Having been a HUGE fan of the book, I loved all of the very dark tones of the story and thought after reading it that it would make an amazing film! Imagine my shock when I heard that it was being turned into a stage musical! I was able to see it at the third performance at the beginning of its extended engagement in Chicago, where I was lucky enough to meet Stephanie J. Block and Carol Kane afterwards and get their autographs. I managed to see the show close to thirty times through the lottery. My biggest observation and I guess disappointment is that most of the people that sat around me, would leave the theatre after Act One, because the show wasn't what they thought it was, they were expecting a stage musical of "The Wizard of Oz" and it didn't deliver. I am quasi looking forward to the film, I hated when they announced who the leads in the film would be, and now all of this upset from Ms. Erivo feeling disrespected by the true fans of the musical, makes no sense to me! The idea of splitting the film into two parts is a bad idea, and I am sure that the second half will be more of a letdown due to pace of the second act and whatever extra padding they will choose to add to the film to fill it out. I don't wish them well, but I'm not exactly chomping at the bit to see it on opening day either...
Updated On: 10/17/24 at 03:04 AM
Broadway Star Joined: 12/19/06
How is this offensive??? She really should seek out some therapy if she is offended by someone recreating the original poster. Maybe Ariana is offended they changed the way her hands are in the "offensive" poster. Crying wolf all the time makes things worse my dear...I am sure she doesn't care but she lost me with this one
Understudy Joined: 2/26/17
She has the right to be upset, just as we have the right to disagree. It is not right for someone to state that she needs to seek help for this. Come on!!!
It is like when you do your work, and someone comes behind you and says they can make it better or closer to the original. It might not have been done out of Malas; however, it was insensitive to have thought it would be okay to send it through AI because they didn't like the concept poster. Again, it was honoring the original Broadway poster, not a copy. Anyone in a similar situation would be upset about it too.
This is not the Broadway show, things will be changed. If you are not comfortable with this don't see it. It's okay to be a purist of the stage show. However, do not bring down a person who worked extremely hard on a piece for the masses to see.
It’s an innocuous piece of fan art created by somebody with absolutely no clout and very little following. How is doing this bringing anybody down? If anything, this is a celebrity punching down on a nobody.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
When one is a professional victim and grievance troll, anything anybody does brings them down.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/14/04
briankershawjr said: "It is like when you do your work, and someone comes behind you and says they can make it better or closer to the original. It might not have been done out of Malas; however, it was insensitive to have thought it would be okay to send it through AI because they didn't like the concept poster. Again, it was honoring the original Broadway poster, not a copy. Anyone in a similar situation would be upset about it too."
Pretty sure she didn't design the movie poster. I could understand the person who designed the poster getting upset about this, but she has taken personal offense to something that wasn't about her at all. Which is weird in and of itself, but it's the seriousness and depth of her offense that truly boggles the mind.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/12/14
Unless I'm mistaken, I think this is the original person that did the fan edit: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTF9r83wx/
As far as I can tell, it's not done by AI (and the AI mention in Cynthia's post is of a different incident). Besides, people make fan posters and edits for things like this all the time.
Understudy Joined: 2/26/17
You are 100% correct, she did not create the poster. However is involved with this project. This is what the Wicked team wanted, and if not they would have made it the way AI had done it. I know it is fun to fix something we think is wrong. Here's the catch, no one asked anyone to do so. This does not change, the right to do so. She alone can be upset by it and feel it is racist, without us defending the AI poster. Even Jon Chu liked her post. She has the right to say she thinks this is disgraceful and not honoring their vision for the poster. People behind the scenes work very hard to make the poster the way they want it. She is the film's Elphaba and has the right, like each of us to say we like or dislike something. We need to learn to agree to disagree, something we seem to not do and have not done for years.
