Broadway Star Joined: 1/24/16
SO GLAD to see all the Spring Awakening love, especially with the Arden nomination and the Best Revival nomination!
Kind of shocked that Metcalf was nominated. I love her work, but she wasn't at her best in Misery. Nicola Walker deserved it more, but it wasn't meant to be, apparently.
An almost total shut-out for American Psycho is still a bit of a surprise, even with the lukewarm reviews -- if I was betting, I'd put it as most likely to post a closing notice (along with Tuck Everlasting).
Stand-by Joined: 6/13/14
Featured Actor Joined: 5/6/13
Wow! Lucky enough to have seen all of the nominees!
I had guessed an Audra snub for Carmen Cusack, which I'm not upset about. Audra was great but has 6 awards - this is a great recognition of Cusack's work.
Surprised only by Metcalf and Goulding. I was really hoping for Nicola Walker over Michelle Williams.
So happy for Cusack, Brightman, Simard, Erivo, Hilty, Houdyshell, and all the Hamilton performers.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/7/16
Featured Actor Joined: 9/14/15
I don't think Bright Star was deserving of this much love- best book, really?
So glad they didn't forget Spring Awakening! The only thing that could've made it better was if they threw it a nom for Krysta Rodriguez or Choreography, but the 3 it got is just terrific!
So happy for Hamilton. A little bummed Jasmine Cephas-Jones wasn't swept up in all the love, but breaking a nominations record (including being mentioned in all 4 acting categories - when has that last happened?) is more than enough.
Wow, only 3 noms for Fiddler. Is this the least amount of nominations for a Fiddler production ever?
Happy to about these particularly nominations:
--Laurie Metcalf - I LOVED her performance. at the time I hoped she would get nominated, but when there was no buzz about her, I totally lost hope.
--Bill Camp - same thing I said about Metcalf
--Richard Goulding - I personally would have picked Oliver Chris over Goulding, but I'm happy KC3 got another well-deserved acting nom
--VERY happy to see Chris Jackson's name come up. He is giving a very underrated performance IMO
--Happy surprise to see Brandon Victor Dixon as well. I found Porter's performance to be more raw, due to his solo number, but Dixon really held the show together in a strong way.
--ADRIENNE WARREN! I was NOT expecting that at all, but I think it's wonderful
--Spring Awakening and Michael Arden!
--Dames at Sea for choreography! I had hoped that might be the one they snag
Most interesting/upsetting snubs:
--Audra. I thought she deserved it over Cusack (please don't attack me verbally, I know many people love Cusack)
--Waitress for Best book - I haven't seen it yet, but it seems odd from an objective standpoint that it would get Best Musical and Score, but not book.
--Benjamin Walker - I personally preferred his fascinating performance over Brightman and Levi, but I'm happy for them anyway.
--Jennifer Hudson - I don't personally have an issue with this, but it's definitely a surprise!
Spencer Liff was ROBBED of a Choreography nomination.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/20/06
Nice for Randy Skinner to acknowledged for his work in DAMES AT SEA.
Featured Actor Joined: 10/21/15
woeisme3 said: "I don't think Bright Star was deserving of this much love- best book, really?"
I'm with you, there. Carmen Cusack, definitely. And I loved the music if I didn't listen to the lyrics. But I really thought the book was incredibly lazy (though some of the individual lines were sharp and delightful).
So nice to see Zachary Levi nominated!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/20/06
Only ONE nomination for ON YOUR FEET: Choreography
Seems like they really had it out for American Psycho.
How long until Christopher Fitzgerald is considered overdue?
Bummer about American Psycho. I'm a bit surprised they didn't throw a few more at On Your Feet considering how much they spread the love.
Alot of TOTAL shutouts this year, mostly on the play front:
- An Act of God
- China Doll
- Our Mother's Brief Affair
- Allegiance
- Amazing Grace
- Fool for Love
- Fully Committed
- The Gin Game
- Old Times
- Sylvia
If Spring Awakening were still open, based on the nominations it got, I would say it had a better chance at Best Revival than Fiddler.
Understudy Joined: 4/17/16
Still shocked over the Audra snub. I wonder if she had fewer or no Tony's, if it would've been the same case. Oh, well! Congrats to all the nominees!!
Count me in as surprised that Bright Star was nominated for Best Book. I fully expected Score, but virtually every mention of Bright Star that I've read has said that the book is predictable at best.
woeisme3 said: "I don't think Bright Star was deserving of this much love- best book, really?"
Totally agree. The book is the weakest part of that show and it actively kept me from loving Bright Star. I liked the show but really for the music and Carmen Cusack. I'm pretty surprised it got a best musical nomination.
vfd88 said: "If Spring Awakening were still open, based on the nominations it got, I would say it had a better chance at Best Revival than Fiddler.
Is Fiddler favored? I think She Loves Me has it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/9/15
Very happy for everything School of Rock, She Loves Me, and Noises Off were nominated for. As soon as I see Waitress and Shuffle Along, I will be able to form an opinion on those shows.
Kind of glad there wasn't any love for Tuck Everlasting.
quizking101 said: "Alot of TOTAL shutouts this year, mostly on the play front:
- An Act of God
- China Doll
- Our Mother's Brief Affair
- Allegiance
- Amazing Grace
- Fool for Love
- Fully Committed
- The Gin Game
- Old Times
- Sylvia"
I would actually say that's a pretty expected number of total shut-outs. I feel like there is always a sizable bunch. I believe there were 13 last year.
With Miranda and Odom Jr. both in the lead actor category, I wonder if this is going to be a repeat of the 1987 Tonys. Colm Wilkinson and Terrence Mann of Les Miserables were both in the lead actor category, and they split the vote. The Tony went to Robert Lindsay for Me and My Girl.