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SPAMALOT 2023 Previews

KitKatBoy24 Profile Photo
#50SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/6/23 at 11:02am

I went over the weekend and am surprised to have many different reactions to a lot of these posts. The show is funny and the cast is talented, and that’s all I really need from a revival of Spamalot.

The Good: Kritzer, Slater, Killam, Script Updates, Orchestra, and Ensemble.

Kritzer is the one making the most original choices and making the role her own, compared to the rest of the cast. Slater is hilarious and his physical comedy is top notch. Killam’s Lancelot is great, but where he really shines is the high-character bit roles. The modernized jokes, added jokes, and improv were fantastic. A larger orchestra than I expected and it all sounded great. Sound mix was good too. The ensemble is killing it and clearly having so much fun.

The Meh: Walker, Smagula, Iglehart, Fitzgerald, Costumes

Walker and Smagula were good, but didn’t quite get the humor for me. Iglehart was just kind of there singing and saying the lines and lacked any charisma or comedic timing/flare. He’s so talented that it was a little disappointing. Fitzgerald was a little disappointing for me too. I’m a fan and love Patsy, but he just kind of seemed to be phoning it in and doing his usual thing. The costumes were a little basic and cheap, but got the job done. Kritzer looked stunning. It was more the ensemble looks that seemed basic for me.

The Bad: Urie, Direction, Set, Americans

I was very disappointed in Urie. I’ve been a fan and was excited to see him. He’s so talented, but I don’t think he got the humor. Most of his jokes seemed to get tepid laughter and nothing was really clicking for me. The direction is very basic. Spamalot is so fun and stupid that I wish the director made more choices and it had a little more joy and creativity to it. The set is cheap and ready to travel. I don’t need a big elaborate set, but there were times I could just see the black curtain behind a flat set piece and it was very community theatre. However, if this is where budget needs to be cut so that shows are more affordable for audiences? I’m okay with that. 

Okay. My biggest issue: Americans. This style of British humor is so uniquely British and that’s really what’s missing here. You either need superb comedians that understand that humor, or you need actual British performers. I don’t know how else to explain it. We have a talented cast but they just don’t get that niche style that made Monty Python what it is. 

Overall I had a great time and recommend the production. I know I had a lot of notes, but I really think it’s a great night of theatre and worth the (actually reasonable) ticket prices. 

"In here, life is beautiful"

RippedMan Profile Photo
#51SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/6/23 at 12:05pm

I still don't understand the director choice for this. I think a Timber's led Spamalot would be very interesting. I think he's good with that sense of humor. 

Voter Profile Photo
#52SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/6/23 at 1:26pm

RippedMan said: "I still don't understand the director choice for this. I think a Timber's led Spamalot would be very interesting. I think he's good with that sense of humor."

It feels like it was directed by a choreographer. Which isn't a new feeling from Broadway this season or the last... 

There are like 3 other people called Voter on here, FYI. Deleted comment count: 12

#53SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/7/23 at 6:59pm

Interesting to read these reports about Mr Iglehart. They remind me of an evening of songs I saw him do about 18 months ago, at NJPAC, allegedly for eventual PBS broadcast (although I’m not sure if it ever aired).

When he was between songs, telling stories of his career etc, he came across as something of a “fan” and with a sense of “how did I end up on Broadway” wonder. A grateful person, to be sure, but the whole evening seemed as though he didn’t see himself as he sees his Broadway peers. There were also some mistakes (and retakes) of the songs on which there probably should have had been a better grasp.

All of the above surprised me, because I’d seen him be absolutely brilliant in Memphis and Aladdin. 

Now I wonder if things don’t come as easily for him when there isn’t a fast-talking/fast-moving character to play. In the concert for PBS, it was the man himself visibly uncomfortable with the floor being his. With Arthur, there’s a requisite “slower” delivery, and standing still and reacting rather than being the thing that’s reacted TO. 

Updated On: 11/7/23 at 06:59 PM

LuckyDipster Profile Photo
#54SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/8/23 at 5:18am


It just so happens that I watched a little bit of this the other day.  Mainly because he included For The Dreamers from Back To The Future.  I must admit that I was surprised to see him singing with the aid of a tablet for lyrics (and still managing to get them wrong).  Aside from a few fluffed lyrics, though, I really enjoyed his performance of the song.

#55SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/8/23 at 5:39am

I also saw this over the weekend. The sets and costumes were giving me a community theatre feel and I thought it worked. Kritzer was the best part of the show for me. Iglehart was fine. I’ve seen him now in three rules (Aladdin, Hamilton, now Spamalot). Aladdin was top performance, Hamilton was rough, and Spamalot was fine. 