Cynthia continues to be outrageous. I do find it very easy to separate the art from the artist and I think she is so talented/I want to see her in anything and everything so I won’t change my perception. But come on gurl this is too much. Are people not afraid to work with her now?
briankershawjr said: "You are 100% correct, she did not create the poster. However is involved with this project. This is what the Wicked team wanted, and if not they would have made it the way AI had done it. I know it is fun to fix something we think is wrong. Here's the catch, no one asked anyone to do so. This does not change, the right to do so. She alone can be upset by it and feel it is racist, without us defending the AI poster. Even Jon Chu liked her post. She has the right to say she thinks this is disgraceful and not honoring their vision for the poster. People behind the scenes work very hard to make the poster the way they want it. She is the film's Elphaba and has the right, like each of us to say we like or dislike something. We need to learn to agree to disagree, something we seem to not do and have not done for years."
Erivo has a right to feel or say whatever, but fans also have a right to create whatever work they wish using imagery from the film (within the legal limits of copyright)- and people on a message board have a right to criticize what a public figure has said. It's a two-way street and "agree to disagree" is meaningless in this situation. Celebrities generally don't waste their time criticizing fan-generated work because it's beneath them to do so- there's so much of it, and these creators are just average people and what they create has little bearing on anything, and negatively criticizing this stuff just creates the sense that fans are being dictated to in regards to how they should respond to a piece of media. The power dynamic is lopsided in favor of the celebrity here, and Erivo has chosen to use her sizable platform to shame some rando who decided to whip up a mediocre edit in Photoshop.
If Erivo is unprepared for fan culture, she chose a helluva property to step into.
Her "staring down the barrel of the camera" is so tone deaf, tacky, and honestly offensive considering all the actual warfare and violence facing people all over the world right now, not to mention the gun violence in the country she currently is working in. Updated On: 10/17/24 at 02:24 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
Now making the rounds: She likely hasn't seen this or it would have been the most offensive thing she's ever seen. Gatsby committing literal violence against Erivo and erasing her. (Not just her eyes! ALL of her!)
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/18/17
^ Jeremy Jordan was one of few I wanted for Fieryo.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/30/22
Ariana Grande is not just giving us the finger, but ALL FOUR fingers. I’m offended.
Updated On: 10/17/24 at 03:16 PMBroadway Legend Joined: 3/14/04
briankershawjr said: "She has the right to say she thinks this is disgraceful and not honoring their vision for the poster. People behind the scenes work very hard to make the poster the way they want it. She is the film's Elphaba and has the right, like each of us to say we like or dislike something."
I think you're missing the point - nobody would care that much if she was just defending the original artistic vision for the poster. It's the fact that she's clearly taking this as a personal affront to her as a human being. And she has a right to feel that way and express that view to the general public, but the general public has a right to say she's being ridiculous.
She has every right to express her ridiculous opinion, but, as far as I'm concerned, those defending her nonsense are just as bad, and some of them are trying to drag misogyny and racism into the conversation, which is even worse.
Updated On: 10/17/24 at 03:57 PMBroadway Star Joined: 6/16/17
Not gonna lie, I'm very entertained by the general public learning how insufferable Erivo can be on social media. It was very much a "if you know you know" thing.
chrishuyen said: "Unless I'm mistaken, I think this is the original person that did the fan edit:https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTF9r83wx/
As far as I can tell, it's not done by AI (and the AI mention in Cynthia's post is of a different incident). Besides, people make fan posters and edits for things like this all the time."
The "original person"'s answer to Cynthia's post made me lol...
Swing Joined: 1/4/22
I have to admit that when I first saw the film poster, I thought, "that doesn't look right" and when I went and looked for the Broadway illustration, realized the difference. I honestly prefer the fan re-creation. I think NOT seeing her eyes as well as seeing less of Galinda's face is more mysterious and looks better. Good job, fan!
Well nice to see she’s still a vile human.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/14/04
QueenTwinnied said: "Not gonna lie, I'm very entertained by the general public learning how insufferable Erivo can be on social media. It was very much a "if you know you know" thing."
Count me among them, I had no idea.
As a big fan of Wicked, I’m so turned off by her comments that I don’t even want to see the movie nor care for it anymore
I don’t think Cynthia Erivo is ready for the mass public exposure she is about to get. And I don’t think the mass public are ready for the exposure to Cynthia Erivo’s social media they are about to get. Get the popcorn out this going to be wild.