
Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since- Page 2

Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since

Play  Esq. Profile Photo
Play Esq.
#25Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/19/14 at 11:18pm

Paulo Szot: lots of opera nationally and in Europe. His star went up, ironically, after he was in a hit musical.

ShakinBaconGirl Profile Photo
#26Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/19/14 at 11:20pm

"he won't ever be on Broadway again due to the vocal injury he sustained"

Was his vocal injury really that serious that he will never fully recover and get back on Broadway?

#27Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/19/14 at 11:26pm

Kazee has been doing concerts, and I believe was at 54 Below. This was after his time in Once was over. If that's the case, then I don't think that his vocal injury was as bad as some in this thread are making it out to be. Yes, Glen Hansard's songs are very range-y and not easy to sing. Considering that Kazee did the show off Broadway and then Broadway for awhile, it wouldn't surprise me that his voice gave out after all that time.

Fun Once tidbit, speaking of the songs being hard to sing, Glen Hansard wasn't originally slated to act in the film, he was, however brought on to write the songs. However, when the actor they originally cast as Guy couldn't sing the songs correctly, they had Hansard play the part.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#28Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/19/14 at 11:39pm

Yeah. He still does concerts and all that, but I read in an interview last year that the Broadway, eight shows a week schedule was too much for his voice after the injury, and he was at risk of hemorrhaging a vocal cord.

Updated On: 8/19/14 at 11:39 PM

thirtythirtyninety Profile Photo
#29Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/20/14 at 12:02am

Cillian Murphy was supposed to play Guy in the ONCE film, but it obviously didn't work out.

#30Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/20/14 at 12:52am

What about Levi Kreis for Million Dollar Quartet? I just read about him on Wikipedia but I don't think he's been back to Broadway since? It's only been 4 years since, but still.

brettarnett Profile Photo
#31Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/20/14 at 12:53am

Levi Kreis kind of came out of nowhere and won the Tony in 2010, then virtually disappeared from the Theatre scene until he appeared again this year as a replacement in Violet.

edit: Granted he does have a recording career.
Updated On: 8/20/14 at 12:53 AM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#32Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/20/14 at 8:20am

Michael Maguire

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Wickedmonkey332 Profile Photo
#33Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/20/14 at 8:38am

In addition to Violet, Levi was in Smokey Joe's Cafe at Arena Stage in DC.

#34Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/20/14 at 9:32am

Stephanie D'Abruzzo. Oh wait, she didn't win. Whatever happened to her though

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#35Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/20/14 at 10:32am

John Lloyd Young (other than return engagements as Frankie Valli)

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

The Other One
#36Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/20/14 at 11:59am

Robert Lindsay, Frances Ruffelle, Ron Leibman, Viola Davis, Eddie Redmayne

Updated On: 8/20/14 at 11:59 AM

MaddieBB12 Profile Photo
#37Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/20/14 at 6:11pm

^The last two do have big movie careers now, and Redmayne did do the LES MIS film.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#38Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/20/14 at 6:14pm

Stephanie D'Abruzzo, though she has not performed on Broadway since Avenue Q, has done theatrical work elsewhere. She also is a puppeteer on Sesame Street, so I imagine that's her primary work at the moment.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

jpbran Profile Photo
#39Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/20/14 at 7:07pm

Didn't Sara Ramirez flee to TV after winning for Spamalot? Any stage-work since?

#40Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/20/14 at 8:32pm

Robert Lindsay is currently starring in the West End production of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#41Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/20/14 at 10:51pm

Sara Ramirez is the first person who came to mind. Heather Headley too, although she has a music career.

"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

Horton Profile Photo
#42Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/20/14 at 11:05pm

"Top billing Monday, Tuesday you're touring in stock..."

#43Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/21/14 at 8:41am

Stephanie did not win the Tony for Q.

Christian Hoff? Excepting his brief stint in Pal Joey.

Replacement Cast Profile Photo
Replacement Cast
#44Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/21/14 at 3:05pm

Brian Backer "The Floating Lightbulb"

Nice is different than good.

Broadwayhunk Profile Photo
#45Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/21/14 at 4:07pm

Poor old Barbra Streisand - after winning hers in 1970, she hasn't trod the Broadway boards since. Not sure whatever happened to her.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#46Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/21/14 at 4:38pm

No, Sara left as soon as ABC offered her a role on any television show they had. She chose Grey's Anatomy and never looked back.

Updated On: 8/21/14 at 04:38 PM

#47Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/21/14 at 4:52pm

Scott Waara owns this thread. He won the Tony for playing Herman in THE MOST FELLA in 1992 and then retired from acting.

elphaba.scares.me Profile Photo
#48Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/22/14 at 12:43am

Stephanie D'Abruzzo (yes, I know she didn't win) works constantly. So does Heather Headley...she does exactly what she wants to do.

Threads like this make me wonder if some posters really understand what it's like to live the life of an actor. There are about ten people who jump from one Broadway show to the next; the rest of the industry can spend years in between doing good solid work across the country/around the world. Or pop up on TV/in movies in small roles that pay the equivalent of a month's Broadway salary. Such is the life of an actor.

Oh, and those TV and film roles have the power to raise an actor's profile and make them more of a hot commodity in the theatre. I promise that Headley, Ramirez, and several others mentioned in this thread have turned down a lot of Broadway jobs to keep doing what they're doing.

AC126748 Profile Photo
#49Won The Tony, Hasn't Performed Since
Posted: 8/22/14 at 9:47am

but I read in an interview last year that the Broadway, eight shows a week schedule was too much for his voice after the injury, and he was at risk of hemorrhaging a vocal cord.

This is a case of selective reading. Take a look at the quote, particularly the bolded portion:

Ultimately, I could have vocally done the show, but I really would have run the risk of doing serious damage, doing that particular role eight times a week. I did it for a year and a half and had zero vocal problems. It just so happens that it's a muscle like everything else and it gets tired and overworked.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body
Updated On: 8/22/14 at 09:47 AM