I was in the balcony and the guys behind me, two separate parties, were HA HA HAAA HAHA ing SO LOUD it was beyond annoying. Like the actors weren’t doing anything on stage and there’s was a HA HA HAH HAHAH. They were laughing at parts that weren’t even funny. I heard more of voices than I did the show. I get it’s funny and you’re enjoying yourself, but we don’t need an ear piercing loudest belly laugh in the theatre. 

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#56SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/8/23 at 10:46pm

Hearing reports from tonight’s preview that Kritzer announced the end of the SAG-AFTRA strike onstage in her Lady of the Lake costume, in an ad-lib moment.

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.

#57SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/9/23 at 9:16am

I wonder if the SAG/AFTRA strike ending means Ethan Slater will have to miss any performances so he can finish filming the Wicked duology.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#58SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/9/23 at 9:34am

simplecactus said: "I also saw this over the weekend. The sets and costumes were giving me a community theatre feel and I thought it worked."

Interesting - I didn't think the community theatre feel worked at all for the physical design elements. For me, there's a difference between a minimalist approach to a show (the recent revival of Into the Woods and the long-running Chicago) and a show just looking outright cheap as dirt (Spamalot).

Spamalot is also inherently a huge broad musical comedy that demands spectacle to really make the material, especially the humor, work and shine. I think this production's cardboard-esque main castle unit set was a huge misstep, and one of the (many, many, many) reasons this production just fell flat as a pancake.


"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#59SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/9/23 at 9:36am

I was in the balcony and the guys behind me, two separate parties, were HA HA HAAA HAHA ing SO LOUD it was beyond annoying. Like the actors weren’t doing anything on stage and there’s was a HA HA HAH HAHAH. They were laughing at parts that weren’t even funny. I heard more of voices than I did the show. I get it’s funny and you’re enjoying yourself, but we don’t need an ear piercing loudest belly laugh in the theatre.

They sound like plants which are very common at a new or struggling show. There were several both times I saw New York New York and it was awkward AF.

KitKatBoy24 Profile Photo
#60SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/9/23 at 9:41am

KevinKlawitter said: "I wonder if the SAG/AFTRA strike ending means Ethan Slater will have to miss any performances so he can finish filming theWicked duology."

Apparently Wicked was only like 10 days away from finishing. Given the size of the role, I can imagine Ethan might’ve been wrapped already.

"In here, life is beautiful"

Voter Profile Photo
#61SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/9/23 at 10:22am

Sutton Ross said: "I was in the balcony and the guys behind me, two separate parties, were HA HA HAAA HAHA ing SO LOUD it was beyond annoying. Like the actors weren’t doing anything on stage and there’s was a HA HA HAH HAHAH. They were laughing at parts that weren’t even funny. I heard more of voices than I did the show. I get it’s funny and you’re enjoying yourself, but we don’t need an ear piercing loudest belly laugh in the theatre.

They sound like plants which are very common at a new or struggling show. There were several both times I saw New York New York and it was awkward AF.

I saw someone on Reddit mention that there is a superfan that sees the show as often as he can who is autistic and has a similar laugh. Might be the same guy.

There are like 3 other people called Voter on here, FYI. Deleted comment count: 12

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#62SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/9/23 at 11:07am

The person who commented specifically said two seperate groups of people and I spoke to the person at New York New York. So, nope.

#63SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/9/23 at 11:42am

BorisTomashevsky said: "Now I wonder if things don’t come as easily for him when there isn’t a fast-talking/fast-moving character to play. In the concert for PBS, it was the man himself visibly uncomfortable with the floor being his. With Arthur, there’s a requisite “slower” delivery, and standing still and reacting rather than being the thing that’s reacted TO."

I think your theory on James Monroe Iglehart rings true to me.  As the Genie, he was easily able to command the stage and bring a great charisma to the role, but as Arthur it seemed to me he was getting lost in the shuffle a lot.  I think he was generally adequate for the role, but he just didn't have the same outsized presence I was expecting.

Took a few friends who had varying experiences with Monty Python and none of whom knew the musical, but all enjoyed it a lot.  I've only seen a regional production of the show and while I've seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail, I wouldn't say I necessarily know their style super well, but I thought this was a fairly good production of the musical.

The main issue that bothered me was the sound (I was front mezzanine).  When there were only a couple people singing at once, it seemed fine, but a lot of the lyrics in the big group numbers got lost (like all the Camelot rhymes), and it was very difficult to hear soloists over the ensemble/orchestra in those songs as well.  Leslie Kritzer in particular really needed her mic turned up.

