Swing Joined: 11/21/19
I just won a lottery seat - box seat, house right, partial view. Any insights into how partial the view is and how much I’d miss? Thanks!
Leading Actor Joined: 4/13/13
House right misses a bit but it’s probably not as bad as house left. I’m not sure where the seats are but I was house right and not as bad off as I expected I’d be.
You should be able to see the screen from the box. There tend to be 2 seats per row in the box and if you’re closer to the door curtain you might need a booster seat to be able to see.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
C4b2a3b said: "schubox said: "For those that have seen this, where do you think the best place to sit is between these two? I can grab a seat on my date for 3rd row Orch (B114) on the aisle or Row H (H114) in the mezz."
I always love sitting as close as possible, but you probably will be craning your neck up at B114. The screens are so big, H114 is probably more comfortable for your neck. If I were to see it again, I'd have a tough time choosing, but I think I'd go with H114.
Have fun! This was an amazing show."
Saw this last night and wanted to thank you for this advice. Really glad I went with the Mezz seat. Not only was it a lot cheaper it definitely seemed like the best option for sight lines between the two. I felt like I could see everything perfectly and was glad I was higher up and not only a few rows back. With the way this is staged I think seats in the last row of the mezz would still be amazing. Anyway, thanks again for the advice here.
I have no idea how Sarah Snook pulls this off every night. I was exhausted for her. It starts to overstay its welcome by the end, rendering the artists and audience worn out but, wow. This is one of those productions and performances that will enter into theatrical legend. It was quite an experience.
Sit mid orchestra and back, my neck was tired from looking up for the solid two hours.