Either that or they’ll be rush seats. In the UK, the first few rows are the cheapest o maybe it’ll be like that here, too.
I think Jordan is right, since Broadway is not doing social distancing. Rush and lotto seats make sense.
Stand-by Joined: 4/4/20
Ah good point, Phanom still does that with lottery seats here so maybe Six’s UK start is similar
If I remember correctly, the first two rows were saved for rush and lotto and any unclaimed tickets were sold at full price.
rkade21 said: "Anastasia_Beaverhausen said: "So what's up with the first few rows not for sale? Will they go on sale with the general sale or? Any thoughts?"
perhaps to keep audience 6’+ away from unmasked singing performers? No idea"
It is required that actors stay at least 10' away from the audience; I feel like many shows will keep the first row or two empty, at least for now, and then either rush/lotto them or put them on regular sale, if they're allowed to. Unless, of course, their staging can be pushed deeper (no clue how feasible that is for any show) or actors never approach the edge of the stage.
Understudy Joined: 6/27/19
I have a question about this show for anyone who's seen it either in London or pre shut-down!
I really get the impression that this show is more "concert-style" in the sense that the audiences would primarily be standing up and dancing. Is this the case?
I'm a very tall guy who gets anxious at the thought of blocking peoples view during shows/concerts. I used to have a "bah! I paid just as much as they did!" approach but there was one time when a woman tapped me on the shoulder after a performance of The Book of Mormon said "just so you KNOW, I couldn't see a damn thing the WHOLE show..."
Ever since then, I've found it hard to fully relax and engage during a show unless I'm 100% certain the person behind me can see. I'm a 6"6' ex-football player with a soft spot for broadway theatre, so if the roles were reversed I would HATE to be sitting behind me. I get it!
So essentially: do people usually spring up from their seats and dance during this show? Since it's advertised as a "pop concert musical" that's definitely the vibe I'm getting... If so, I'll probably end up booking tickets for the back row, or somewhere without a row of seats behind me just to be safe.
I'm going to book my tickets sometime next week, so any feedback would be appreciated! :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
It's a concert in the sense that it's presented as a concert and the characters will talk to you like they're performing a concert, but there's still an actual storyline happening with the characters throughout the show. When I went on Broadway no one was standing until the megamix at the end, and it was treated much like any other Broadway show, though maybe with more enthusiastic audience reception after each number.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
It's a concert in the sense that it's presented as a concert and the characters will talk to you like they're performing a concert, but there's still an actual storyline happening with the characters throughout the show. When I went on Broadway no one was standing until the megamix at the end, and it was treated much like any other Broadway show, though maybe with more enthusiastic audience reception after each number.
I’m a tall guy (6’2”) too. First, you can’t control your height. I’m sorry you have been made to feel self-conscious about it.
Second, I’ll grant that my pre-pandemic memory may be cloudy (Six was last Broadway show I saw before the shutdown), but I don’t recall it being as much of a party vibe as you describe. I know I definitely stayed seated. Other than legroom, I might suggest you get front row mezzanine.
I just looked and I sat Sec MEZZ, Row E, Seat 6. No row in front of me. Perfect view and there was a curtain instead of a wall so I could stick my legs under it as my legs tend to cramp if I can’t extend them for long periods of time (tall people problems - LOL). That way you could stay seated without having people right in front of you blocking your view if they stand.
Hope that’s helpful. Enjoy!
Broadway Star Joined: 6/16/17
I've seen Six several times and it's not a standing up or dancing in the aisles show, except the final "Megasix" number. Despite the branding, it's still a show, not a concert. Don't worry about obstructing anyone's views for the majority of the show.
FYI, they added a performance on Tuesday, October 5, which will now be the first performance after opening. Plenty of seats still available.
Updated On: 5/27/21 at 11:37 AM
CT2NYC said: "FYI, they added a performanceon Tuesday, October 5, which is the day after opening. Plenty of seats still available."
That is two days after opening, but given the cast will have 10/4 off, the added date will be the performance after opening.
Jordan Levinson said: "CT2NYC said: "FYI, they added a performanceon Tuesday, October 5, which is the day after opening. Plenty of seats still available."
That is two days after opening, but given the cast will have 10/4 off, the added date will be the performance after opening."
Right, thanks for the clarification. Edited my original post.
Funny I have tickets to Six on Oct 5th but it's the opening night of the new production back here in Chicago :)
Swing Joined: 7/30/18
Does anyone know why the resale tickets for SIX seem SO much higher than any other show right now? $1,200 for orchestra!? Will they come down or predicted to stay that outlandish? I was hoping for October 16th or 30th.
I've never been to the Brooks Atkinson, are there seats to avoid or are they all good since it is fairly small?
thank you! REALLY want to see this show!!!
Wow, that's insane greed. I listed my ticket for October for $355 because they refused to make it any lower. It said "the average price in your section has a resale value of $508 so list between $350 and $1100". It was ridiculous.
Swing Joined: 7/30/18
Thank you for your honest resale price!!! I wish ticketmaster wouldn't allow this kind of greed and cap how much you can go up from the original sale price. I'm such a fan, and would be so grateful if they came down so I could see the show.
Why? To see if someone is willing to pay. I refuse to purchase resale. I suppose I would for face value.
Swing Joined: 4/5/20
Sutton Ross said: "Wow, that's insane greed. I listed my ticket for October for $355 because they refused to make it any lower. It said "the average price in your section has a resale value of $508 so list between $350 and $1100". It was ridiculous."
Just out of curiosity - what was the face value of the ticket?
Was excited to see Six again in Chicago in the fall, kind of bummed they’re pushing it back to the spring AND moving to the CIBC theatre. Was hoping to see it at Broadway Playhouse.
It was exactly $165.45 with taxes. I got a front row center mezz which was listed at $149. Prices have since gone up a little and honestly, I think I should be able to sell my ticket for whatever I want. I understand why they do it but it seems silly.
Paigiemo21 said: "Does anyone know why the resale tickets for SIX seem SO much higher than any other show right now? $1,200 fororchestra!? Will they come down or predicted to stay that outlandish? I was hoping for October 16th or 30th.
I've never been to the Brooks Atkinson, are there seats to avoid or are they all good since it is fairly small?
thank you! REALLY want to see this show!!!"
Take a look, they added Sunday matinee and Tuesday night shows.
Swing Joined: 7/30/18
Swing Joined: 7/30/18