I think a few days ago, Lin posted something about knowing what they're going to perform and having some work to do on it which makes me think they are doing a medley. We'll see...
Broadway Star Joined: 1/24/16
DramaTeach said: "I think a few days ago, Lin posted something about knowing what they're going to perform and having some work to do on it which makes me think they are doing a medley. We'll see...
David Korins also tweeted about it, so maybe they are figuring out how to stage a number without the turn tables, and how best to organize the set.
I still desperately want them to do Room Where It Happens, maybe just because I want an immortalized live version of that song with Leslie, as I loved it with the staging live, and it's my favorite song on the recording.
DramaTeach said: "I think a few days ago, Lin posted something about knowing what they're going to perform and having some work to do on it which makes me think they are doing a medley. We'll see..."
Maybe, but some of the songs suggested on here would require some re-working. "The Room Where It Happens" has the "Aaron Burr, sir" intro that would be cut for time and perhaps other cuts would be necessary. "Non-Stop" would definitely require cuts as well.
I hope Fiddler doesn't do "To Life" since they did it on the Thanksgiving Day Parade. I'd like to see something new from them. Maybe just let Danny do "If I Were a Rich Man."
I really would like to see Danielle Brooks showcased during The Color Purple's performance so maybe "Miss Celie's Pants" into "I'm Here?"
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/9/15
ray-andallthatjazz86 said: "DramaTeach said: "I think a few days ago, Lin posted something about knowing what they're going to perform and having some work to do on it which makes me think they are doing a medley. We'll see..."
Maybe, but some of the songs suggested on here would require some re-working. "The Room Where It Happens" has the "Aaron Burr, sir" intro that would be cut for time and perhaps other cuts would be necessary. "Non-Stop" would definitely require cuts as well.
Also I saw the headline of an article (although I admittedly didn't read the article itself) that James Corden hinted at a Hamilton-style rap battle with LMM. So he could be working on that as well.
Fingers crossed they don't do a medley.
Im hoping American Psycho gets to perform, same with On Your Feet because my God it looks like it will be a dull year.
So this is happening...
This could just be for the Late Late Show, but I'm gonna guess it's for the Tonys
AMERICAN PSYCHO is the most likely out of the non-nominated new musicals to perform. Even if it's just a 2 month number from the show.
Laura Benanti accidentally let it slip in her Facebook Live interview that she'll be performing in her pajamas at the Tonys, which means Vanilla Ice Cream.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
hedwigbway said: "So this is happening...
This could just be for the Late Late Show, but I'm gonna guess it's for the Tonys"
Yes! So happy.
hedwigbway said: "So this is happening...
This could just be for the Late Late Show, but I'm gonna guess it's for the Tonys
I wonder if this is for the Tonys if it will wind up being a bit that goes further than Lin and we'll see other nominees doing carpool karaoke. I'd love Laura Benanti, Steve Martin & Edie Brickell, Danielle Brooks, Sara Bareilles, Jennifer Simard, Jessie Mueller, Megan Hilty, Andrea Martin, Jessica Lange, Danny Burstein or Cynthia Erivo to get in on the action.
Or possibly get some presenters involved if they have fun folks like Harvey Firestien and Liza committed. I haven't heard much about presenters yet.
Laura riding shot gun, Patti in the back and the three of them driving down 42nd St singing Together Wherever We Go???
"...Laura riding shot gun, Patti in the back..."
Patti in the back? Yeah, right.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/24/16
I think if we had Sara, Jessie, Keala, and Kimiko in one, it would be amazing. I'd love to see Laura Benanti in one, either by herself or with Levi/Krakowski/Creel.
CindersGolightly said: "Laura Benanti accidentally let it slip in her Facebook Live interview that she'll be performing in her pajamas at the Tonys, which means Vanilla Ice Cream.
Or Where's My Shoe? Or a medley maybe because OTTC did a medley last year so it wouldn't be surprising.
Where's My Shoe is also a possibility! I'd assume no matter what they do, it'll be a medley to include Jane as well as Laura and Zach.
gregnyc2 said:
"Whatever chosen, CBS is going to hold the Hamilton number until later in the evenin. To hold the channel changers right? Is there a practical consideration of how many costumes to lug over? Or the army of seat fillers needed when a lotta people have to get up and get into corsets or button a lot of buttons?
The army of seat fillers? For those having to button a lot of buttons? Besides the show's content, what part of its performance logistics will be new? Some people have seem to forgotten that not every thing Hamilton has done is novel. For starters, not the first show to have an ensemble or (possibly) perform an ensemble number at the Tonys. Not the first show to have costumes. Don't even have to look very far, it was all done in 2015 with The King and I's Tony performance. Remember Kelli's grand costume change, intricate authentic costumes, and huge ensemble that gave a flawless performance. And with children, too!
