Featured Actor Joined: 3/8/22
QueenAlice said: "Why do the same insane people who aren't even at the show keep posting over and over about it?"
So we can't post unless we're literally in the theater while posting here?
QueenAlice said: "Why do the same insane people who aren't even at the show keep posting over and over about it?"
Or the people (read: person) who clearly hates this production chiming in every other minute bemoaning and obsessively liking their own posts to make it look like anyone cares or agrees?
Great question.
WiCkEDrOcKS said: "Or the people (read: person) who clearly hates this production "
Read: many, many people in this thread. Who love to discuss all details, also the ones that are less glorious, instead of just maniacally screaming "yass queen" at everything. The fact that you think that all of these people are 1 person is shockingly world-alienated. The real question is, why do these hollering yass queeners have complete meltdowns after each and every post that is even slightly critical? A few pages back someone gave an opinion about their concern of Nicole taking enough rest and they were attacked with aggressiveness beyond belief. Why do you think that is and why do people like you react on each and every one of the critiques with personal remarks and attacks? Never have I seen you respond with a content related argument on criticism of the show. Please refrain from that in the future. Thank you.
"Someone snuck their dog in with them (are service dogs allowed?)"
Service dogs don't bark unless it's part of their duties. If the dog barked it wasn't a service dog, it's a bad service dog, or its owner was about to have a medical emergency.
Seb28 said: "The real question is, why do these hollering yass queeners have complete meltdowns after each and every post that is even slightly critical?"
The only one having complete meltdowns in this thread is you (19+ posts nearly in a row; impressive). You and Lot666 should form a group for Defenders of the Great Lord Webber. He needs your support now more than ever, what with the wild desecration of his precious shows and all.
ColorTheHours048 said: "The only one having complete meltdowns in this thread is you
He needs your support now more than ever, what with the wild desecration of his precious shows and all."
Do you know the difference between a good discussion and a meltdown, such as constant personal attacks over opinions? If not, I would recommend you look into that.
In general, aside from the people who experience a complete identity crisis when reading a comment that doesn't fit their bubble, who obviously need support, this board needs support from more people who understand what discussions are. Dropping a personal, isolated, snark comment here and there that is not content-related is not it. Good discussions require multiple content-related posts.
ColorTheHours048 said: "Seb28 said: "The real question is, why do these hollering yass queeners have complete meltdowns after each and every post that is even slightly critical?"
The only one having complete meltdowns in this thread is you (19+ posts nearly in a row; impressive). You and Lot666 should form a group for Defenders of the Great Lord Webber. He needs your support now more than ever, what with the wild desecration of his precious shows and all."
What are you going on about?
Lot666 said: "What are you going on about?"
Don't worry about it Lot666, people like that don't know any better. They are completely devoid of character. You will never have anything that comes close to a discussion with them. There's just emptiness. A maniacal panic when being confronted with reason, facts and themselves.
Swing Joined: 3/17/09
Do you have anything content-related to add to this thread right now, Seb?
If not, please refrain from posting in the future. Thank you.
abcd12 said: "Do you have anything content-related to add to this thread, Seb?
If not, pleaserefrain from posting in the future. Thank you."
Definitely! All my posts aside from the reaction on this attacks are content-related. How would you describe yours?
Anyway, have more people seen or heard Rashidra Scott?
suzycat said: "Dog barked twice, no big deal.
How exhilarating to see Rashidra’s first performance! No one can do what Nicole can do but she gave a thrilling first performance, especially those last few minutes once Norma goes over the deep end. Brava!"
I was there. I thought I was going to be seeing Mandy, who I have seen before. Was surprised that Rashidra was listed for Norma in the program but was interested in her take on the material. I’m sorry to say that I did not love her. However, I was unaware this was her first performance and if that is the case, she did a perfectly adequate job. I think there may have been one or two line flubs but quickly corrected. With One Look and As if We Never Said Goodbye got the usual huge stop the show applause but as others have noted, it was a little unearned. In any case, I wish her well in any future performances that she does.
Ok since on Saturday I was posting with enormous tooth pain that led to a double root canal on Monday but now I'm back I can sort of appraise the production:
I thought the artificiality was the point. The whole production makes sense as a fever dream where Norma sees HERSELF as younger and beautiful. The constant screens re-inforce her vision. It's how she sees herself: young and hot, Max is young and hot too.
I feel like it worked bc one thing that's never made sense about the musical is how damned earnest all the ALW power ballads seem as a response to a movie that is deliberately cruel and ironic. Billy Wilder made you care about Norma by highlighting all the ways she's ridiculous. It's pathetic and sad. ALW power ballads are more "yasss queen" than pathetic and sad.
But by making it all so artifcial, and making Norma SO theatrical and performative, it kind of brought back the coldness that was so much a part of the original film.
That's my take anyway. That and Nicole's voice is ****ing amazing.