And also, to the person above her suggested that the ladies might need more rehearsal time - they don’t. At all.
Jordan Catalano said: "Yes, the show was stopped for a couple of minutes and then picked right back up where they left off so it’s not the dramatic “Groundhog Day” moment you’d like it to be.
An absolutely incredible evening! Standing ovations after almost every single song, and you could tell just how appreciative they all were. The crowd tonight was absolutely insane, the most vocal Proud I’ve heard so far this week. GOD IVE MISSED THIS."
Are you sure you were at the Brooks Atkinson Theatre tonight? Because your description of the audience response sounded like you were at Atkinson Square Garden.
It's their opinion that the women need more rehearsal time. Not really a big deal.
Stand-by Joined: 4/4/20
This is the fourth show I’ve seen in re-opening amd the crowd energy topped all the others by far. These girls were treated like - pardon the pun - royalty. And they all deserved it!
Glad you all had fun despite the minor tech difficulties.
Divorced. Beheaded. First "Ex-Wives" back.
Can somebody page Atlantic Records so they can capture snippets of the first several performances back for a live OBCR? Just an idea... another in-studio album would be a waste of this material, especially given its structure.
Here is video of the nice piece ABC7 NY did to celebrate their re-opening.
ggersten said: "Someone else can listen to this NYT 30 minute podcast and tell the Board the highlights; (unless it' behind a paywall)
Behind Six Finally Opening"
I listened to it earlier. I follow The NYT Podcast “The Daily” and listen to it well…. Daily. The episode was more about Broadway’s reopening in general and not solely about SIX, but the middle section did focus on Six.
It started with audio from Lin Manuel Miranda and the New York, New York sing along from a few days ago. Then Michael Barbaro interviewed audience members who were attending some of the reopenings, including a woman who was in town from Colorado to see 8 shows in 6 days.
When they discussed SIX it was mostly about how the shutdown happened the day of their opening night and the announcement from Cuomo was supposed to start at 7:00 but SIX had a 6:30 curtain and 5:00 Red Carpet so they needed to get ahold of the governor to ask for them to please up the shutdown to 5:00pm. Then they went into a brief history of the show from idea at Cambridge to Fringe, and eventually Broadway.
They discussed the length the shutdown turned into and people needing to leave the city and get new careers. Unemployment or lack thereof, etc.
Then the last section played audio of Kristin before Wicked and the opening applause in Wicked through Glinda’s opening line.
I enjoyed the episode, but I tend to enjoy most no matter what the subject is.
Jordan Levinson said: "Divorced. Beheaded. First "Ex-Wives" back."
Is it me, or is the choreography just... not tight? Not that I'm such a fantastic dancer myself, but the choreography just seems like they were kind of half assing it. I hate to say it, but the production just looks sort of sloppy. If I saw this with no context I would honestly assume it was a cruise ship concert. The queens are all immensely talented, but it just feels like the show never really came together.
All I know is that full-throated screaming from audience members really gets on my nerves. No one wants to hear that.
I do not understand the hate on this thread. The queens are killing it, what an incredible night back for them.
TaffyDavenport said: "All I know is that full-throated screaming from audience members really gets on my nerves. No one wants to hear that."
That contributed to me feeling like it was concert footage lol
HenryTDobson said: "I do not understand the hate on this thread. The queens are killing it, what an incredible night back for them."
Let me say, I don't have any hatred for this show. I've yet to see all of it. I am just massively underwhelmed from every bit I do see.
As someone who was two weeks away from seeing this when Broadway shut down, after loving the show since the UK cast album first came out, as well as someone who nearly succumbed to SEVERE depression in the early days of the pandemic, tonight was a dream come true. I am so blessed to have been able to be in the audience tonight. Technical difficulties and all, I will never forget this night.
TaffyDavenport said: "All I know is that full-throated screaming from audience members really gets on my nerves. No one wants to hear that."
Gross. I hate that. Im glad Im seeing it next month.
soulmistin said: "HenryTDobson said: "I do not understand the hate on this thread. The queens are killing it, what an incredible night back for them."
Let me say, I don't have any hatred for this show. I've yet to see all of it. I am just massively underwhelmed from every bit I do see."
The show is incredible live. I recommend seeing it and then forming an opinion.
Stand-by Joined: 2/9/18
That was an incredible experience.