Christopher Fitzgerald probably got the biggest laughs from me, just with his delivery of the simplest lines, but I also liked Ethan Slater's performance a lot, as well as Leslie Kritzer (who would've been great if I could've heard her better).  Michael Urie seems to be the most in the vein of "British humor" but I don't know if he's just doing an imitation of the original Monty Python characters or if it's something that actually rings true to people.

For the resolution of finding the grail:

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When they go into the audience to retrieve the grail and congratulate the person whose seat was picked, it was pretty much impossible to see from the mezz at all (and I was only row C).  I doubt they'd do it, but it would be cool if they projected a live feed of the knights discovering the grail under the seat or whatever they usually do.


EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#64SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/9/23 at 11:50pm

I attended tonight’s preview. Full cast, John Bell conducting.

I had a nice time - it’s the performers that truly make this thing work and compensate for the iffy score and thin book. I, for one, quite liked Iglehart, in addition to Slater and Kritzer, who slipped in SAG-AFTRA once again during “Knights of the Round Table.”

How wonderful to hear Steve Martin as the voice of God!

TikTok replaces Michael Moore in “Not Dead Yet.” “We’ll make TikToks in the gore!” 

“I’m constantly replaced by Britney Spears…. or Lea Michele!!!

The message boards reference is out. BOOOOOOO!

The “GEORGE SANTOS” projection in the list of notable Jews during “You Won’t Succeed on Broadway” was my heartiest laugh of the evening. 

Set and costumes were lacking a bit; they could’ve used the upper echelon of the castle more. Direction and choreo were in solid shape but I feel they should have brought Casey N back on the team, maybe as a creative consultant of sorts. I wonder if he (or any of the original cast members) has seen this production yet.

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Tonight’s grail seat location was D101.

Stage door: every principal except Fitzgerald (wonderful second banana) and Kritzer came out. Not sure about a new cast recording, and their freeze day should prob be the day before they open. Marla Mindelle walked right by me as I was waiting. 

If you want to see Spamalot, go now. Not sure how long it’ll last, but it’s a fun show. Don’t think too hard, and look on the bright side of life!


Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.
Updated On: 11/10/23 at 11:50 PM

#65SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/12/23 at 4:08pm

I saw this Friday night, and we had a lovely evening! We were both familiar with the material from watching Monty Python growing up, and I also watched a touring production in NJ some years back. 

We sat Mezz Rear Left O 1, 3. Kinda tight and not the best view because of taller people in front of us in the next two rows. Got unlucky there. And as someone mentioned in a previous post, 

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it is impossible to see the grand reveal in the audience at the end. Friday night it was C101.

I pretty much enjoyed it all the whole way through, but for me, I realized this is the kind of show that once you've seen it once, it'll never be as funny as it was that time. That magic can't be recaptured. My partner, who had never seen it live, said he felt like Not Dead Yet was a little underwhelming/campy, but it steadily got better until Knights of the Round Table and then he was fully enjoying it.

We both really enjoyed Michael Urie's comedic chops. Ethan Slater was really good too, and there were several moments where I was making snarky jokes in my head over something that was happening on stage that related back to the cheating scandal. 

It seemed like the crowd was super into it and pumped! Lots of big reactions to the French Taunter + the joke between Arthur and Galahad, Percy in All Alone, You Won't Succeed on Broadway, and pretty much anything Lady of the Lake related (though I didn't always love her voice). I got the sense the audience really enjoyed it.

I'm curious about what Alex Brightman will do with the role, but I don't think I'm curious enough to go back and see it again. To me, this felt like a faithful revival and is a fun night out. 

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#66SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/12/23 at 4:20pm

I have to say that I'm happy to see Deidre Goodwin attached as asst. director and for Charlie Sutton attached as asst. choreographer.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

darquegk Profile Photo
#67SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/12/23 at 4:53pm

Is Lancelot's final line about "in a thousand years, this will still be controversial" still the same, and does it get much of a response? That's a line that seems like it was a throwaway in 2005 but a heavier hitter now.

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#68SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/12/23 at 4:54pm

darquegk said: "Is Lancelot's final line about "in a thousand years, this will still be controversial" still the same, and does it get much of a response? That's a line that seems like it was a throwaway in 2005 but a heavier hitter now."

Yes, and yes. 

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.

#69SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/12/23 at 5:47pm

So Eric Idle attended Spamalot last night, and beside praising the cast and crew, confirmed something that many of us had speculated.

"The intention is for this Company to tour North America after Broadway so you may get your chance!"

