Math major with a theater minor, Masters in Theatre Management. Working as the finance manager for a major nonprofit theatre company in NYC.
I am an anomaly when it comes to nonperformers the theatre industry, in that I actually ended up doing exactly what my degree is in. It seems like everyone I have ever worked with fell into it after studying something else.
Math major with a theater minor, Masters in Theatre Management. Working as the finance manager for a major nonprofit theatre company in NYC.
I am an anomaly when it comes to nonperformers the theatre industry, in that I actually ended up doing exactly what my degree is in. It seems like everyone I have ever worked with fell into it after studying something else.
I majored in HISTORY at UCLA but never used that in my post graduate life...I have been:
a movie distribution person for 20TH CENTURY FOX
an assistant to a producer for the CURRAN THEATRE,SF
a marketing assistant for the SAN FRANCISCO BALLET
a hotel CONCIERGE...or as I say "CONCIERGE to the Stars!"...
a gay porn actor and gay magazine cover man is in there
but the Theatre remains my full time love...
Majored in psychology and minored in sociology.
Right now I'm trying to get into advocacy for women's rights!
I've always loved theatre (I went to almost all of my high school productions to watch) but it wasn't until Sweeney Todd came out as a movie (I have an obsession with Helena Bonham Carter) that I really started to get into it. It started out as a musical movie love until Les Mis came out and I discovered actual cast recordings. And then my obsession completely blew up and I've been listening to ONLY cast recordings ever since! It's actually funny because it wasn't until recently that I realized how in love with theatre I was back in high school. I guess I never had an outside form of it to push me more in the direction until I saw Sweeney in theaters.
People always wonder why I love theatre (because I'm in no way part of it except knowing how to play instruments) and I always describe it as "that one art form that touches my soul".
AKa I'm just an obsessed theatre loving audience member.
I have my B.A. in Communication Studies with my track in broadcasting.
Right now I am an actor, but want to do something else in the media field. I'm very interested in television. I did a lot of radio in college. Theater is a hobby though.
I am a behavior therapist at an early intervention autism therapy center. Very rewarding job!
BA in Theatre. Working in finance for a sports/entertainment agency. Spent a few decades working the stage door at a Big Time National Tour roadhouse.
I still can't believe stagedoor is now a verb...
My BA is in print journalism (I was in the last class at my university to receive a degree specifically in print journalism three years ago) with a minor in drama.
I work at my local chapter of a national nonprofit (I just started last month) and I will eventually be doing a combination of marketing and administrative work. Right now it's mostly administrative, but it's not our busy season yet. I spent the last three years working as a copy editor at a local newspaper, and the last six months I worked there I was the front page editor.
I did get to review a few shows that came through Providence when I was working for the paper, so that combined my major/minor a bit, and my first internship was at a different theater website, so that was pretty perfect at the time. Eventually I'd love to work at a regional theatre in marketing/publicity, though.
Currently studying for my BFA in Musical Theatre with a minor in Visual Journalism.
Working on my Theatre Performance Major, with a Minor in Musical Theatre. Adding on a Set Design concentration for my upcoming Sophomore year. Working as host ay my local Mexican restaurant. We got HUGE $3 margaritas for Happy Hour, so come join :) Hoping to get a job designing or performing in any kind of theatre in NYC when I'm done, horrified I won't :)
All of you guys have wonderful jobs and studying wonderful things! All of you should be proud :)
UCLA - B.A. Linguistics and Italian
Boston University - MSW and EdM
LC Social Worker in New York
I'm currently majoring in drama with hopes of transferring to a Musical Theatre program.
BS/MS in geology, working in environmental consulting. Rocks can get pretty theatrical once in a while :)
Majoring in Music Theatre and working towards my equity card :)
Understudy Joined: 11/2/13
BS in Computer Science and working as a computer programmer. Love theater, but strictly as an audience member.
promisespromises2, are you based in NYC or the immediately surrounding area?
BA in psychology, and a trial lawyer, having tried over 200 cases to verdict. Which means that from time to time I've been a producer, director, choreographer, press agent, video director, dramaturg and actor. Often in the same case.
Chorus Member Joined: 1/12/14
Studying mechanical engineering. Hoping to get a solid job and be able to pay for my theatre habit. :) I'm considering a minor in music if I can fit in the credits as well.
Updated On: 7/8/14 at 10:56 PM
Majoring in Communications, on the Advertising track. Minor in Theatre to get some goddamn culture in my life.
Updated On: 7/8/14 at 11:03 PM
Swing Joined: 2/15/14
Majoring in Entertainment and Arts Management with a focus in Theatre at Drexel University in Philly. And currently interning at FringeArts in the Programming Department working on their fall festival.
Hoping to move to New York after I graduate and get a job there. I'm not sure what I want to do yet, I just know I want to work in Theatre.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I haven't declared a major yet.
Namo, you're a major all right
If there's one thing I'd recommend to any of you guys still in school and obsessed with theater, it would be to PLEASE PLEASE consider taking a few courses in ANYTHING other than theater while you have the opportunity-- literature, history, sociology, psychology-- anything to make you a more knowledgable human being and a thinking member of the race.
No-one realizes till after graduation that they've let this golden opportunity to widen their minds slip through their fingers while they were busy (like I was) spending every spare minute at the theater arts building.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
And while you're working on your literature requirements, don't take easy poetry classes unless you are really really interested in poetry and feel an artistic pull in that direction. And never wear mauve to a ball.