10 standing ovations if I remember correctly: one for every song except Haus of Holbein, one for Lucy Moss who came on stage before the show, and one for the technical difficulties when they were announced and right before the queens went off stage. (By the way the technical difficulties felt like no problem at all, it was just a short break). The standing ovation for Six began at the “two more minutes” mark and continued until long after the entire cast and band exited the stage.
I honestly loved the constant screaming and cheering. I noted to the person with me that Six really is the perfect show to see the reopening of, the concert theme of it makes all the audience excitement just enhance the show. The Queens all killed it, I had no real complaints. They also seemed so shocked and appreciative of the love they were getting, especially Adriana Hicks during the No Way standing ovation, she looked really shocked and emotional. Throughout I’d just always see them looking at each other, or around the audience to take it all in. It was really cool to be a part of. Altogether just a great night
This was the last show I saw before the shutdown & I have to admit I was a little underwhelmed. I was glad I didn’t spend more on my ticket given how short the show is (which of course I knew going in). It’s really a pop concert with some light narrative threads to hold it together. Still, I begrudge no one their joy and if this brings people joy, I think that’s great.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/16/16
So after talking to a poster who was possibly interested in purchasing my ticket - they convinced me to go and I was seated with about 2 minutes to spare.
So happy I made it. Awesome performance. Yes the show was briefly stopped. I noticed that there was an issue with the backing tracks in the first two numbers, then an issue with Adrianna’s mic right before the show was stopped.
They definitely looked and sounded much better than they did on Fallon (IMO).
The screaming I mostly didn’t mind since the show feels like a concert atmosphere although I was seated near a girl who had this *piercing* shriek she would let out anytime Abby did just about anything. It was jarring.
I’ll definitely be back.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/26/15
I posted earlier in the thread that I bought my ticket yesterday morning and planed an entire days travel around this Re-Opening because the others have seemed like so much fun and I would kick myself for missing out on the “Big Broadway Return”
While I don’t regret the decision, I wish I had waited because this audience was to enthusiastic for my taste (allot of standing ovations when simply clapping was warranted, allot of unnecessary cheering, a lot of “oh! I know this song”, allot of bobbing along to the music). I would like to think that it is just because it’s the first Performance back and was full of full-on fanatics, but I feel like this will become normal audience behavior for this show (not as many standing ovations, but I saw some Cos-Play that I expect will continue).
All in all I think this show is a little light footed for the price it’s charging, but because the show is one of the few geared towards the Tik Tock generation, I think it will have no problem getting those high prices for quite some time. Like someone said earlier, I’m glad the show brings other people so much joy and makes them enthusiastic about theatre
Featured Actor Joined: 9/2/21
Yeah I think the technical issue was something to do with backing tracks or the in ear monitors. The band wasn’t together in the first two songs, the queens were constantly touching their ears and there was a slight feeling of hesitancy overall. It definitely tightened up after the pause though!
I really, REALLY do not understand these comments complaining about the audience though. This is a show with a rabid fan base performing for the first time since March 2020. What on earth did you expect? I loved it and it was clear the queens appreciated the love and support.
"I really, REALLY do not understand these comments complaining about the audience though. This is a show with a rabid fan base performing for the first time since March 2020. What on earth did you expect? I loved it and it was clear the queens appreciated the love and support."
Because its still theater and that behavior is totally obnoxious. Hopefully it will die down soon.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/2/21
dramamama611 said: "Because its still theater and that behavior is totally obnoxious. Hopefully it will die down soon."
It will. These first performances are extremely unique and I've been to 3 of them specifically for this reason. And I guess we will agree to disagree whether an audience vocally supporting a show performing for the first time in 18 months due to a horrific global pandemic is "totally obnoxious."
There's a recording of Defying Gravity on YouTube from Wicked's 2nd night back. The audience is enthusiastic but it's nowhere near the reaction from the first night.
kwoc91 said: "dramamama611 said: "Because its still theater and that behavior is totally obnoxious. Hopefully it will die down soon."
It will. These first performances are extremely unique and I've been to 3 of them specifically for this reason. And I guess we will agree to disagree whether an audience vocally supporting a show performing for the first time in 18 months due to a horrific global pandemicis "totally obnoxious."
There's a recording of Defying Gravity on YouTube from Wicked's 2nd night back. The audience is enthusiastic but it's nowhere near the reaction from the first night."
For goodness’ sake, no one is saying people shouldn’t cheer, but, in the video from last night, there’s one girl screaming bloody murder during the middle of the song whenever Abby Mueller starts singing. No one else in the audience making a peep, and then there’s this blood-curdling scream. Not only is it obnoxious, but inconsiderate.