Waitress: I loved What's Inside leading up to Opening Up on the Sara Bareilles concept album but was slightly disappointed by it live (might have been because I was so used to Sara) but if they clean it up then it would be a great Tony number. Or of course Jessie's solo, She Used to Be Mine! Anyone think they'll do a part of "Never Getting Rid of Me" to showcase Christopher Fitzgerald?
Shuffle Along: I would LOVE to see the Train Station tap number or the 'tap off' between Chocolate Dandies and the Miller and Lyles show that I can't remember the name of. As for a singing number, I think the second to last song about how the world won't remember the 4 creators (sorry, I saw the show in previews and there wasn't a song list) would be appropriate to air at the Tonys (and showcase all the snubs! hah!) but for a lighter number I'd go with Broadway Blues.
Hamilton: I really don't care which number they perform because no matter what they'll trend on twitter and create quite the stir, for good reason
Broadway Star Joined: 12/2/06
seahag2 said: "gregnyc2 said:
"Whatever chosen, CBS is going to hold the Hamilton number until later in the evenin. To hold the channel changers right? Is there a practical consideration of how many costumes to lug over? Or the army of seat fillers needed when a lotta people have to get up and get into corsets or button a lot of buttons?
The army of seat fillers? For those having to button a lot of buttons? Besides the show's content, what part of its performance logistics will be new? Some people have seem to forgotten that not every thing Hamilton has done is novel. For starters, not the first show to have an ensemble or (possibly) perform an ensemble number at the Tonys. Not the first show to have costumes. Don't even have to look very far, it was all done in 2015 with The King and I's Tony performance. Remember Kelli's grand costume change, intricate authentic costumes, and huge ensemble that gave a flawless performance. And with children, too!"
Not to mention that the only cast members who get to sit in the audience and view the Tonys are those who are nominated, so only a max of 7 seat fillers will be needed. The rest of the ensemble get bussed over to perform.
Understudy Joined: 12/30/14
I'd be very surprised if Hamilton didn't do "Non-Stop." It features the entire cast, and shows the viewing audience exactly what historical figures these minority actors are portraying; it leads to a big climax; and it's a mix of rapping and singing (Remember, producer Jeffrey Seller thinks that IN THE HEIGHTS's run was slightly curtailed by it being advertised as "the rap show"]. It tells the audience exactly what to expect at Hamilton.
Updated On: 5/19/16 at 09:29 AMSwing Joined: 5/6/13
Agreed!!! I hope this is the number they do as well!
Stand-by Joined: 4/27/16
GroupAGroup1 said: "I'd be very surprised if Hamilton didn't do "Non-Stop." It features the entire cast, and shows the viewing audience exactly what historical figures these minority actors are portraying; it leads to a big climax; and it's a mix of rapping and singing (Remember, producer Jeffrey Seller thinks that IN THE HEIGHTS's run was slightly curtailed by it being advertised as "the rap show"]. It tells the audience exactly what to expect at Hamilton.
Non-Stop would be perfect.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/7/16
I like non-stop and would be fine if they did it but it doesn't have the entire cast. Daveed Diggs, Oak, and Anthony Ramos aren't in it. And then of course the King but he doesn't matter as much. I'm fine if they perform it though.
Is it true that they originally wanted to do Schuyler Sisters at the Grammys? Maybe they'll do that at The Tonys then.
School of Rock will do Stick it to the Man i think
I think Waitress will do Bad Idea or She Used to be Mine
Shuffle Along should do Broadway Blues and Fiddler will probably do To Life
Color Purple will either do I'm Here or The Color Purple
Haven't seen the others so I'm not sure....
I'll think about the others..
Leading Actor Joined: 6/23/14
GreenSharpie said: "ChiTheaterFan said: "I don't remember which song it was, but I hope spring awakening does the one that was in the dark with the finger lights."
This would be interesting since the song and scene you are talking about is all about masturbation!
Since the Tony producers tried to prevent "Fun Home" from doing "Ring of Keys" last year and it went on to become a --or the -- highlight of the broadcast, I wonder what they'd think about this one.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
Daveed, Oak and Anthony all got substantial parts in the Grammy performance compared to people like Renee and only Daveed out of that group is nominated for a Tony.
I agree, I hope they do Non-Stop. It features the most cast members except the opening and the opening would be a major letdown after everyone has already seen it.
Did they really try to stop the Ring of Keys performance?
I don't know.... how could they not do The Schuyler Sisters? With lyrics like "history is happening in Manhattan and we just happen to be in the greatest city in the world, " it's like it was written for the Hamilton mania and performing at the Tonys. At least put it in as part of the opening number or something!