"Hello" and "Baptize me". Baptize me makes me laugh every time I listen to it. Also Gad cracks me up during "Making Thing Up Again". And I find myself just randomly singing out "Orlaaando! I love you!" :)
on the soundtrack, All American Prophet has become my favorite, but watching the show, I may lean towards Spooky Mormon Hell Dream if only because of how quickly they transition back to reality. The staging is impressive as hell
For me I can't narrow it down. Would have to say Hello, Two by Two, You & Me, (all funny and love the performance) and also I Believe (the song is so moving)
I've actually fallen in love with the cast recording. I've gone from thinking it was such an overhyped show to really loving it. The cast recording and a second viewing really helped. The only song which I skip over is Joseph Smith American Moses.....funny since it seems to be a fave of many of you.