12:56pm

Am glad you posted as was gonna ask this as well.

For me I can't narrow it down. Would have to say Hello, Two by Two, You & Me, (all funny and love the performance) and also I Believe (the song is so moving)

Updated On: 7/6/11 at 12:56 PM

jakebloke Profile Photo
#24Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/5/11 at 6:37pm

I've actually fallen in love with the cast recording. I've gone from thinking it was such an overhyped show to really loving it. The cast recording and a second viewing really helped. The only song which I skip over is Joseph Smith American Moses.....funny since it seems to be a fave of many of you.

#25Quick question for those who've seen THE BOOK OF MORMON
Posted: 7/5/11 at 7:55pm

I can't choose one...

Sal Tlay Ka City, You and Me (But Mostly Me), I Believe, Baptize you, and Man Up have the most plays on Itunes...