A lot of people have mentioned how the set pretty much looked "tour ready", and it seems like that may be the case!

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#70SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/12/23 at 6:28pm

SullyG said: "So Eric Idle attended Spamalot last night, and beside praising the cast and crew, confirmed something that many of us had speculated.

"The intention is for this Company to tour North America after Broadway so you may get your chance!"

A lot of people have mentioned how the set pretty much looked "tour ready", and it seems like that may be the case!

Figured. So the producers may just keep this open through the Tony Awards. Close it just before July 4 and then launch the tour in September 2024.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#71SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/13/23 at 11:19pm

Just got back from this tonight. Not gonna lie, I went in thinking "I've heard this is bad, but it's Spamalot... how awful can it be?" Turns out... pretty awful. Ya'll, this might be the worst thing I've seen on Broadway in several years. I found it to be embarrassingly bad. The whole thing felt like a stale stamp of the original production, but the ink has faded. I know they made like 5 script updates, but that wasn't enough to stop me from scratching my head throughout most of the night. Even so much of the staging felt directly lifted from the original production. Going in, I was in the camp of "nobody asked for a Spamalot revival, but I'm curious to see how the material has been re-interpreted." And I have to say that I was so disappointed that it felt like zero effort was put into this at all.

As for the cast, there was only one person who elevated the material for me... Taran Killam... the person with the limited run. He at least made some choices that felt semi-fresh. Everyone else was woefully bad. I know people on here have been touting Leslie Kritzer as one of the only good things about the show, but for me, she was probably one of the worst. I'm usually a HUGE fan of hers, but I found her to be so flat in this. The costumes look like they were made by Spirit Halloween, and the props (save for maybe the cow) felt really dull.

How did this transfer?  I have so many questions.

#72SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/13/23 at 11:28pm

Won the lottery for tonight. Seat was second row front mezz. Terrific view.

Had a long day and was really tired so figured I'd bail at intermission if I wasn't loving it. By the end of act one I wasn't remotely tempted to leave...good thing too because it only got better. The first act was good, but I loved the second.

Taran Killam was the standout to me and I thought he walked away with the whole thing. I usually like Leslie Kritzer, but I had no idea what she was doing in the first act. I thought she was hard to understand at times and wasn't nearly as funny as she seemed to think she was. She was better in Act Two though. I also thought Inglehart wasn't funny enough, or at all. He played it too straight. Everyone else was on their game though.

Also didn't love the set and cheesy projections at first, but by the second act I was enjoying it too much to care. So joyful and fun.

It seems like the thing to do, so

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tonight's grail seat was B101, and the guy who was in that seat, who was apparently French, was such a good sport, which made it that much more fun.


#73SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/15/23 at 7:48pm

I went last night and had a great time!  I sat in the rear mezzanine and had no issues hearing anything, though some people around me were complaining.  The only things I missed were some small bits that I couldn’t see from far away, and it was occasionally difficult to tell actors apart due to similar costuming.  

I saw the original production a couple years into its run and was a bit disappointed due to some lackluster performances, and enjoyed this production significantly more!  I found the entire cast to be incredibly strong, with standout performances from Kritzer, Killam, and Slater.  I also thought the set was very well done and found the use of projections to be quite effective.  Most of the audience seemed to be enjoying the show and was enthusiastic (though not obnoxiously so).

All in all, it was a fun show and I would see it again in a heartbeat (albeit from closer up)!  I can see it extending if they do some creative star casting for replacements.

quizking101 Profile Photo
#74SPAMALOT 2023 Previews
Posted: 11/15/23 at 11:24pm

Went again tonight via lotto - Row Q, Left Orchestra.

Tonight felt more…lethargic in some ways. I’m not sure if it was because it was a two show day, their last preview, or just missing that buzz from when I saw the first preview.

Killam was far and beyond the winning horse tonight - mugging, improvising, and delivering the laughs in all the right places. Urie also improved a little bit too, but the rest seemed either at par or a little under tonight. Iglehart continues to fade into the background and maybe this is not meant to be his “leading man” breakout. Kritzer didn’t nearly do as much adlibbing as last time and felt like there were many missed opportunities.

I hope it’s just a post-preview funk and that this isn’t the rhythm they’ve settled into.

Also, sitting further back - that set is an absolute crime. It wasn’t ideal up close, but seeing the whole picture, it looked like a basic high school set and I repeat my point that, for a show that’s being revived in a theatre that is LARGER THAN THE ONE WHERE THE ORIGINAL WAS, the lack of a scaled up set is inexcusable 

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