Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
They might just have been doing Wait For It and It's Quiet Uptown for vocal warm-ups before rehearsing the actual number. Leslie said we'd find out soon apparently.
Updated On: 5/28/16 at 08:40 AM
They were also rehearsing helpless and satisfied in that video.
Yeah, they were doing a put in with the understudies to Helpless and Satisfied. But the other songs they did weren't understudy-related.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/29/08
I was at Bright Star on Thursday night and at the stagedoor, one of their cast members said she *thinks* they are doing the opening number, "If You Knew My Story" because it showcased Carmen and the entire cast is in it.
Updated On: 5/28/16 at 11:04 AMBroadway Legend Joined: 6/9/15
Whatever Hamilton performs, it looks like it will include all the nominees except Groff.
Glad to see that Danielle Brooks will be performing along with Erivo for the Color Purple.
Shuffle along (which I'm finally seeing TONIGHT after having to reschedule twice) will be something with Brandon Victor Dixson so I'll be speculating tonight on what that is. (BWW says Adrienne Warren but the CBS release doesn't say anything about her performing.)
With Benanti, Levi, and Kraskowski all performing, I'm guessing She Loves Me will be a medley.
@ChiTheaterFan... it's interesting and notable that they left out Groff, but I was just getting the impression that CBS was listing the Tony nominees from each show in the interest of comprehensiveness. I'd LOVE for Danielle Brooks and Christopher Fitzgerald to perform, but... we'll see. (I'm hoping Shuffle Along does their opening number which features everyone, so that one's a wash.)
So Gloria Estefan will be performing with the cast of ON YOUR FEET! I guess it'll be a Greatest Hits medley duet with Ana Villafañe featuring the show's on stage band that includes original members of the Miami Sound Machine? Or it'll be the curtain call remix that features the cast then Gloria coming on to duet with Ana as a tag-on at the end?
We shall see, little man.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/9/15
JudyDenmark said: " I was just getting the impression that CBS was listing the Tony nominees from each show in the interest of comprehensiveness. "
They didn't list Adrienne Warren either, and she is nominated. (BWW did but CBS didn't.) Maybe each show supplied its own list (which for some show may be performers and for others may be all nominees?). Well either way we don't have much longer to wait!!
I'd imagine THE COLOR PURPLE will do "I'm Here" & "The Color Purple" to feature Erivo, Brooks & the amazing ensemble.
Understudy Joined: 4/17/16
I saw on Adrienne Warren's Instagram that she was at Tony Rehearsals yesterday.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/2/14
So I'm guessing we won't be seeing Jen Simard? I was really hoping she would get a slot.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/31/15
There would be little point in the producers of Disaster paying for a performance from her, when the show is closed and only got one nomination (which they are unlikely to win).
Stand-by Joined: 11/8/13
Last year at this time we'd already been given a rundown of which shows are performing what. Why the holdup? If its because they are trying to keep the Hamilton number a secret it's not working, because Ive seen 3 pictures showing that they're doing "Yorktown" (the biggest give-away being one of all them in tech at the beacon on stage with them holding muskets.)
Are there any other performances we know for sure of/ will anyone be able to give us a rundown after the dress tomorrow morning?
wow thanks for the spoiler
Leading Actor Joined: 10/13/11
There was a video on playbill, don't have the link but I think Adam kantor tweeted it, that said Fiddler was doing sunrise sunset with an excerpt of the wedding dance sequence.
Looks like we'll be seeing two Kings tomorrow night at the Tonys.
Sounds like Waitress is going to do a medley that includes a group number like "Opening Up" and a duet of "She Used to Be Mine" by Jessie & Sara Bareilles which will be beautiful I'm sure.
I hope Bright Star doesn't do "Sun is Gonna Shine" because they've used that quite a bit for promo and I don't think it's effective enough. Someone above mentioned "If You Knew My Story" which is okay but I don't think it's exciting enough to entice ticket buyers. It's important to showcase Carmen's beautiful voice but I've been thinking that getting "Whoa Mama" in there could spark some excitement. It's catchy and fun and gives people a nice dose of Bluegrass, and Paul Nolan's biceps. I'm assuming Steve Martin will be playing a banjo on whatever song(s) they perform.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/14/15
So far, what I've gathered...
Hamilton- A medley, apparently including Yorktown
Shuffle Along- All the leads are performing so assuming they're doing the opening number
Waitress- She Used to be Mine/something else
School of Rock- You're in the Band
Bright Star- If You Knew My Story
The Color Purple- I'm Here/The Color Purple (Reprise)
Fiddler on the Roof- Sunrise, Sunset/Wedding Dance
She Loves Me- Vanilla Ice Cream/something with Zachary/something with Jane
No clue about Spring Awakening or On Your Feet! but wild guesses are Conga/Touch Me.
This Reidel article claims that Shuffle Along is going big on the tap and the performance will include I'm Just Wild About Harry. He also talks about placement and during which hour of the broadcast certain shows will perform.
woeisme3 said: "No clue about Spring Awakening"
Per Sandra Mae Frank's Instagram, they're definitely doing Mama Who Bore Me, I assume as part of a broader medley. (Which I hope ends with The Song of Purple Summer - that would be gorgeous.)
I think it would be beautiful if Bright star did medley of Way Back in the Day and I can't wait.
Understudy Joined: 3/29/16
As much as I love She Used To Be Mine, I'm kinda hoping they do something different.
Songs like What's Inside/Opening Up, both the intro and finale, are fine because they show off the main cast and are energetic, but most people probably know those songs by now. I think When He Sees Me would be a great song assuming that Kimiko Glenn could be an audience booster (it's one of my favorite songs off the recording and OITNB has a huge audience).
Other songs I'd like to see would be Everything Changes or Bad Idea. Everything Changes is just a beautiful and uplifting song, I've yet to be a parent and that song gets to me. You don't even have to be a parent to find that song relatable and inspiring, though. Bad Idea has a great arrangement, Drew Gehling is appealing and charming, the song is scandalous and funny( sure not as funny as Ogie's songs but still!)
I'll be more than happy with whatever the cast of Waitress end up performing though! :)
What do ya'll think this years nominees will perform? Also what shows which aren't nominated do you think will make it on the telecast?
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/30/08
It costs serious money to perform at the Tonys so shows that aren't nominated have to do a cost/benefit analysis. If the TV ratings for the award show aren't stellar, it may not be worth it.
I'm going to predict that War Paint will perform "face to face" to celebrate the ladies and keep the momentum of their strong box office going. I'm sure David Stone could afford it.